It actually does look kind of interesting if you ignore the race baiting

It actually does look kind of interesting if you ignore the race baiting.

it looks ok but the movie would be 1000 times funnier if it was a white guy surrounded by blacks

kinda hard to ignore what is basically the foundation of the movie's concept

>racist white people mind controlling black guys into being white and then selling them??

is it meant to be a comedy or what? cause I giggled like a bitch when the main black guy went to fist bump the other black guy but he tried to shake his hand instead, like is that a joke or is that supposed to represent the other black guy getting whitewashed? because if so that's so fucking goofy and ridiculous I refuse to believe this isn't some sort of comedy with overtones of horror

>the movie ends with him running out on his half-black kid and her parents looking down on it in the cradle saying "I see we're going to have to work on you"

Literally what is up with Hollywood lately and trying to force race mixing? I swear ever other movie or TV show it's white chick with a black boyfriend or white pansy boy with black girlfriend.

It honestly seems as if it's now a "no-no" to have two black people romantically involved anymore.

Fuck. I miss the 90s. Black people were always with other black people and no one had any problems with it.

If niggers didn't have dark skin, their pre-homo sapien fapcial features would make them so ugly. That's why quadroons look like absolute trash unless the white half's genetics are more dominant.

>written/directed by Jordan Peele
>of Key & Peele
guys, this is satire. The man makes a living off goofing on race relations.
Not all jokes are told while smiling, this might be a dark comedy
>or maybe even a black comedy

Where were you when you realized Cred Forums is always right?

I was on Cred Forums when user posted Jews race-mixing propaganda.

>force race mixing?
This movie is specifically about the dangers to Black men of getting involved with White women.

the end will be m. night shyamalan was behind it all the whole time

You mean being enslaved? Or acting educated instead talking like a rapper?

>horror movie where the lead is a black guy
>it's about settling down in a nice neighborhood with a good job and only one woman

Racism or just another 'your typical horror cliche with scary white people' film?

It's written by the key and peele guy so that's definitely possible

Don't ever use Katka to be anti-black again, retard. She loves niggercock.

I mean it's written by a black man. The plot doesn't really seem to be pushing some sort of SJW agenda, it's just kind of silly really.

Cuck stuff aside it looks fun

Shut up cuck

>ITT: white babies

hooly shit its trying to be terentino

Enjoy your propaganda, comrade.

At least the Soviets gave it to you for free.

These faggots expect you to pay for it.