What does human flesh taste like?

What does human flesh taste like?

Human meat tastes like Pork. A lot of cannibals confirmed this.


Apparently like gamey pork


I don't remember anymore, it hasn't been on the menu for three stinking days.

Bags of sand.


depending on the cut and diet it cooks more like pork, can be as oily as lamb but again the diet is key.

Would you lads eat people if the world went to shit?

i'd eat you

nothing but classic paul dano meals for me!

bugger, I hate sand

Like salty coins and milk

If you suck my duck you can get a taste.

only women and children
no toddlers tho

like bitcoins

You may as well eat the toddlers. Have you seen how much those things eat? It would be inefficient to keep them alive.

I wonder what the best cuts of human would be

A hock is a good start, I guess

toddlers are disgusting
this applies to sex as well

You don't have to socialize with them, once they are cooked they will taste as good if not better than adults.

ok ok but only for gound meat

I'd say ribs

Like bags of sand.

I remember once I watched this documentary about some UN soldiers who fought in Africa and they asked the african guy who drove them to their base if he fought in the civil war there, and he says yeah, and they ask him if it's true they would cannibalize their fallen enemies, and he says yeah, some believe it gives you the strength of your rivals, and they ask him if he's ever eaten someone, and he says yeah, and they ask him if it's true human meat tastes like pork, and he says I wouldn't know, I'm a muslim



Nobody would cook human like this. The reason we fold up chickens' limbs like that is because they're small. The breast is bigger and they don't get in the way. If you fold up a human like that, you're covering up the torso on one side so uneven cooking. The arms and knees would burn before the torso is fully cooked.

You would cook each body part separately.

Son, you have missed your calling.

Thank you,user.


humans from America taste like pork
i don't know about the rest

they would do it to fap to it

the chinese leave you hungry thirty minutes later!