
> by 2020 there will be fewer Star Wars movies than PotC movies

fucking why

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if they're as good as that teaser I have no problem with that

>tfw Bardem has irredeemably sold himself

feels bad

>>tfw Bardem has irredeemably sold himself

He did that a long time ago.

He's never had a bad role though. This is fact.

He was especially good as The Comedian in Watchmen

>He was especially good as The Comedian in Watchmen

Neither of them are even close to catching her. She is going to die.


I facking cant wait for this movie

>Why is no one talking about this?

Because you touch yourself.

They look so enthusiastic

Bardem is a nice actor
too bad he got memed to play the antagonist since NCFOM

Javier Bardem signed away whatever dignity he had left when he joined The Walking Dead.

I love Bardem but no

is this bait?
I hope it is



pretty gay trailer, sparrow only in drawing form was lame. definately should have atleast showed a quick shot of him and not some little faggot aka wills son.

Its a teaser

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why does it looks worse than dead man's chest?

floating hair is more difficult than morphing a man's face with a squid

Anyone else think the cgi looks jarring?
It's like his face is moving out of synch with his body

>What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Jack Sparrow?

What did he mean by this?

his character will be like two-face

screencap this

Is that Brad Garrett?

They're going for an "always underwater" crew.

I'm mildly interested at the moment with the teaser. But to be quite honest it looks like going to be a combination of Dead Man's Chest-Curse of the Black Pearl.

I wish they could at least try something new. Say, continue with that Pirate Lord story from the third movie, explore more of Jack's past, or anything else so long as it's good.

Is this supposed to be the Cortez that they are talking about in the first movie?

More like Davy Jones 2.0

>Implying mainstream audience still care for originality
>The stars themselves said it's basically a reboot

Just sit back & enjoy it but don't expect anything to high.


He is a new character apparently. His name as he said himself, Captain Salazar. He and Sparrow know each othef, perhaps an old friend turn evil/enemy all along.

Barbbosa (G Rush) mutinied against Jack Sparrow and the crew took gold from the Isla de Muerta that belonged to Hernan Cortes.

Dunno if this Cortez is supposed to be Hernan Cortes

fuck off shill


I think they're different people, as said

What? He says Salazar.

No, idiot.
This random ghost man named Salazar is not Hernan Cortes, the famous fucking explorer.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is an alias, retard

The third movie was trash though
>international pirate council
>pirate king that wages open war
>asia and asian pirates - in a film called pirates of the fucking CARIBBEAN
>focus on davy jones and politics instead of pirating around and rum

the third and fourth were garbage

they should've done something else after rescuing jack from the limbo or whatever that place was

>focus on davy jones and politics instead of pirating around and rum
pleb who hates the prequels detected

1 > 4 > 2 >>>> 3

Any other order confirms pleb-status

1 > 2 >> 4 >>> 3

>that shit annoying accent

Why do all spics speak like shit? It's so fucking annoying to listen them with their shit accent.

Politics in an inter-galatic war makes sense and is needed to an extent. One of 7's many, many flaws was its lack of explanation as to the state of the galaxy

A fun pirate adventure film should have barely any politics outside of piracy laws and the social effect piracy had on the thoughts of society towards law and order

>it's a 'remember jack sparrow? everything is about jack sparrow, what a quirky guy' episode

Another soulless movie I see

I don't think so.

There will be 8 Star Wars movies by the end of the year (9 if you count The Clone Wars CGI movie and 12 if you count the three Ewok movies).

By May 2017, there will be 5 PotC movies.

By 2020, there will be 12 Star Wars movies (or 13 or 16).

PotC 5 might be the last unless it makes enough money for Disney to be confident enough to make 6, and if Depp's JUST doesn't screw up production.

So by 2020, no, we still will have more Star Wars movies, no matter what.

lmao the new sjw's everybody

I liked him as Ari Gold in Entourage too when he was younger.

Looks like trash

>In real world history, Hernán Cortés never had a magical sword or cursed treasure.


>That Marvel quip in the trailer


I'm getting Bane vibes from this

I really hope we can meme the fuck out of this character

looks fucking badass