Would you watch the next Transformers if she starred in it?

Would you watch the next Transformers if she starred in it?


Only if it was rated R and she showed her tits and/or bush

No. Also, BLACKED.

nigga I didn't even watch the first one and megan fox is way hotter

only if the main male is black

Yes. But since she is not, hehehe

No. Watched the first one, it was shit. Had to watch the 2nd one, it was shit. Will never watch another.

no, but goddamn you krager; teasing women wearing sweaters is my kink.

I will watch it whoever stars in it.


That's a pretty lame kink


hate to agree with a nigger, but he's right

That was an imposter, it is my kink as well.

well, not a kink so much...i guess is should have said women wearing nothing but sweaters is pretty hot.

She's rumored to be the new Ariel in the live action Little Mermaid. I wouldn't be able to contain my boner

i love sweater puppies to, family

shut the fuck up faggot

>conversing with yourself



fuck.... that's a hard question

No. Mammario is a worthless bitchwhore cuntface fat slut who would have been a worthless hooker, literal prostitute and gutter-slut in any other generation. Only the betas of this wimpy loser generation see this cow and think "hurr-durr tits lets make her rich and famous because she has large lumps of fat" She is a mediocre meme actress at best, and has sucked so much jew director cock she has ptsd, and that is why her tweets are so silly, she is a silly empty "human" whore who sucks cock to get a job. Stupid, vain ugly, if I ever met her, i would buttfuck the dumb bitch so hard she would stop being such a dumbass ho. Stupid bitch cocksucking slutface cunt ho. Scum


*tips fedora*


>a real woman says no to you for years and years

lol. oh, charlie.

Good post

what kind of movie prices are we talking about? I'd also want a trailer. rated R is a garentee btw



gfycat.com AngelicInfatuatedDowitcher


One more for my Cred Forums niggas

gfycat.com MadeupBoilingGermanpinscher

I'll watch the next Transformers movie no matter who is in it because they're brilliant films.

>quality woman waits
>man fucks another girl on the side until the ''quality'' woman gives in to his harassment



Absolute boobkino

I can't edit them into a smaller size right now, but anyone please feel free to do it and post them here as webms




The whole family is attractive.


she's dangerous because she gets cuter when she's upset

Sorry, pants.

>mermaid Daddario


id watch her in anything

Literally perfect.



That's marriage material right there. She's fucking regal.


I'll watch anything.

what did she mean by this?

Fucking unbelievable. Perfection. I don't even give a shit about the demonic smile. If anything, that only amplifies this shit.

fucks sake

lmao fuckin japs man

>those bones showing on her hips
Jesus fucking Christ post more of her in this dress


Gravity is gonna do a number on her. Short shelf life. Fap while it lasts



She's still going to be fucking gorgeous even when her tits sag.

Wish I saved the pasta to go with this image

would you struggle when officer daddario tries to arrest you?

>dat tummy

I take back the mean stuff i said here What a fucking GODDESS

>megan fox

>This is my favorite picture of her. It is just too great. It looks like you are a caveman that just walked onto a glade where you spotted this young cavewoman searching for some berries to eat and as she spots you back there is a delay in her fight or flight reflex making her freeze knowing you are just about to jump on her pushing her down to mate fully aware of what strong children she will be able to bear for you.

also >dat arm hair

>she says no to a man for like 10 years

I've never felt so bad for a character. Charlie is just so warped. I hope they do an "epilogue" episode where 50-year old Charlie wakes up and realizes how delusional he was.




why wont she work on her ass and thighs

she could be perfect

how do you go from this to this

A spray tan or some shit considering that that is on the set of the shitty Baywatch movie with The Rock.

What's wrong with her thumb?

Aside from not being in that picture?

That big toe looks like a thumb

>megan fox is way hotter

>trying to fap between the laughter while looking at her face

I'd love to see a documentary about her obvious autism.


one of my favorite scenes in the show

Later that day police found him dead with his soul missing

>Her brother can't watch true detective now because he'll see his sister's tits, ass, and muff in it

Wife material

>acting like this is the same thickness

Her pussy game isn't that good

its like a small dick

>being afraid of an outie
How's your parent's basement treating you, friend?

Let me analyze this with my expert vagina analysis: Step one
>It's a wet hole
Anand were good. Passes the vagina test with flying colors

Might be tight enough for my fat cock, but still, all roasties should go under surgery.

found the roasties


i don't mind that. chances are no one here will ever get close to her. and the best part of her will always be her eyes. when her boobs and ass get saggy and her skin starts getting wrinkly she will have those stunning eyes.

Damn, who she fucked that left her all hanging ??


This has never and will be funny.

I want Daddario to beat my cock in bed.

but he's right