Name a better fight scene


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Batman vs shark

Thor vs Loki

>Thor is strong as fuck but when the villain uses his tiny fucking mechanical motors in his arms to grab him Thor loses all his power and gets into human level strength
What did they mean by this
Was this a metaphor for how we'll soon lose several jobs to automation?

damn when i watched in moving picture house, the fight didnt look so terrible, looking at it now though, it looks awful


It would have been awesome if he just punched the colomn instead of being totally incapacitated by it. He should be super strong, Joss Whedon is a hack.

You probably didn't notice because its not a full fight. It cuts to a different scene after their fight starts.

The one where Superman fights Zodd's goons in that town.
I was amazed how good the CG was, and yes, I know, that sounds like an insult. But I'm not joking around. CG used right is good. And that scene used CG right.


any bourne fight

you really feel the impact of each blow.

>Tfw you will never get choked out from behind by a qt

damn nigga got tapped out hard

he should have been throwing elbows and hands like crazy though, she's obvs got BJJ training which means a good elbow to the head shud fuck her up. that's unless she has mma training.

You might disagree, but you'd be wrong:

People dont generally do that in friendly situations. And he would be treated poorly for being overly aggressive with a cute girl.

i'd man she choked him out. that's hardly friendly. but maybe he didn't expect it to go that far so wasn't really fighting just trying to stop her grappling but she was way more skilled and he had no defense.

Superhero movies always look like total garbage without sound.

Minor spoiler.

Hardcore Henry :)


Jesus, I don't remember it looking that bad

wow, need to finally watch this. Is it good? /not asking about oscar nominations, just how fun to watch is it.


i think this so often when people post webms or stills of movies.

you just arent really properly taking things in when your watching a movie because its all going by so fast, but when you still it down and really look, so much looks shit. punches never connect, cgi looks terrible, background details look badly photoshopped in.


Also the sound mixing. A bad hit can look amazing if there's a satisfying metal smack at the peefect time.

this. shit blew me away. also the batman warehouse scene. cap vs tony was pretty good too.
i thought it was badass.

With my depression if I got choked out like this by a girl. It would 32nd in aA murder suicide just to save face.

seems very apparent it was a game of grab ass that she took advantage of. I mean he could've instantly broke her just by bear hugging her and doing whatever after that. I've fought a few trained girls and the only think they're good at against a man is tiring the guy out with constant dodging and kicking him in the kidneys or other soft spots. never grapple a bear.

I love his monstrous theme song. Every time it comes on and Ben savages the camera I want to lift heavy shit.

>people actually defend and enjoy this poorly choreographed, shaky cam quick cut bullshit

Where? And why do I assume you don't have the balls to rip their weak defenses to shreds?

how can grown men watch this shit

hit-girl fight with the russian.

>that cut from Thor getting rubble thrown into his face into getting punched by Ultron
Let me in the fucking editing room.

I didn't think the CG was all that, but I loved it because it's the closest we'll ever get to live action Dragon Ball Z.

Shame about the rest of the movie.

No really, its a lose lose situation. If he went all out, it wouldve aggro'ed everyone in the room.

They would've shit all over him for fighting her for real.

And now, she believes she can go toe to toe with a man, and that shits gonna get her in trouble in a real fight.

fight scene, not flight scene

Plus everything that follows...the cgi sucked in some places. But that was a damn good chase/fight sequence.

It wasn't cut like that, it transitioned into a new scene and came back later.

church scene

So it's the webm that's poorly edited.


I know exactly what you mean.


Still jump cut to shit and edited poorly in the film

how autistic are you?

Raptor fistbump

So what? Do you think I was responsible for it or something? lol

JEEZ I am not surprised why I never got into the MCU.

DC at least tries to be mature (as well as Sam Raimi's Spiderman trilogy and even Marc Webb's ASM) yet the MCU is so child-like, so pathetic like this webm is showing. is just so laughably bad.

I would rather spend time playing a video game than watching the Avengers.

Iron Man 1 though was actually great but then the series went to shit.

Final fight from the Legend of the Drunken Master.
Nothing beats it even 22 years after the movie premiered.

>DC movies are only for mature adults such as myself
I'm not defending Marvel movies because they're factory produced money making machines with no substance but get your head out of your contrarian ass and quit pretending DC isn't exactly the fucking same.

BvS had so many problems so it isn't like I am defending the DCEU as superb films yet in general DC is far better.

I dont understand how you take issue with the tone being child-like and in the same post praise Spider-Man which is the goofiest (in the best way) superhero movie. Joss Whedon's two awful movies dont represent every one. And if you're going to simply take a serious moment from a Spider-Man movie and use that as an example for how mature it is, I can do the same. Its no more mature than Ant-Man or Captain America. Still has actual quips and a green power ranger costume.


>I dont understand how you take issue with the tone being child-like and in the same post praise Spider-Man which is the goofiest (in the best way) superhero movie.
You haven't watched Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies have you?

It isn't just about him being spiderman. There is a lot of subplots involving his life, his friends, family and other problems of life.

>"We always have a choice"
Even Spiderman 3 had some great quotes and inspirational scenes.

A shame we don't get that with the MCU

Yes, it's fun film to watch.
also checked

Any fight scene in any LotR kino

Rorschach and Night Owl vs Ozymandias in Watchmen.

I can quote the first part of your post and just swap it with Ant Man, it applies just as well. You're not making a convincing case for yourself. I only take issue with you calling them child-like and your incredibly smug approach. Your entire point is that capeshit is not mature enough for an intellectual such as yourself, fucking capeshit. You sound like such an asshat. And you're doing the exact same shit I said you would do.

>"i'm with you till the end of the line"
Even Captain America had some great quotes and inspirational scenes

A shame we don't get that with Spider-Man.

See? It means just as little when I do it. The difference here is you're literally admitting to not watching any mcu movies and Spider-Man is one of my favorites.

BvS didnt have a fight scene as good as this.

This is a
>but I'd just poke them in the eyes, or knee the groin or fishhook them and I'd win.

I agree. The Doomsday fight had its moments of epic-level fighting, but it did not compare to the Smallville fight. Although I really did like the heat vision duel in BvS.

Thor got beat down but at least it's established that he was buying time on purpose to distract Ultron.

But lets be real here, any Jacki Chan fight scene is better.

>she hugs some other guy at the end
Ultimate defeat

>good fight scenes