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Communists should be hanged.


I like this movie because there was Louis CK.

Is it a leftie movie though? I haven't seen it, it might be more balanced than Cred Forumsacks give it credit for

McCarthy was right.

every political organization in during the cold war had KGB agents as members. For the cold war was entirely ideological due to mutually assured destruction ensuring a complete end to conventional warfare.

Why does Hollywood still get butthurt over this? Most of them weren't even alive.

USA claims to be better and above all those "other places" yet in actuality is worse than any third world totalitarian dictatorship should you catch the eye for the fucking US gestapo.

Stop claiming to be "land of the free" and all that just. Just come out and say... Yes, we are founded by a bunch of religious extremists, on the basis on genocide, yes we are built and enriched through systematic racial slavery.. yes we have been at a state of war for 90+% of our history.. Yes, we foment coups and strife all over the world, yes we fund terrorism all over the world..


>Yes, we are founded by a bunch of religious extremists
Yeah which is why the fucking constitution garantees seperation of church and state plus religeous freedom you retard

Stay mad bleeding heart pussy boy


>inb4 t. cuck

USA has never been on the right side of history at any point of it's brief existence.

Sorry that facts and reality tend to have a distinct "left" bias. We all know the US is a utterly post factual society anyway.

Hangings are cliche, we can do so much better

>right side of history

>abloo abloo the USA hurt nigger and dune coons feelings :(
>waah waah the usa isn't a communist country

No country has ever been on the right side of history.

>we are founded by a bunch of religious extremists, on the basis on genocide, yes we are built and enriched through systematic racial slavery.. yes we have been at a state of war for 90+% of our history.. Yes, we foment coups and strife all over the world, yes we fund terrorism all over the world..

wtf I love America now

Where do you fall into this equation anyway? Not like you're a leader, selling shit and living high. You're just a brainwashed little pud who hate niggers. This isn't some quantum entanglement, fuck boy, you can't both be and not be at the same time. Pick one. US logic is like a 101 course in hypocrisy. "Land of the free" .. mean while, largest prison population of any place in history, by far. Makes fucking sense.

t. Swede

separation of church and state just means the state can't touch religion. Which means religious organizations can do whatever they want.

>America not being a racist state at the same time.

>largest prison population of any place in history, by far. Makes fucking sense.

Its literally because of niggers you retard.

It also means religion can't touch the state


How do you feel about banning a certain religion from your country?

Why do kids in your schools be forced to pledge to a flag under god every single day for 18 years? Sounds like some third world indoctrination brainwashing bullshit to me.

If you actually learn history you would know the US was founded by the scum of the scum of Europe. All the people who were too extreme and sick for even Europe during it's fucking dark ages. And that's what the US is.. a collection of all the scum and shit from all over the world. With it's policy to intentionally brain drain the whole fucking planet is the only way the place keeps ticking anyway. God knows other than the tiny class of rich people no one else is properly educated in that country.


But individual citizens with religious beliefs can :^)


look at these buttmad commies not clapping lmao

Epik meme my friend
have le upboat to you le good gentlesir *tips fedora*

This. He is often ridiculed but history vindicated him.

Yes, old people wear diapers. When you meet some old people you will learn this. They smell like shit. It's hard not to gag, but you must try to be polite.

USA needs to legalize the right to die. Fucking pets have more rights in that way than people do in the US.

>If you actually learn history you would know the US was founded by the scum of the scum of Europe. All the people who were too extreme and sick for even Europe during it's fucking dark ages
>the US was founded in the dark ages
>the dark ages
>if you actually learn history

The fucking irony

This Swedish faggot is so fucking mad lmao

Right. And so was J Edgar Hoover.

Two shining examples of American exceptionalism.

Great men. America's gift to the world!

Look on a weep all you "lesser" nations and lesser peoples..

i heard you guys were talking shit

Where did uncle Sam touch you?

I didn't say they came over during the dark ages, I said that is their mentality. They were too extreme for Europe at the time.. left over scum from the dark ages.

What's the matter, Ameriscum, you don't know what Puritan is? You don't know what kind of looney scum founded your great country?

It means the Federal government (not State governments) can't have an official church. That's it.

Puritanism isn't medieval in any sense of the word.

I think I understand why liberal criticism is hollow. It only offers self flagellation as a solution to social competition on the world stage

>people who were too extreme and sick for even Europe during it's fucking dark ages

Burning women alive for sorcery sounds either like "modern" Saudi Dog Arabs or pretty much Medieval to me.

Liberals (US) are the mos ineffectual scum in the world. Seriously, these people are.. deserving of punches to the face. Liberals are horrible.

But US is just loony tune land. You see "liberals" every where you look. If someone isn't quite right wing or fascist enough, oh my god, they must be a liberal. Side effect of illiteracy I imagine.

Truly the Puritans (who didn't burn any witches, btw) were outdated dinosaurs in a progressive, modern era

how dare they defend their way of life?


There is literally nothing wrong with communism, stay working for the profit of the 1% rather than for the profit of everyone. Capitalism is the most cucked system out there, grind away all day for your boss to take away everything you've made for coke and whores, leaving you with the scraps.

>It's a witchhunt. They weren't even communists. Communism is awful, but they weren't communists.

>It was a witchunt. They were communists, but that's ok. Communism is great.

>Everyone works for pennies in McDonalds like me
Should've got a real degree, too bad nobody hires graduates in sociology.

Puritanism and witch-burnings became a force in the "modern" era, yes.


Though it's not even the 1%. Most of the 1% are still working class.. they are lawyers and doctors and whatnot. It's 1% of the 1%. 1 family, the Walton's (Walmart) has the same wealth as the poorest 45% of the US population.

Globally less than 70 people have the same wealth as the poorest 3,500,000,000 people, half the world's population.

Not that the USSR was even communist.

The best way to get whites to vote against their own interests in the USA is to make it about race. Nothing can stop hate whites have for niggers, am I right?

Enjoy enslavement to debt

Trumbo was a cunt. Cranston is a cunt. Everybody involved with this piece of shit commie apologia needs to be executed.

This. I've never understood why Amerifats flail about trying to defend the rights of the aristocrats who demonstrably hate them.

>b-but maybe if I work really, really hard, I'll be one of the elite too
Haha no.

I have no debt :)

Cred Forums is filled with commies.
surprise surprise.

>USA is finally getting what it's due and there's no way out.

This is what you get for being a bunch of insecure faggots who put stock in retarded shit like the "Domino Theory." It's pretty amazing how less the world would be fucked right now if Eisenhower was just a little bit smarter.

Brainwashed to worship money and rich people.

Myths of "American dream" and "self made" and all that.

Meanwhile the US is a total inheritance society, always has been, and total nepotist shithole. Meritocracy is an utter myth in the US.

They worship rich people and money. It's how they are indoctrinated from fucking birth. This partially explains why a rich kid financial criminal like Trump could have any popularity what so ever.. Then again the system is so fucking broken, and political criminal scum like Hilary aren't exactly a great alternative.

great thread lads

Unless you own your own business then someone is exploiting your work for their own gain.

Trumbo wasn't a KGB agent, though. He was a communist, but a "loyal" communist. It's kind of like how the US military had tons of guys with fascist leanings during WWII but still fought against the Nazis.

No such thing as a loyal communist

>There is literally nothing wrong with communism

There is nothing wrong with it in theory, but in practice it never works. If you're comparing ideals, then of course communism beats capitalism every time. But in reality, capitalism works much better because it's easier to curb its excesses.

I'm not saying that communism can never work, but unless we find some way to make people not be fundamentally greedy and make them care about their entire nation as much as they do for their close family members, it's just a pipe dream.

I think the real point that these cuck fucks just can not get through their head is the hypocrisy of the US mythology..

They claim to be so much better and more free and all that than everyone else... in reality, in practice.. they are just as bad, if not worse.

They talk shit about the media in other places being rigged or biased, while they ignore all the bullshit which goes on in this own country.

I thought the US was the land of the free and you have no censorship and all that? What happened? Thought crime?

Plenty of people disagree
like Hillary Clinton

It's not funny if its fuck long, op, keep it short.

Communism has never been done on that level. Just socialism.

And you can not over look outside factors in why it can fail... ie an aggressive US empire doing everything in it's power to make sure that it does.

If you want to see what socialism or communism might look like then look at something like a Kibbutz or better yet... look at autonomous regions in Spain, like in Basque country where they have this thing called Mondrigon (spelling?). It's a giant worker owned company in an independent region. While the country ate shit during the crash, everyone over there was doing just fine.

>I thought the US was the land of the free and you have no censorship and all that? What happened? Thought crime?

It's supposed to be the land of the free with no censorship. The insanity of McCarthyism is almost universally condemned today.

>They claim to be so much better and more free and all that than everyone else... in reality, in practice.. they are just as bad, if not worse.

Whether you like America or not, you can't deny that free speech is generally protected here far more than it is in other countries. Just look at hate speech laws:

>deny the Holocaust in Germany, get arrested
>deny the Holocaust in America, nothing happens to you
>tweet something racist in the UK, get arrested
>tweet something racist in America, nothing happens to you

>Defends blacklisting because they're a patriotic American
>Fails to see the irony which is probably also related to being a patriotic American

THere was barely anything about his political views, more about how he was fucking up his own life via his job.

Do you hate white people?


Even in the 1920s - where there was some vague hope that by being educated you could achieve success - the US was plagued with issues about old money hating anyone who wasn't part of the already established elite. People who think it's changed for the better since then are deluded.

>They worship rich people and money.
When you're raised from birth with the association that rich implies someone not only worked for their money but deserves it, it's easy to see why so many Americans cling to celebrity culture.

Context is everything. Tweet something racist in the USA and you are just fine.. but tweet something anti-police, angry enough and with enough views, and expect your door to be kicked in by tomorrow morning.

People get arrested over social media posts in the US all the time as well..

Also getting arrested in a place like Germany is nothing like in the US. US has long sentences in fucking torture dungeons they call prisons.. with solitary confinement and all prison rape and al that. Sentences in Germany are short and the prisons there look like resorts compared to the quality of life of poor Americans.

>And you can not over look outside factors in why it can fail... ie an aggressive US empire doing everything in it's power to make sure that it does

Liberalism had aggressive empires doing everything in their power to make it fail, but it still pulled through because it's a fundamentally sound ideology. You can't just blame communism's failures on the Evil American Empire (although I know it's an easy scapegoat for leftists). The Soviet Union received tons of private investment and assistance from American businessmen in the 1920s, and Richard Nixon opened relations with China in the 70s.

>If you want to see what socialism or communism might look like then look at something like a Kibbutz or better yet... look at autonomous regions in Spain, like in Basque country where they have this thing called Mondrigon (spelling?

Mondragon is a worker co-op, not a communist state. It still exists in a capitalist system.

I am white.

This is true. From the post ww2 up until the late 70's the USA was easily the best country in the world to be a citizen... so long as you were white and male. If you were white and male, the USA was the fucking best place ever during that time. Those days are long over. Credit has replaced living wages.

>tweet something anti-police, angry enough and with enough views, and expect your door to be kicked in by tomorrow morning
Do eurocucks actually believe this?

Workers owning the means of production and those parts of Spain might as well be their own state. Yes, still within a capitalist system though.

The whole world is a capitalist system.

More like the opposite Hans

>but in practice it never works
Communism has never existed on a national level like that.

But for argument's sake, let's say it has. Let's say the USSR and PRC were both 'Communist'. How did it not work? It took two incredibly backward, traditionalist nations and not only industrialized them, but put them at the forefront of the world in terms of either political influence of economy. The fact that the Eastern Bloc was able to go toe to toe with the US for decades is a sure sign of at least some strength inherent in 'Communism'.

>to make people not be fundamentally greedy
People aren't fundamentally greedy, they're fundamentally communal like in hunter-gatherer societies. Capitalist culture has brought far more greed to the world than what was already in place. If you look at places that didn't embrace Western ideals as readily, the family unit is far stronger, people are more empathetic, there's a stronger sense of community still, etc.

>and make them care about their entire nation
This is what both the Soviets and Chinese did, their ideologies were known as National Communism. It's why the USSR has battle plans in WW2 named after White Russian generals instead of Communist heroes - to foster a greater sense of national unity and cohesion.

There's nothing wrong with that you retard. If you didn't notice, people that don't have ties to a religion can also take part in government.

Happens all the time. Especially lately in this environment of the imaginary war on cops. Anything that can be perceived as any kind of threat of violence or anything like that.

Funny thing is when people threatens violence against anyone other than cops or rich white people, nothing happens.

Police departments themselves have a history that can not be separated from the history of white supremacism in the USA. They were basically born out of, what are those things called.. you know where they hunted for run away slaves or whatever.

because communism is another name for judaism

Lol. kkk.

Yes, it's all the joos. Thats why you keep losing. The joos and naggers.

Marx famously disliked and distrusted Jews, he even wrote a book about how shitty they were.

The reason George Orwell is one of the most important writers of the 20th century is because of the events that followed World War 2.

From his limited vantage point in the late 1940s Orwell could already see how things would play out. The strongest Allies of England and the US, the Soviets that helped us defeat the Nazis, were already starting to become our enemies even as 1984 was just being published for the first time.

Slowly but surely we went from 'These guys aren't like us but they share our intolerance of genocide and fascism' to 'These guys are our enemies, have always been our enemies, and are themselves genocidal fascists.'

Ask the average American who won World War 2 and they won't say 'The Soviets', hell, I doubt they'll even say 'The Allies'. They'd probably tell you 'America won it!' before chanting 'USA!' repeatedly while applauding.

Orwell wasn't 100% accurate though. He did miss a few things. For example: He hypothesized that a memory hole would be a physical device used for the spoliation of inconvenient historical documents. He never even considered that a memory hole would be an abstract cultural amnesia predicated upon the ignorance of easily misled masses.

>Happens all the time
[citation needed]

What do you think Marx would think of Deutche Bank.. and the road it's based on?


Google is your friend.

It's not just the US. People are getting vanned over social media posts, opinions and shit like this, more and more everywhere.. Including supposedly enlightened European states.

>In real terms, the workers' standards of living tended to drop, rather than rise during the industrialization. Stalin's laws to "tighten work discipline" made the situation worse: e.g., a 1932 change to the RSFSR labor law code enabled firing workers who had been absent without a reason from the work place for just one day. Being fired accordingly meant losing "the right to use ration and commodity cards" as well as the "loss of the right to use an apartment″
>Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, 26 June 1940 "On the Transfer to the Eight-Hour Working Day, the Seven-day Work Week, and on the Prohibition of Unauthorized Departure by Laborers and Office Workers from Factories and Offices"[4] replaced the 1938 revisions with obligatory criminal penalties for quitting a job (2–4 months imprisonment), for being late 20 minutes (6 months of probation and pay confiscation of 25 per cent),

Based gommunism and workers rights :DDD America and capitalism doesn't care about that ppl man get woke my friends :DD

also I will praise the Soviet Union and then refer to it as not real communism when anyone speaks negatively about it :DD

>it's not my job to support my own arguments

The Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism are both Neo-Marxist.

Ideologically, if you're not discussing the issue between social classes and overcoming Capitalism first and foremost, it's likely not Marxist or Communist.

I wouldn't know enough about it comment, sorry.

>Brainwashed to worship money and rich people.
>Myths of "American dream" and "self made" and all that.
Fuck that shit, if anything people are brainwashed to think that all rich people are evil and cheated to get where they are today. It's why you see idiots posting "EAT THE RICH xD" and other nonsense that demonizes the rich, especially if they're old and white, meanwhile you have a growing welfare state and poor underclass that's becoming more dependant on the state. This is also blamed on the rich doing evil things, nevermind the government importing millions of poor third-worlders that help the poor out-breed the wealthy in order to create more mouths for the state to feed.

It's a joke. The bank is located Karl-Marx-Straße in Germany.

More people can fit on a double decker bus in London than the amount who own the same wealth as 3,500,000,000 of world's population.

But sure, systemic inequality is totally a non-issue.

>USA has never been on the right side of history at any point of it's brief existence.
and we dont give a single fuck, which is why we dominate the world militarily, economically and culturally. stay mad, faggot. we rule the world, try and stop us

This movie made me dislike everyone involved in it.

>all rich people are evil and cheated to get where they are today.
You say this but take a look at the recent US presidential election. We have had the second Clinton and the third Bush running, both alongside a multi-billion dollar real estate mogul. Even if you don't call it 'cheating', most of the rich and powerful come from privileged economical backgrounds with families who are well networked. I remember reading that 80% of the British parliament come from private schooling from example.

Even if you became rich without assistance or fucking someone over, the incentive to become a bastard and do so grows. It's much easier to outsource a manufacturing process to China and India, having peasant children slave away making whatever it is you're selling, than to keep businesses local.

>This is also blamed on the rich doing evil things
The rich aren't helpless damsels, they take a much more active role in dictating where a country goes than anyone else does, save politicians - who are often part of the rich anyway.

>the government importing millions of poor third-worlders
Who do you think this benefits? The rich who can now hire educated people for less than minimum wage on special visas? Or the poor and working class who have to compete with such fuckery?

No one has to. You will fall apart from the inside out.

Military is all. Economy is fake, like Trump says. He is right on that point. Culturally, it's forced. Hollywood exports your culture but it's all very manufactured and inorganic. It's not real culture, just consumer capital version two point zero.

You got rich from slavery then got lucky when all the world's centers of power were wrecked in world war.. then you inherited the leftovers the British empire.

And yes, the USA controls most of the world.

How many of the Hollywood Ten were jewish?

>Even if you became rich without assistance or fucking someone over

Lo. For all practical consideration, that is simply just not possible.

Self made is myth. Dig deep enough and all these people claiming to be "self made" come from old money.

fuck off back to

>But sure, systemic inequality is totally a non-issue

You can also fit all of the world's communists into a fleet of helicopters

What are you crying about faggot? Cheer up, the USA is dominated by quacks churned out by the Frankfurt Institute. The Universities in this country are poisoning the minds of the youth. We're culturally neutered and dead below the waist.

And yet still America is one of the best countries on earth LMAO cry more you dirty mud fag

fuck off murf

And when you say rich, I assume you mean actually rich... and not just you know upper middle class. Upper middle class is still very much working class. Rich is people who never have and never will work a day in their lives. They just own everything.

Rich is 1 American family which has the same wealth as half of the rest of country's population. That is what rich is.

>13% of the population committing 92 % of the violent crime
>this means more encounters with police
>this means more prison time



>You say this but take a look at the recent US presidential election.
Anecdotal evidence and not an argument.

>Who do you think this benefits?
The state mostly since they get totally subservient citizens that will work hard for little handouts and will become increasingly dependent on them. The rich benefit from this because the state allows it to continue since they also benefit.

>It's an unironic supporting communism thread


I'd rather support dog-shit-ism than Capitalism. \

What makes you think Reddit is any different? Reddit is objectively worse than Cred Forums..

/leftypol/ please go. You worship Stirner, a literal cuckold

>Ed Harris not clapping

well fuck you asshole

Back in the day.. like around 2008 or so, I'd never been to Reddit and used to be on Cred Forums and whatnot all the time. I saw people posing that meme all the time whenever someone said something anti-racist, etc.. so in my mind I thought Reddit was going to be this like mecca of counter-culture or something. So one day by like 2010 or so, when Cred Forums is going fully to shit, I decide to give Reddit and shot... Man was I surprised when I discovered that place was ever worse than here in many ways.

epic ecs dee

>I dislike the movie because it was a poorly done biopic
>idiots dislike it because a character happens to disagree with him

I like it when my girlfriend sucks other dicks. It's the male equivalent to a rape fantasy for women.

You got a problem, fuckboy?

>you're more likely to be president if you're a Clinton or a Bush
>anecdotal evidence
The fact that there is such a privileged elite who has the finance and connections to reapply for the office that is the zenith of power and command is fucking egregious.

I agree with the rest of your post though.

>I'd rather support dog-shit-ism than Capitalism.
lmao, fucking brainwashed.


Dude no, reddit is the cultural hotspot of this generation. There's a certain type of humor and typing style that you get from reddit, where it's very safe, yet pretentious. It's hard to explain. Like you'll get the original post, then someone will go "Yeah, but I disagree. [Insert safely worded argument with non-committal language]." A normie will use phrases like "this is kinda epic," "kinda this," "kinda that," "this is sorta awesome."

Very non-committal language, because they don't want to be associated with any kind of extreme. Extremes get you downvotes, angry PMs, people going into your profile and downvoting your past posts while reporting you to the mods, all sorts of shit.

Reddit is the equivalent of that friend that throws a lot of parties, but isn't very interesting, plays generic music that no one really likes, and serves generic chips with generic dip.

Reddit trains people to be PC police and to spy on your neighbor. This is full blown communist agitator shit.

I liked it because he dies.

>Not that the USSR was even communist

Explain? :^)

>You got rich from slavery

You cant possibly believe this can you?

Welcome to USA.
Defending our way of life on the other side of the world since 1776.

>we live in the land of freedom
>unless you hold views we don't like

How are there still gommies in 2016? You're stuck in 1820s. Get with the times


Nice meme, merrycunt

>You're stuck in 1820s

You're stuck in 1620

>Stop claiming to be "land of the free"

It's a long-forced meme anyway. Stale meme.

literally rebbit: the post

>Communism has never been done on that level. Just socialism.

I consider myself communist, but even I realize most of the population either too dumb or deeply brainwashed by religious fanatics and anticommunists to even imagine living in a society of equal opportunities and shared resources.


>Context is everything. Tweet something racist in the USA and you are just fine.. but tweet something anti-police, angry enough and with enough views, and expect your door to be kicked in by tomorrow morning.

what the fuck?

is this what 3rd world niggers and Europoors actually believe?

You have to be 18 to post here.

>there are actual white people out there that identify themselves as communist, socialist or anything left-wing, unironically, in this current social climate

Enjoy self-destruction. As an Indian, I'm looking forward to it

Ah, Reinhard Heydrich. Supposedly he was going to be Hitler's successor. Even Goebbels was intimidated by him.

America did win WW2 though.
The Soviets got saddled with slavs.
Thats in no way a victory

>As an Indian

HAHAHA you're literally part of the worst race. Enjoy your stench

>dude I'm a communist therefore you can't publish my movies lmao