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wtf f.a.m is banned too?


Fuck off newfag

>hunted by the police while trying to do good
>hates guns because his parents were killed by guns right in front of him

sounds pretty black to m---

>wealthy as fuck


Do they hate Marvel? They claim to be geeks so maybe they do. If not then what the fuck, Black Panther is Black Batman. He can even become a household name like Iron Man if they really want to push him.

I guess there's no reason why Batman couldn't be black. The only part of Bruce Wayne's backstory that really matters is that he comes from a billionaire family and has a butler. But idk why it's important for Batman to be black, specifically. Why not latino? Or asian (it would certainly make him surviving for like 3 years in China more believable)?

There are a bunch of Batman like characters who are also black. There is even a black batman of South Africa. Just read those

I wouldn't mind a black Batman but I thin his universe needs to be reworked because everyone at the top of Gotham is white but if there's one super rich black man and then Batman appears and he's black then it's hard to believe that people would be confused one who he is.

Latino batman is Zorro

Batman is the white Zorro

Everything is WE WUZ and WE WUZ is everything

>The only part of Bruce Wayne's backstory that really matters is that he comes from a billionaire family and has a butler
The Wayne's deep seeded history in Gotham matters. They fucking built it. I know the movies haven't touched on it but every other medium has and its always produced cool well liked shit. Niggers aren't going to run shit in the 1800s.

When you jump into pandering you end up having to give in to everything because if X can be Y then why can't X be Z?

Why can't Batman be disabled and be missing his legs?
Why can't Batman have autism?
Why can't Batman be trans?
Why can't Batman have a meth addiction?

sorry for not knowing the entire list of banned words fucking nigger

What's the difference between Batman and a nigger?
Batman can go out at night without Robin

This is pretty true
I mean isn't iron man a 12 year old black girl from the Bronx now

>The importance of a black Batman

Is incredibly small?

If a major concern in your life is the melanin content of a fucking children's funny book character, you need to re-asses your life.

If you're old enough to write, you're too old for Batman and Capeshit anyway

Batman is an american icon. He matters culturally. Plus if it isn't important then why not change the race? No matter which side you're on it makes sense making Batman black.

How is batman the same as black people?
theyre both shot on sight by the cops

>Batman is an American icon

This is the saddest truth you will hear all day.

They don't have dads?

>Plus if it isn't important then why not change the race?
Why can't he be Asian? It would at least be believable then.

Never said he can't be Asian. You're the one assblasted about the idea of a Batman of colour, not me.

we were supposed to start production of this new Batman its just we had some scheduling conflicts with Elba and Cranston

It's a stupid idea that has proven to be a failure multiple times.

Just give up, nobody except black gives a shit about black batman and they can't even afford to go see the shit in theatres.

The whole idea that "it doesn't matter what color he is so why can't we change it" is circular and a ridiculous power grab by worthless niggers who never came up with anything cool like batman.

Fuck off

>black billionaire

so d'brucekwon wayne would be in the sports or entertainment industry?

Would his parents be shoot by two evil white nationalist skinheads ?

I thought Batman beyond was Asian or half Asian or something?

Basically it's about how some guy wanted to cosplay as Batman despite people telling him he could just cosplay as a black superhero instead.
He went as Batman to a convention, some black kid saw him, pointed at his skin, said something like "Batman, you're brown just like me", he took off his mask, the kid teared up in happiness because he doesn't see that many black superheroes, and the cosplayer told him that he can be any superhero he wants to be.

A black guy is less visible in the night.

"The race of the character isn't important" is coded language for "white people are not important, only people of color are."

Especially considering the reverse is NEVER true for black characters.

The day that black people are okay with having an asian Shaft, I'll be okay with a black Batman.

No. Instead of getting shot his dad just leaves him. His mom is the one who gets shot in a random mugging coming home after working her third shift as a nurse to raise B-ruse Wayan.


In 2018 Black Panther will become a bigger movie phenomenon than Batman. This is the future we chose.

>Just give up, nobody except black gives a shit about black batman and they can't even afford to go see the shit in theatres
Just because you insulate yourself in your white community doesnt mean black people don't go to the theaters. Every time I visit bricktown and catch a movie guess what? It's 70 percent blacks


its either

>They have money because of a class action lawsuit



>Rich and powerful
>Runs an advanced African nation that's been isolated
>Reginald Hudlin's run is the most popular and is pretty much one big wankfest with Wakanda refusing to give out the cure to cancer to the world because the rest of Earth "doesn't deserve it" and having the original Black Panther beating Captain America in a fight when the original story had the two of them end in a draw.

No. Nothing will beat Batman, specially not a movie trend with superheros that will die soon. Black Panther is also boring. Batman is insane, that what's makes him so good.

I'm not even white but keep going retard.
So you're telling me that the theatre you attend is 70% black but I'm the one who needs diversity because anybody that disagrees with your idea must be white i.e. racist.

Because Bruce is a genius, which precludes him being black, the lowest IQ of races. Also he knew his father...

>that will die soon
Will it now?

Baka desu


dont say that word please

>I'm not even white but keep going retard
Never claimed you weren't an uppity token.

Back to the yard field nigga.

and they killed/retired peter parker in the comic and replace him with some ghetto nergo trash.

black panther could be a fantastic movie if they treated it the way they treated the first iron man and the incredible hulk and not giving it tons of dumb references to the other marvel movies. it could be a modern blaxploitation hit or something really atmospheric and dirty, really about the fucking jungle, but it will likely not have its own style or tone and be similar to the other generic trash that company puts out.

What word? Seeded?

They killed Ultimate universe Peter Parker
616 Spider-Man's still alive

just think for a moment how important this is

really think


Tripfag telling newfag off. I just witnessed something new.

>will literally bend space, time and dimension to have a black spider man.

The worst part is no one thinks it's crazy at all.

this is literally slave morality
even if you get "your" black batman there's still be this nagging feeling in the back of your head saying that he's not completely "yours"

it's so stupid. movies aren't at the foundation of culture, they're the symptom. do they literally want white people to fund, write, direct, sound design, and film a black man so black people can feel like they've created some kind of black cultural touchstone? it's fucking ridiculous


>hates guns

Not likely.

>I guess there's no reason why Batman couldn't be black.

Aside from the 80 years of established canonic story?

if it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter

stop trying to make it matter

>Nigs reaffirming they can't create anything new, they can only take the established, successful creations of whites and go "lel he's black now"

Nigga ain't no brother got time for that, ain't nobody goin' to remember that, gimme some o' dose sweet Batman stacks!

>no one cares about niggers
>not even other niggers
>make spiderman a nigger
>because people care about spiderman
>now people will have to care about niggers
>because spiderman's a nigger now

The real question is did it work? Did people suddenly start caring about niggers after they made Spiderman a nigger?


>not knowing kragers trip password
wow you are new

I think people just stopped caring about Spider-Man.

>Bryan Cranston
Why you gotta inject some white man into a brothas show?

Cmon my man, y'all can't let us have nothin! Errytime we take a step forward, as a community, and get to be batman for one movie, y'all just have ta spoil it because you can't handle black people having the good things in life.

Spider-Man has been rebooted 4 times in the past 15 years. I don't think anyone has anything to complain about anymore because every possible version of Spider-Man has been done.

Want "Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man"? You've got the Raimi movies.

Want "Male Model becomes Spider-Man"? You've got the Sony cash grab movies.

Want "High School Spider-Man"? Avengers 3.

And then there's the new one where the origin story has been reversed and Peter Parker is the bully who beats up on nerds.

>And then there's the new one where the origin story has been reversed and Peter Parker is the bully who beats up on nerds.
You what now?

>he doesn't get it

their not real comic hero fans or geeks if thats what you mean, they just hijacked the word to spread their propaganda.

Can we agree that today we need a fat tranny muslim nigger superhero?
Would that please SJW cucks and feminists?

Oh oh, I get it. You tryna whitewash another role like y'all always do.

They already got Steel.

What would zir power be?

>any classic superheroes
>write creations
Besides Spiderman and Dr Strange t's literally all jews, m8.

>Being that mad at Amazing Spider-Man movies
Spotted retard.

>Not white

Is batwoman/batgirl still a red-headed lezzie?

It was Batwoman. Batgirl is the one who used to be a cripple and replaced blonde Batgirl, who in turn replaced Asian Batgirl.

Haven't read DC in a few years so dunno if she's still Batwoman.

In the new movie, Flash Thompson (Peter's Bully) is a 5'4" Indian kid. Presumably this means that their relationship has been completely reversed.

Not mad at it, just thought it was weird how they made Peter Parker into a handsome, athletic, popular.....nerd? It's like making an Iron Man movie where Tony Stark is shy.


It's more like ASM made Peter Parker act like Spider-Man out of costume as well.

>completely reversed
Oh, so you just made that one up. Cyberbullying man, cyberbullying.
Or maybe Rajimani "Flash" Thompoonsuni is banging Aunt May.

user, I just....
Is that r9k?
>it's like make Tony Stark shy
No it is make Peter Parker how he was in source material.

If black lives really matter why don't they make entire cast black?
Because then there will be no money in box office.