Gettysburg (1993): Civil War Kino

Is there a Civil War film that is comfier than this? Saw this as a kid, blew me away. Still does. Probably one of the best Civil War films I've ever seen next to Glory.

Lads, prove this isn't the comfiest.

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I liked God's and Generals too, but yeah Gettysburg is so fucking comfy it's unreal

>GOAT soundtrack
>GOAT A-List cast
>Intricate historical accuracy and attention to detail
>One of the largest assemblies of extras in modern film
>GOAT screenplay adaptation of the book
>Nobody is a hero/villain, everyone is moderately complex

It's comfy-core at its finest.


Figures that I can't get an actual film discussion about this...

Rewatched recently for the first time in a while. By far the best civil war movie, not that there are very many.

My only criticism is modern HD tvs makes some of the visuals look bad, especially the beards.

Does it have a blu ray release? Are we ever getting that?

le comfy meme is not how you start a thread for discussion.

>expecting Cred Forumseddit to learn

Gods and Generals is alot worse isnt it?

Yeah it does, so does Gods and Generals, and both are supposed to have more scenes, I think 20 more minutes for Gettysburg and an hour for G&G.

One of the best of all time regardless of genre. It is very underrated cause many people dont even know of it. Also one of the most historically accurate films ever made.

Every time I've fallen for the "historically accurate" meme over a Civil War movie, they have the north portrayed as benevolent slave-freers and the south as a bunch of inbred hicks constantly outplayed by their northern betters.

Yes. The directors cut is a more coherent story but it tried to do too much. There are some good scenes and Stephen Lang is really good as Jackson, but its lackluster compared to the more focused story told in Gettysburg.

Part of the problem is of course budget. The cheap cgi and reusing the same few action scenes over and over again were noticeably bad.

This movie has southern guys talking about not being controlled by someone in another state and generally talking about smart and intelligent stuff. This film features a major defeat for the south so of course the north is gonna outplay them in the movie.

It's called a catalyst for conversation you obtuse faggot. I wasn't shitposting or doing some bait thread.

I sort of figured as much.

>south outplays the north the entire war
>south has fewer men but still wins majority of engagements
>north commit atrocity after atrocity, targeting civilians, women and children
>north still lose
>war turns around at Gettysburg when the south suffers first major defeat
>movie is set at Gettysburg

Couldn't imagine it was anything but rampantly pro-north.

I don't think you saw the movie.

oh fuck off already, won't you? You southfags lost, get over it. Watch the movie. It's comfy. It's accurate portrayals of historical people.

>I will only be satisfied with a completely biased pro south "didnt do nuffin" propaganda film.
One of the highest grossing films was a pro south, KKK propaganda know, Birth of a Nation? You already had that.

Nope, Gettysburg was a one of a kind wonder that we'll never see another of.

It has a BD that is fairly solid for what it is.

If anything Gettysburg leans towards the South.

>tfw bayonets

RIP Richard Jordan

Your final performance was fucking incredible.

Ironically Stephen Lang actually grew a real beard for Pickett. That's 100% legit real beard, unlike some of the fakes.

>historical accuracy is propaganda!

What a hellish nightmare this world has become. Then again, what can you expect with modern public education? Lincoln was a saint, Grant and Sherman fought the war like gentlemen, Lee was a nigger-beating racist who sponsored mandingo fights, and the whole war wasn't over the north electing a president without a single southern ballot cast in his name, but over the southern racists wanting to enslave blacks.

I don't know why you're going off on this, Gettysburg was basically Ted Turner's pet project. It takes an extremely balanced view, with the Southern generals and soldiers giving their reasons for fighting usually as over rights with hardly a mention of slavery. And never with a Southern General (Who all get more development than the northern ones barring a couple) saying IM FIGHTING BECAUSE FUCK NIGGERS or anything.

If anything Gettysburg is the most even handed portrayal of North vs South I can think of in a civil war movie.

Shit transfer

Being filmed on location in Gettysburg really brought this movie together. I read the book in eighth grade but watched the movie sometime late in high school before going to the actual battlefield and already having seen all the important areas in the film made visualizing the battle a lot easier.


What about the north? Anyone mention Sherman's "total war" campaign? Does it point out how most of the northern troops were immigrants ironically forced into serving the moment they landed? Them choosing not to demonize the south is laudable, but I've never seen a movie willing to go the full monty and be honest about the north.

> Anyone mention Sherman's "total war" campaign

Do you think they have a time machine or what? The march to the Sea happened well after Gettysburg

> Does it point out how most of the northern troops were immigrants ironically forced into serving the moment they landed?
There are mentions of discrimination against the Irish, don't think the immigrant thing is addressed directly but there's a lot of noise early on about troops that are refusing to fight because they got conned into signing contracts and aren't being allowed to go home with the rest of their regiment. The Northern command threatens to execute all of them.

The movie as a whole is more about the positives and nobility of both sides and contrasting it with the horror of the battle.

>I live in the South and have ancestors in the war. I can't accept the fact that they got BTFO'd

you, the post

>first major Confederate defeat
You know absolutely nothing about the Civil War, do you?

The rest of the dumb shit in your post, and anything else you say, can just be ignored because of this alone.


i remember watching this movie every time our family would take road-trips to Disney Land. It was the only VHS tape that came in two separate tapes.

Our family always laughed at how Jeff Daniels, aka Hairy from "Dumb and Dumber", was in a serious Civil War movie.

>Original Birth of a Nation
>"historically accurate"
>totally not KKK propaganda guys..
You aren't asking for historically accurate films about the south, you are asking for specific southern hugbox "didnt do nuffin wrong" confirmation biases to meet your autistic needs.

>I didn't see the movie
>still sperging out about the South losing
The tears mate, oh the tears. How many hundreds of years have to go by for you to all die off?


That other user didn't watch the fucking film.

user, what is the title of the film?

I'll give you a's a single battle...starts with a G...

You are a real retard if you think the original Birth of a Nation film is historically accurate about literally anything.

theres some actual scientific formula about how it takes 100 years at least for a country to stop being buthurt about something

Did you make that up?

What's the essential southern belle core kino?

There is none. Southern culture is a disease. Reconstruction was too soft. The entire southern part of the map should have been assimilated by the North. Would have solved fifty different problems.

It's weird that we don't have more movies about the Civil War. It killed like 2% of the country's population in 4 years, you think it would get more attention.

Cold Mountain is up there IMO

>north should have turned the south into self hating democratic shill cucks like them!

>being free and industrial is being a "shill cuck"

get bent confederate. I'm glad you lost your little treasonous rebellion. Not even a war, you weren't a fucking country, Johnny Red, not a single political entity considered you a fucking "country".

Stay salty. Maybe in another hundred years you will give up being mad about losing a war you shouldn't have started.

This is undermined by the way that the Southern states cited slavery as the reason for their secession. Lincoln didn't start the war, either.

Corner Stone Speech.

fuck you the South will rise again.

Why can't we have a Brexit and leave you Northern cucks over your liberal bullshit? We can survive, most of the military bases are in the south anyway, and oh you can have California as well

when will we secede bros?

Copperhead is ABSOLUTE Civil War Kino

I would like this movie a lot more if it didn't whitewash the Confederates desu, just kept it as a Union fuck yeah movie. You can still have them with sympathetic moments, but portraying some of their officers as anti-slavery was just fucking stupid. Gods and Generals just took this to the next level.

But yeah, maximum comfy, especially Chamberlain's speech and the scenes immediately after. Why are there not more Civil War films? It killed 3% of the country in four years (~750,000 soldiers and ~50,000 white civilians plus however many slaves died, no one knows for sure), and is possibly the most well-documented war in history, but we have so little Civil War kino. I mean there's this, Glory, Lincoln, Cold Mountain, and... what else in the past 30 years?

Also, any Civil War kino that actually use Civil War music? "Battle Cry of Freedom", "Lincoln and Liberty", "All Quiet on the Potomac", "Weeping Sad and Lonely", etc. should be in more shit.

>the South will rise again.

And you'd get fucked again. This time, all of you will hang for treason and not be let free. Sounds like a plan. Then maybe the South will be officially destroyed and turned into useful land that the country can fully use.

I hope there is a Second Civil War, and that we make you fat cucks watch as we piss over Lee's dug up corpse and watch how mad you get at a superior military force that ends the war in three minutes.


>Not even a war,

more northerns died, both in total number and statistically, in the war. So you can fuck right off with this gay "psshh, nothing personal kid" attitude

and you completely dodged my point about the north being solid blue cucked faggots, which you are.

>whitewash the Confederates desu
You didn't watch the movie.
>but portraying some of their officers as anti-slavery was just fucking stupid.
Some of them a history book.

>Why are there not more Civil War films? It killed 3% of the country in four years
Gee well I wonder why we as a country don't enjoy entertainment based on this

Are there any other civil wars in history where the losing side isn't summarily executed or abolished after being reabsorbed into the winning side? America has a seemingly unique position of letting the losers be and acting like nothing happened. It makes most narratives about the civil war hard to tell since you can't demonize the losing side too much, as they are now back to being your side

you do know majority of the m ilitary bases are in the South right? I think North only has 2. Most of us have guns, while you northern cucks have dildos.

day of the rope my northern cuck friend :^)

>you completely dodged my point about the north being solid blue cucked faggots, which you are.
How is this a point? We fucking won the war..sorry you can't handle losing to a superior army with longer lasting resources for a retarded set of ideologies that were defeated over 100 years ago.

>b-but you are just a c-cuck
Again, get bent you persecution complex riddled cancer. I'm sorry you still sperg out about not owning blacks as property. Sure was an injustice, better start a war and kill your own people...that's only reasonable.

>the United States military allies itself on arbitrary state lines and not to the federal government
Have fun starting a war with your enemy already living among you

>you do know majority of the m ilitary bases are in the South right?
This is flat out a line...
The central command of the entire Army, Navy and Air forces are in the North
>Most of us have guns, while you northern cucks have dildos.
Not a single backwards, uneducated southerner you convince to join will be any sort of match for elite special forces. Stop living in your fanfiction bullshit world. If you "rose up", the majority of you that are fat and literally no firearms training, would get BTFO'd faster than any conflict in history.

Only this time, We'd probably execute every last one of you for treason. You would literally have no South would be carpet bombed into the fucking stone age

Stay salty, Johnny Red. Nobody takes you seriously

>How is this a point?

Do you seriously lack the ability to realize how a point is a point? lol

You are clearly very upset for no reason and continue to dodge my point. Guess it cuts too deep, huh? I bet your yuppie gay parents sit around the table and say with smug satisfaction how much they wish MORE muslims lived in their neighborhood.

THIS, the war would end in an afternoon

How is calling me a cuck, a point?

>"Th-the military would be on our side, despite Southerners making up the majority of it, and they'd just kill civilians because we told them"

lmao fucking retards

You aren't a civilian anymore if you organize an armed assault on the government you retard. You are then a homeland terrorist.

And yes, we kill and execute those.

You forfeit the right to be called a civilian when you betray your country and actively try to overthrow it

If you don't want to get fucked by that big Warthog dick in the middle of the night don't call yourself rebels in the first place

>north commit atrocity after atrocity, targeting civilians, women and children
completely false


>>south outplays the north the entire war

This says so much about the mindset of Stormfront Jr posters

If the US military is so mighty, how do they get fucked by gooks in the jungle or durkas in the desert?

u realize most people don't care about being "Southerners" besides your weird little fetish circle right?

why are southerners still obsessed with a war they lost over 150 years ago?

Because before the war The South had political parity with The North more or less.
Ever since the war they've just been along for the ride politically.

I want to watch this but I keep putting it off because I'm afraid to watch a movie where the south loses

southern people were literally genocided after the war. our culture was eliminated completely. that's why it causes us so much butthurt even to this day

false correlation there, kiddo.

>southern people were literally genocided
KEK, no they weren't you retard. Soldiers die in war...that happens. When you fight a larger standing army...spoiler alert, you face heavier losses. TOP KEK THOUGH.

You didn't have a "culture" southfag.Your culture was AMERICAN culture, but you didn't want to be a part of this country. But maybe, just maybe, if you rewrite history enough times you can convince someone.


If you don't wan to be obliterated, then don't start wars and cause hundreds of thousands of people to die.

I'm willing to bet you are the same type of autist to deny the Holocaust.

>southern people were literally genocided after the war

>only southfags don't recognize Lincoln as the greatest American President we have ever had.

gooks in the jungle>durkas in the desert>the US military>southerners

>The South still decides entire elections
Revisionists really are a marvel.


The only reason "The South" had political parity was that the ruling class, ie the slave owners, could count 3/5ths the total of their slave population as a voting base. This gave them something approaching parity, in terms of population, with the North. Also, since said 3/5ths people couldn't vote it gave more power per capita to the slave owning class.

The northern boogiemen didn't disenfranchise you; the 13th and 14th amendments simply gave your former slaves the right to be considered full people and vote accordingly. Surprise, surprise, they didn't want to back the regional hegemony that treated them as farming equipment. That's what destroyed your "white culture" and "destroyed" your political power.

Here's an idea: stop living life through the lens of Pollards revisionist fantasy. Maybe if you took a hard look in the mirror, figured out where you fucked up, and mobilized in some meaningful fashion you'd be able to do something en masse. But you won't, and for that I'm thankful.

It's a handful of toothless fucks like you are figuratively toothless in addition to being actually fucked up that support this stupidity. Unfortunately you can't not make tons of fucking noise, so you make the rest of us who live down here look like complete retards. So have your fun, make your retarded posts and go tell the other sheet-wearers about what an amazing cyberwarrior you are. Doubtless that's why you're here, Cleetus.

Just make sure you give yourself enough time to get ready, though. Make sure that t-shirt is good and clean. I always get nervous when some slovenly fuck details my car.

This film is goat. However, G&G had a better portrayal of Lee. Gettysburg's Lee is some weird misty-eyed mystic. The writing and his portrayal always bothered me.

Daniels Chamberlain is amazing, though. He always steals the show.