What's the best movie featuring a female psychopath?

What's the best movie featuring a female psychopath?

We name our projects after film psychos and am running out of ideas. None of the existing projects refer to female characters, though.

Gone Girl

as far as I know, this
Another one would be Misery

This is the best answer you'll get.

Thanks. I actually haven't seen Misery. I'll watch it tonight.

Glad to be of help.
Enjoy and good luck with your projects.

The Last Seduction

Will watch that, too.

American Psycho 2

probably Friday the 13th?

Jolie from Girl Interrupted

Mildred Pierce (1945)
Fatal Attraction
Face to Face

Generic: Basic Instinct

Pro: Amélie

Also Monster featuring Charlize Theron

The bad seed

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
Fatal Attraction

Serial Mom

Killer titties

Antichrist from 2009.... makes Willam Defoe seem normal

Good choice.


I can't name any because there are no good woman actors, sorry to red pill you.

Some of the most common traits of psychopathy

>Superficial Charm
>Grandoise Self-Worth
>Proness to Boredom and Need for Stimulation
>Pathological Lying
>Conning and Manipulative
>Lack of Remorse
>Emotional Poverty
>Parasitic Lifestyle
>Promiscous Sexual Behaviour
>Failure to Accept Responsibility for Owns Actions
>Lack of Realistic, Long-Term Goals
Many Short Term Relationshps

In conclussion, all females are psychopatic by nature. Just pick any movie with a female character if you want a movie with female psychopath.

any movie that includes a wedding in a chick flick, those girls are really brain damaged, i don't understand why those guys keep going with it

Pleb detected.

Muriel's wedding is probably the only good chick flick that I seen that also features a wedding desu.

Sup, user

>can't prove me wrong
>starts using buzzwords

>can't prove me wrong
I just did, retard. So did

>posts shit tier actors
This just further proves my point


Hang yourself.

awwww did I hurt your little feelings? Can't handle the banter?

>engaging 12-year-olds

Throne of Blood

Because it's old shit


>all normies are psychos
Rly m8ks u thnk

Play Misty For Me
Clint's directorial debut starring Lucille Bluth

One flew over the cuckoo's nest. Well, she's maybe more of a sociopath

watch more movies

I remember watching the alternate version of this movie and I was surprise to know a lot of japs prefer this version and don't like the original.


>Girl Interrupted
Didn't really like that one. Was a bit cliché.
>Face to Face
I wouldn't call the wife a psychopath. Deranged, yes, but not a psycho. Good movie, though.

>Play Misty For Me
Looks interesting. Another one to add to the watch list.

Already have a project called Alex (after delarge, name wasn't my pick in that case).