Why didn't you fags tell me this was so good?

why didn't you fags tell me this was so good?

this was pure comedy kino.

sequel when?

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if you can't tell a movie is kino just by the name of the actors involved, you are just a pleb.

Shut the Fuck up you weeb fag

not even OP


She wouldn't like you


I wanted to see this in theaters, but a friend talked me out of it. Now we're not friends anymore

Cred Forums was very positive about The Nice Guys when it was first in theaters and again when it hit the torrent sites. It's your fault for not being on Cred Forums all the time.

>tfw sequel never

wanna see my dick?

dubs says Kino

good, Shane Black should just make more buddy cop movies with different actors/settings each time

yeah true enough

I don't want him having a hard time getting financing because of flops though

checked but no, not really. i'm here all the time and this didn't get much love. Cred Forums liked crud like the witch but not this classic
no dude, no one wants to see your dick.

>tfw daughter's talking about rimjobs again

kino for sure. I kept expecting gosling to have some epiphany moment about his daughter or some shit and clean his act up, and he didn't. I was mildly impressed.

He'll be fine.
TNG felt like something that he definitely wanted to do post-Iron Man 3 and I think he'll do something nice with the Predator sequel he's directing.

>part 2 takes place in 80s
>part 3 takes place in the 90s

It's never explained why the characters don't really age

>the Nicer Guys
>the Nicest Guys

Sign me up senpai

I'm surprised it didn't do better financially, it was a really good movie.

>that elevator scene


>Holland coming to the realization that he's probably unkillable

The movie was okay. Could have used a better director
Some scenes go on to long and it feels like it lacks a real driving force behind it to really build up momentum
Some pacing issues too

Also I'd add that the plot was a bit more confusing that it had to be a for a movie of this type. I wasn't sure that the girl they were looking for wasnt the dead porn girl from the start who just was using a fake stage name
(Also I was kinda drunk when I watched it...so it might not be the movies fault)


I would sell my entire family to ISIS for this

Dad are you going to come swimming or not??

Where can I watch this online?

I did tell you it was good, but in every thread there are usually only two or three of us saying it was good, and like 30 shitposters dumping on the movie.

Which /comedykino/ is better, this or O Brother Where Art Thou?

>I'm surprised it didn't do better financially, it was a really good movie.

>It's not a sequel
>It's not a reboot
>It's not a remake
>It's a well written original story
It was doomed to mediocrity in the current movie environment.

This. Nobody wants to see anything but superhero movies these days.

Yeah, a bunch of my friends said that they didn't want to see it because it wasn't an adaptation, or part of some existing film series.

>It's not "capekino"
>It doesn't have Brad Pitt, or other meme comedy actors like Seth Roger or Jonah Hill
Funny that you brought up sequels because titles have to be so blatant it is otherwise no one would care(like 10 Cloverfield Lane)

nvm found it.

the little girl in this is primo punani

>Here's my opinions of a movie I watched when i was drunk to the point that I couldn't understand the very first plot point
Lol, ok famalam