Opinions on this movie?

Opinions on this movie?

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Great Trailer. Awful movie.

Awful trailer. Great movie.

Visually and tonally good, a complete surprise coming from such a normally awful director. Everything else is, at best, misguided - that fucking casting - at worst, ridiculous. Not the worst movie out there, tho.


the game was a better movie than the movie


2 > 1 > 3


Alright i guess, a 5.5/10 movie. Mila kunis is shit, the twist is alright, they tried to take it to a real believable direction - powerful next level drugs. the videogame twist was boring as fuck. They took the best parts and managed to make a decent movie.

Gameplay wise, Max Payne is the best. Story wise, 2 trumps them all. And literally the only thing I didn't like about Max Payne 3 was the unskippable cutscenes; everything else I was okay with.

All video game movies are dogshit for emotionally stunted retards who need to go back to Cred Forums

It was the Max Payne of it's time.

what a brave and original post

Said user while torrenting BvS dawn of justice extended cut.

>tfw this movie was more Max Payne than the Max Payne movie ever was

This. All three games are enjoyable. The movie is meh

Also John Wick.


2 was perfect for me, great story and gameplay, best batch of characters, aged pretty well and has actual actors posing for the comics, not employees of the dev company.

Also it has the best romance in vidya besides maybe Geralt and Yen.


>Mark Whalberg
>Literally the only reason one needs to NOT see this pile of shit

Back in the day when I didn't know English I used to stare at these transmissions and try to understand them:

I'm your long time lost sister!.


Yep watch this instead. Afterwards watch Get the Gringo, because it's like a sequel to payback and it's also good.