This is awful

This is awful.

Other urls found in this thread:

Says the teenager.

I don't get it. What are you saying?

I am British and I apologise for this cuckold.
You don't deserve this, America.

were Trump's remarks truly horrifying? were you horrified, Cred Forums?

I've heard way worse when I was at uni, to be honest.


I'd also like to extend my apologies for James Corden & Ricky Gervais. They don't represent my country as a whole and I'm embarrassed to be associated with them by virtue of coming from the same geographic location.

But no one there runs for president

No, but I have straight male friends

If I'm being honest it was enough to change my stance from independent to leaning Hillary.

The more you and he downplay his sexual assault comments the more I feel I have to vote for Hillary

You'd think these virtue-signalling shows would WANT a Trump presidency and the endless material he'd supply.

Liberal comedy is going to be all but over if Hillary wins.

>Voting for the Ghoul Succubus queen of Corruption because Trump said mean things about woman.

Please. On the spectrum of vulgarity Trump's comments were tane as fuck. Literally something a comedian would say during a late night comedy show.

Quit being such a fag.

>Literally something a comedian would say during a late night comedy show.

>This is the bar you judge the president by.

You really aren't helping

Yes, I got PTSD, came and started farting

I love how Oliver triggers drumpf trolls.


The bar isn't high when the current one is a nigger

>You don't deserve this, America.

american deserves everythign it gets desu

>he's actually literally shaking

I thought the best part was "I moved on her like a bitch!"

>mfw I'm still voting for him

No reasonable person unironically thinks he'd be a good president.

Right now its all about sticking it to liberals and watching their heads explode. Trump just happened to be very good at trolling all these SJW dipshits.

It's purely revenge at this point.

No, their amnesia will be cured and they'll remember that we've all know her as one of the most corrupt politicians to date. It'll be sudden and mind-numbing.

>I'll vote to ruin my country because I can't handle sjws on the internet

america ladies and gentlemen.

9/11 should have had nukes.

what did he say?

why Cred Forums is acting like they were never behind trump?
why are they shitposting against trump now?

It was just a prank bro

It was ironic you dumbass. To trigger sjws. We don't care either way lol

you got memed
you played yourself

>we were just shitposting for months
>we meant nothing
>we dont care either way
tears on nov 8

>vote for a career politician
>is a criminal (most probably are desu)
>vote for a reality tv star businessman
>might actually be a high functioning autist

watching america eat itself has been pretty entertaining lads, keep up the good work

>to leaning Hillary.
Yes, voting for the wife of an actual rapist is so much better. Thank you for Correcting The Record, my jewish friend.

Trump is a wild card. His main strength would be fucking up the globalist agenda.

Hillary is an all around bad deal. She'll be the absentee commander in chief being hidden from public eye to conceal her deteriorating health. It was never about serving the American people for her. It was all about her legacy and being a footnote in history. She'll probably drop dead before finishing her first term.


>Any concern over his campaign is shilling

Yeah see this makes it difficult to have a conversation. At least I can talk to Hillary supporters about problems with their candiate without being called a shill

>At least I can talk to Hillary supporters about problems with their candiate without being called a shill

Yeah you get called a sexist instead

yep, how they defend one shitty candidate over another shitty candidate is pretty fun to watch

i honestly dont care about his remarks in the slightest and i have a daughter. i'm voting for trump in protest of this collusion of the media and elite powers that be. bernie should have won but he was cheated and now they're using every resource they can muster to shut down trump. it's fucking rigged and people are actually believing all these lies and supporting hillary now.

>voting for the wife of an actual rapist is so much better

don't you see how retarded an argument that is? don't vote for hilary because of something someone else did.
american 'politics'

>don't you see how retarded an argument that is? don't vote for hilary because of something someone else did.

this desu, there are plenty of reasons to shit on hilary all her own.

I'm not voting for Hillary because she's a corrupt corporate warmongering psychopath.

Anyone who supports her probably was beaten as a child or something.

>called Mexicans rapist
He said some illegal immigrants are racists.

>despite the fact that DNA evidence has since exonerated them
The police just didn't find convincing DNA evidence.

We should have a permanent ban on most Muslim immigration tbqh.

The torture and family killing is still terrible.

Actually Hillary harassed the girls into silence, and is running on the feminist vote (in her own words) that all women should be believed and heard.

So while Hillary may not have made lewd remarks (that 99% of straight men commonly make) or raped anybody, she is a hypocrite and in some ways an accomplice to Bill's crimes.

Matias Reyes admitted to the crime and DNA evidence placed him there.

Why lie about this?

"we have reached oliver yellow mouth"

we understand fully, Ahmed, Sanjeev

How does he stay so consistently funny? It's because he colludes with the Clinton Foundation. Don't judge shills, you silly bigot, it's 2016!

>I'm literally shaking right now

trump is corrupt and retarded
Hillary is just corrupt
The choice is obvious

Possible alcohol withdrawal?

probably an alcoholic. When they aren't drinking this can happen, and also alcohol will damage nerves and cause body parts to shake.





Does Homer or Bart agree with Donald?
>mfw: because Bart utilizes "El Barto" he is against Trump.

>implying Romney didn't have large number of people in his rallies as well

yup, i'm gunna guess alcohol withdrawal as well, it could also be dehydration (but that could also be due to alcohol).

More likely though, he drinks too much coffee (that's why my hands shake a bit) or hypoglycemia (i also go long periods without eating or eating little carbs) or smokes too much and needs his fix sometimes.

Probably works too hard but alcohol is very likely - especially with a British comedian who has spent most his adult life in pubs.

Parkinsons is the least likely but then at least Michal J. Fox can have another partner for his charity/research service. Figuring out autoimmune neurological disorders would be amazing for science and many other diseases, so I'm all for it.

I miss Rand Paul

I guess all of the Hillary voters are stay at home NEETs lol

lines up with the "nerd virgin" leaks too

I was horrified a year ago, and it's not like he ever took a break from saying stuff like this. I'm glad people are turning away from Trump. I just don't see why pussygate was so much worse than other shit he's said.

So this is how you idiots are going to play it when your candidate gets cucked. I was wondering what the response would be.

I'm not going to pretend that I don't know that Trump bangs sluts all the time. That he does get pussy easy.

I'm not going to pretend that Trump is a saint.

>that pic
Muh sides

My mistake. The first couple of (anti-Trump) articles didn't mention this.

>not watching the superior Dutch version

/reddit/ is that way

>downplay his sexual assault comments

Oh fuck off. If you've been around men at all at any point in your life, someone has said something that is FAR, FAR worse than what trump said. I'm in awe that people call what he said sexual assault in any form.

Hilary because you not need to show id to vote. What is mindblowing for me. You just going to different voting places and negates Trump voters.

Hillary literally laughed about getting a rapist off

But whatever, be an idiot

Didn't see it coming at all

not to mention she got money from Saudi Arabia for her campaign which its exactly a beacon of feminism

alkie shakes

Means tolerance is increased and that's borderline Stage 3 Alcoholims

Holy shit that webm is genuinely terrifying.

i meant its not sorry my mistake, the Saudies are terrible terrible people

Yeah but it's okay because they are Muslim

OK. It looks like they were probably guilty of most of the charges, but it's definitely true they were exonerated.

trump might be a dick, but that pales in comparison to what Hillary and bill Clinton have done.

Y'know, I'm pretty left leaning, but this fucking guy is so unbearable I genuinely had to turn this off after like 30 seconds

>it was enough to change my stance from independent to leaning Hillary.
Let's not beat around the bush here. You were always a faggot

what the fuck

>Did they notice my human laughter?

Why do liberals keep saying Trump said all mexicans were rapists? Do liberals love lying this much?


Holy shit Steaven Seagal is onto her saudis connection!!!

Hello CTR!

Let me remind that Hillary got a rapist out of prison. She said the 12 years old victim wanted it. Even tought the little child went in come for 5 days and turned sterile forever.

HAHAHAHA Oh man replucians are done! xD

Correct The Record shills are raiding Cred Forums to slide wikileaks threads.

I wasn't offended on behalf of women or feminism, I just think that the president should be more dignified than that. If you're going to cheat on your wife and sleep around, do it discreetly, and don't vulgarly talk about how sluts let you grab them because you're rich.

You have to ask?

nice quads btw

She's on the spectrum. Doesn't mean she wouldn't be a good president, through. Thomas Jefferson was autistic as fuck

Reminder that we have never been so close to nuclear war since the Cuba crisis. Clinton antagonizing the Russia over the Email leaks allegations might cause an escalation in the Syria crisis.

If you think anything that Clinton has been shown to have done, or be behind, or any of her "oh fuck they were actually recording me" moments is more dignified than that, then you should finish that half gal of paint you've been drinking.

drumpf btfo

I wasn't offended at all.
My dad thought it was hilarious and he rants about hating Trump half of every day the past few weeks. He says the media is fucking up by latching onto this.

The most undignified thing she's done behind closed doors that we know of is her physically abusing Bill Clinton after the Lewinsky incident, which is something I can get behind.


Jesus fucking christ is John Faggot Oliver the most insufferable cunt on the planet.

Trump is a real nigga. That's why "they" can't allow him to have power.

Has he gotten worse since 2015 or do I just not remember how bad this show is?

If by "they" you mean the electorate.

>Jason Chaffetz at 40 seconds
One member of Team Based. Glad Trey Gowdy or Jim Jordan didn't follow. I'm sure he's doing it to retain his position in the team. Politics is a hell of a drug.

>goes on to mock some guy saying that a woman is someone's wife, daughter, mother, etc.
>audience goes berserk in laughter
What the fuck is going on?

>then he shows Don Fruitcake

>goes on to mock the entire party
Wow totally neutral and non partisan guys!

>"he goes on to call Mexican immigrants rapists!"
>"proposed a temporary ban on mooslem immigarnts"
>"kill terrorist families!"
Terribly misquoted and taken out of context, is this faggot serious? Bongers, take this retard back pls.

>muh first wymmyns president
How is that a qualifying factor? I thought we were all equal.

It's Parkinson's, not autism.

>get looked into for classified emails
>most of the people involved plead the 5th
>suddenly let off with nothing

Come the fuck on man, wake up

I don't think that's autism. I'm fairly sure that's brain damage. No that was not an attempt at humor.

Look right here:
There is the registration of her laughing about the rape of a 12 years old.

>You have female family members you feel awful for!

Can he just fucking die already? He was funny early on the daily show but now he's just full fucking leftest shill. Theres like no comedy in this anymore, he says ''COME ON'' and the applause sign rings up.

I mean there's a reason why the media is so one sided.

Nah, not really.

But honestly it's something I'd expect a ~20 year old would say whilst drunk.

Trump's a bit too old to be going around saying stupid shit like this.

I think there's an element of social awkwardness there that makes people perceive her as disingenuous. She's just odd. She yells when mic'd, laughs at inappropriate moments, phrases things weirdly. There are candidates who've been just as shitty as she is, but they get by on charisma. She's objectively not as bad as Obama, she's just nowhere near as likable as he is, so she has to struggle to get his votes.

that wasn't the point at all dummy. the point is that republicans like mccain are only now, finally, starting to come out and officially disendorse him after comments that would normally be outrageous from just about every other politician, only they're completely and utterly unshocking from trump because he's been saying similarly appalling things ever since he started his campaign.

Dude that's some serious mental gymnastic.

She's shit, she is full of shit.

Have you been living under a rock? They hated Trump from day 1 and expressed discontent with him.

>guy in uni group started randomly talking about how amazing john oliver is and how he keeps destroying trump
>group's fw

I'm talking about the vulgarity of the candidates. If you want to talk about shitty policy prescriptions and poor decision-making, then that's a separate discussion. But I can't possibly see the guy who doesn't know what the nuclear triad is or what the Quds Force is crafting better policy.

Looks like Trump's the least favored by Zionists.

>"You're not gonna support me because I don't want your money. You want to control your politicians, that's fine. Five months ago I was with you. I do want your support, but I don't want your money."

>trump called mexicans rapists

when will this meme end

I don't like her. I don't like Obama or Trump. I'm voting for her because she's the least bad option. I'm just describing why people hate her more than the equally terrible Obama and John Kerry.

She wasn't weird before she was old. She was normal when she was first lady and secretary of state. That's why it would make sense for her bizarre manner now to be a result of age or incident.

>Hillary is the lesser evil

You have fallen for the CNN propaganda. Hillary is the most corrupt candidate since Nixon.
Donald Trump: You know and—

Unidentified voice: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unidentified voice: That’s huge news there.

Trump: No, no. Nancy. No this was— And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’ I took her out furniture– I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa!

Bush: Yes. Yes, the Donald has scored!

Trump: Whoa!

Bush: Whoa, my man!

Unidentified voice: Wait, wait you’ve got to look at me when you get out and be like ... will you give me the thumbs up? You’ve got to put the thumbs up.


Trump: Look at you. You are a pussy.


Unidentified voice: You’ve got to get the thumbs up. You can’t be too happy, man.

Trump: Alright, you and I will walk down.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s her. It’s her.

Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Unidentified voice: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

As a non-American it's kinda scary how many supporters Trump still has. Either one third of your country is in complete denial/literally retarded, or they really are just awful people. Not sure which option is worse.

>expressed discontent

very brave. Only now that his lewd locker room talk that half of them would probably be guilty of if they weren't as chronically careless as Trump are they actually going as far as to say they won't vote for him. That's miles away from 'expressing discontent'. One is putting principles ahead of party loyalty, the other is mealy mouthed sour grapes. That is the point, it's a very simple one.


No, it was fucking stupid and funny and I laughed
I don't get the thing about sexual assault in the slightest, he said it to make a point about how rich he is

>she's the least bad option

what the fuck is this trying to imply

who are those people and why should i care

Of course you would think that, the international media repeat everything CNN says. If you were American you would be afraid of Clinton.




Hillary; Hillary is the worst option.

>Trump: I have raped and murdered over 9000 woman, it's ok because I am rich.

Trump supporter: Wow, the message this man tried to convey is that he is very rich. He must be a suitable candidate for president. My perception is impeccable. Better go post on the internet like a retard, flaming anyone who disagrees with me.

Welcome to democracy kid.
That is always the fucking option.

I'm 100% certain you have not even been paying attention to anything. The entire republican party disliked him and none took him serious from literally the second he announced he was running. They always said he was bad the moment he said he was going to build the wall.
>Bad man said something bad! Oh now you hate him!
Bad man said something bad so you can say more bad things about him. It's fucking almost basic math. You say something stupid, I call you stupid.

only in some places

But you're right that the election will be rigged and her victory is locked in

It's showing that John Oliver is in bed with the Clintons. Meaning his show is going to spew stuff in favor of them and against Trump. Meaning his show is unethical, biased, and filled with propaganda. Meaning his show is just a disguised commercial for Hillary Clinton with the pretense of entertainment.

Nice strawman argument you got there.

What about Hillary, who really got people killed?

I remember the 2008 campaign and her awkward crying that everyone laughed at. I'm not sure she's gotten much worse.

Nixon wasn't a bad president in terms of crafted policy. As shady as he was, the policies he backed had a bigger effect on American prosperity than his bugging of Democrats.

you left your masculinity at home bro

Ah yes, real men sexually assault women. Maybe you should move to the middle east. I bet you will feel at home there.

> The entire republican party disliked him

No they didn't, and even if they did it's different from going as far as disendorsing him for president. That is an extremely simple concept yet you seem utterly impervious to it.

You know what? I'm done. If that's what you really think you deserve a ahitty president as Clinton.

Well that explain the friendship between Bill Clinton and the Saudis.

>No they didn't,
Except they did and the other candidates utterly despised him say for Dr black love.

Putting your head in the sand doesn't make facts any less true.

Oh, I'm sorry that a chat among men about grabbing some pussies hurt your feelings.

You're everything wrong with america. Everything is an insult to your people.

Except they didn't and it's besides the point.

Last (You) from me, you seem very dumb and I can't see this conversation going anywhere more interesting.

Cred Forums liked trump because it was contrarian, however trump then became ironically popular online, trump then got too popular (especially on reddit) and now we're back at a post ironic contrarianism where they dislike Trump because he is popularly unpopular

>current year guy

>women let me grab them by the pussy
Why do people assume that this is sexual assault? Wouldn't "let" imply consent? He didn't say he grabbed women, he said women let him grab them, which is a very different thing.

The fact you can't tell the difference between men saying they want a piece of that ass and men saying they will forcefully TAKE a piece of that ass is kinda bizzare.

Only because I'm a beta

I'm trying out the racist anti-semite anti-Trump posting persona now. It's a lot of fun accusing Trump supporters of being in bed with the jews and arabs

Why do you assume Donny has a firm grip on reality?

Liberal bias? On Comedy Central? Say it ain't so.

What a time to be alive

Reminder this is what liberals think sex is supposed to look like

> implying consent is bad

Sometimes I walk outside at night with my bowie knife. It's really fun, people just let me take their wallets. I don't wait, I just take it. They'll let me take anything.

It is the point you fucking moron. Jesus christ are you fucking trolling or actually being retarded?

Of course the conversation isn't going anywhere if you stop taking your fucking autism medicine and pay the fuck attention.

LOOK I will break it down so even a fucking moron like you can understand.

>Bad man said bad things
>Red people dislike him
>Bad man said other bad things
>John faggot fucking oliver said red men only hated bad man because of what he recently said and he also said they support him because they are simply red, even though red men hated bad man from start.

There you go kid.

They'll keep making fun of the people trying to stop Hillary from completely destroying the country with her Globalist, pro-corporate agenda.

And unemployed Millennials drowning in debt will still think they're hilarious.

He's actually on HBO, but your point still stands.

Never speak to me or my wifes daughter again Mr Trump.

Trump supporters have two brain cells left in their hollow skull. One is screaming that Bill is a rapist. The other one yells that consent is not necessary when you're rich and orange.

He said "They LET you do it" you retarded fuck

Are you kidding?

Old men are the worst when it comes to shit like that. Actually, not quite the worst. The only people worse are middle-aged women, and they're only worse because nobody ever calls them out for it.

Maybe they don't like economic and social and security policy that allows illegal aliens rights

Maybe they don't like the idea of going into another war for another 8 years

But keep focusing on personality traits rather than geopolitics, that's cool liberal

He also said he has giant long beautiful fingers.
The man has no grip on reality.

>I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait.

Nice consent you have there. Keep defending your raping retard. Once Hillary wins you're going to feel the same dirty shame for supporting Trump that you normally feel after masturbating to loli hentai in your parents basement.

>The other one yells that consent is not necessary when you're rich and orange.

Do people honestly think celebrities/wealthy persons don't have their way with women due to their status?

Why is anyone pretending this is new? It's been going on for decades; before Trump was even born.

Her staff has to instruct her when it is appropriate to smile during her speeches, because she doesn't understand human emotion.

Donald Trump is an arrogant buffoon, but Hillary Clinton is a straight-up sociopath. Tons of people that interacted with her said that she was scary to be around.

Nobody denies it's a common problem. Most sane people just agree you shouldn't make such a person president.

>politics thread
>2 or 3 assmad #Dildo4Hilldos sit in it responding to every post and and have like 50 posts each


Get a fucking life.

When the second worst thing you can say about a candidate is that "he said he has long fingers" that means they digged hoping to find dirt on him and found nothing.

But you liberals would believe anything, your conditioning by media is complete and beyond salvation.

Trump never said he raped anyone. Never even been accused of rape.

Bill Clinton has enough rape accusers to fill a panel. Most of them also claim that Hillary threatened them to keep silent.

Nah, this is more gray. Sexual advances are different because depending on the guy they're sometimes elicited or wanted. No one wants you to take their money; women like sex and sometimes want you to fuck them. Can't compare the two scenarios. I think more context is required to determine whether or not what Trump does is sexual assault.

dumb frogposter



Whether it's rape or adultery, both are sinful and unfitting behaviour for a president.

No, that was just a very tiny example of his lackmof grip on reality.

The fact he's an easily trolled moron who gets into Twitter arguments so retarded you can hear the cringe makes him a joke.

Handing him power over your nation, including its nuclear arsenal, when he's happy to use them over rude hand gestures or against ISIS... Yeah, now its not a joke.

>Never even been accused of rape

Don't look now, but....

So are you saying that the litany of women claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton are lying?

Are you saying that some women shouldn't be believed when they cry rape? If so, which women? Only the ones that accuse people you support, right?

Make sure you stretch well before attempting gymnastics of that caliber, user.

Where is your indignation for Kathy Shelton?

I got kind of uncomfortable when he got visibly upset towards the end of the video

Does that happen a lot on his show?

Dude, shut the fuck up.

Bill isn't standing for the Presidency.

This nuclear Arsenal bullshit again. Maybe you don't realize that Trump want dialougue with Russia. Meanwhile Clinton has caused us to be as clsoe to nuclear war as never before since the Cuba crisis. Just because she had to blame a superpower ofr her Email fuck up.

>Clinton has caused us to be as clsoe to nuclear war as never before since the Cuba crisis
Nonsense and hyperbole based on some comments by a Russian attention whore.

>Trump want dialougue with Russia

Trump wants to suck on Putin's dick. It will be a one way conversation and before you know it the USA will be a communist hellhole.

There is still one month before the elections.
Are americans going to delight us with threads like this everyday?
I's going to be fun.

NYT is probably facing a diffamation diffamation injunction.

Meanwhile people tired of the media bias are already trending #NextFakeTrumpVictim on Twitter.

And getting a woman who harassed and silenced Bill's victims is any fucking better. Her 500% increase in rapefugees will do nicely with you liberals.

Since you guys seem to be 100% ok with rape I don't see the problem

As opposed to the woman that has a history of enemies turning up dead dating back to the 70s?

The woman that repeatedly lied to the FBI and purposefully mishandled classified documents?

The woman that sold access to the State Department to political donors and foreign entities?

The woman that let government envoys die because defending them could have become politically uncomfortable? And then colluded to create a false narrative surrounding their deaths?

The woman that joked about utilizing drone strikes to take out whistle-blowers?

But yeah, Trump is worse because he said a fat woman was fat twenty years ago and once bragged about sexual conquests to a E reported when he wasn't a politician.

Sure, that makes sense.

It can't be denied that we reached a climate of cold war. You can either blame that on Obama or Hillary, but it's true.

Go to bad grandpa, we are not fighting the red menace anymore. There is nothing wrong with wanting dialouge with another superpower

watching americans have passionate arguments about which pile of garbage is most suited to be their president will never get boring

Hillary Clinton threatened and harassed all the women who have made accusations towards Bill Clinton, very far from listen and believe. And anytime someone who supports Trump does anything questionable, he gets the blame or has to disavow their support, I haven't seen these demands be made of Hillary over Bill Clinton's support of her campaign.

>Mexicans are rapists

Is this the worst meme of all time?

>Say something bad about Hillary
>Get drone striked

Could you maybe try blaming the russians who are doing war crimes in syria and shooting down civillian aircrafts in europe?

Why not just add that she's a space lizard from Sirius, I'm sure that has as much evidence as half of these.
I mean, where you aren't making wild theories you're saying that negotiating with terrorists is a good idea. When has that ever been US policy?

And no, Trump is bad because he's a demonstrable retard.

Hillary was essential in publicly smearing those women when they came forward. Search for about two minutes on a non-Google search engine and you'll find multiple interviews where she says horrible things about those women, calling them every name in the book.

Hell, you'll even find a recording where she laughs about getting a rapist off on a plea-bargain. A case where she attacked the 12 year-old victim and painted her out to be a slut that fantasized about her rapist.

Real class act there, user. She's the candidate for women, huh?

There's only one woman Hillary Clinton cares about: Hillary Clinton.

Or Russia.
We could always blame Russia being led by a gangster who wants to return the the USSR.
But why blame Russian leaders for Russia, eh?

Explain me why are we helping ISIS overthrow the legal government of Syria.

I'll give you an hand: it's because Saudis want that war and Democrats are on the Saudis paycheck.

Oh man does anyone have the screen cap when CTR was shown to use tin-foil hate insults against people?


wait a second

are you telling me google withholds search results?

When has Trump ever done anything of the sort?

Russia isn't the one arming terror groups all over the world and overthrowing governments.

But there is evidence for all those facts.

You are intentionally refusing to get informed.

Is there ever an end to this rabbit hole of insane conspiracies...?

Except yes, yes they are.
I'm pretty sure Russia being at war with a neighbouring country or two was on the news.
Oh wait, the news you don't believe is a conspiracy...

It's not even just a woman thing, there's literally only one person in the world Hillary Clinton cares about and that's Hillary Clinton. She has stepped on and crushed anyone and everyone she felt she needed to to claw her way into power and she'll keep doing so. She's genuinely a scary person.

They would if they could. Which is why USA has to be taken down a notch.
And after China rises up they too should be ruined.

Point to one of those claims that don't have any evidence.

But I'm sure you're also one of those idiots that ignores the email leaks because of "Russian Conspiracies" even though there is absolutely no evidence of that being true or having any bearing on the validity of the leaked emails.

Why not be honest? Say, "I support Hillary because feeling good is more important than actually doing good."

It's so frustrating when people refuse to get informed. I've been trying to teach people the facts about our flat earth but they rather stay ignorant.

Including the Sirius lizard one I'm sure.

>insane conspiracies

The facts are all out there, you just love being ignorant and uninformed.

Right, they're just stealing territory from other nations while bombing cities full of women and children.

Goodness, you seem to have built a straw man.
Is it your intent to burn it?
Don't let me stop you.

The lizard people put a chip in my brain and now I'm voting Hillary


>leaked emails imply clinton being part of arming jihadi groups such as isis etc.

>trump says pussy... 11 years ago
>media outrage

It ain't make no sense.

At least they are not behading the children.

I know, I know, mountains are ancient silicon trees and fossils are the bodies of silicon animals. 9/11 was an inside job and the Simpsons predicted it.

That isn't pointing out any of those claims as not having any evidence.

Just so you know.

wtf I love lizard people now

There are literally thousands of emails that prove his claims. You're just being dense because you're paid to be dense.

If there was this much evidence of your wife cheating, would you stay with her or bury your head in the sand?

Yeah, I get it, I'm a CTR illuminati shill and when Donny Boy loses it was all fixed.

I see you've run out of arguments.

Nice try, though.

>you're a paid shill
Whatever you say.

>some big rich popular media personality admits that he wants and can fuck beautiful women with ease
>everybody pretends to be shocked

Remember that Tiger Woods fiasco few years back? It's just like that. Nontroversy for the sake of virtue signaling.

Fucking sheep.
I bet ypou doint even believe the truth.
Key Fuel don't melt steel beams.
It was cold fusion bombs planted by Shillary.

*Trump supporter bumps his little toe on the foot of the bed*

I bet Hillary paid you to do that! FUCKING SHILL REEEEEEEE!!!

>Says there is no evidence to verify any of the horrible shit Hillary has been accused of over the past 30 or so years.
>asked to list one specifically they believe has no evidence. Just one.
>shitposts ridiculous conspiracy theories and insults instead of answering.

Liberal arguments, everyone.


Tiger woods admitted he paid hookers to fuck him. Trump admitted he regularly sexually assaults women because he's in a position of power,

not them but why the fuck are you even responding? you aren't offering anything but vague smug remarks, you haven't made any effort to research what they're talking about when they adamantly defend the notion that their claims have evidence

i honestly pay very little attention to politics and i'm not a supporter of either trump or hillary but your replies are fucking annoying

t. Donald Trump






jesus christ you're a faggot

just kill yourself



You know that the leaked emails you refuse to read (because Russia) actually reference hiring people to post Pro-Hillary on popular message boards and social media, right?

Hopefully, they'd hire smarter people than you seem to be, but after reading some of the emails from DNC staffers, I'm not so sure.

I just want to thank everyone in this thread who is diligently correcting the record

>not a Trump supporter
>tells people who make fun of Trump to kill themselves

you guys never fail to entertain

Every single one of them publicly endorsed him though. It doesn't help much that they were trying to have their cake and eat it too. I'd have a lot more respect if even one Republican said "no, fuck that guy. I know he's the GOP nominee but he's an asshole and an embarrassment to the party and the country, I won't endorse him." That guy would be an American hero in this day and age. But there's not a single one of them that did that, they all bent the knee eventually

the trump meme is ending

you people keep defending the meme, just go full fascist and at least people will respect and fear you other than laughing at your idiotic defense of the indefensible





Wow liberals are raiding the thread with tinfoil hats meme because they have run out of arguments.

>you aren't offering anything but vague smug remarks, you haven't made any effort to research what they're talking about when they adamantly defend the notion that their claims have evidence

You've just describe liberal politics in one sentence.


It's the behavior of the poster rather than the target of the posters "attacks" that got user so rankled.

I think you must be illiterate.



it's just annoying that you seem to assume anyone saying anything that could possibly be perceived as even slightly supportive of an anti-hillary viewpoint must be a trump supporter

it's not just locker room talk like he claims, which would be misogynistic enough as it is, now there are women who have come forward telling that he actually does that shit for real.

Hillary voter in this thread:

I don't think anyone is getting paid to shill for Hillary on the internet. Watching Trump supporters cry and rage when you poke them a bit is enough of a reward

They endorsed him NOW that there he is the primary.

It's no better than saying Obama that Hillary was unfit to hold office and how there shouldn't be any more dynasties, yet here he is endorsing a dynasty.

show us your picture then

>Republicans aplogizing and distancing themselves from Trump.
>What a bunch of old angry homophobic sexist old men you are! Come on it's 2016!

Are these people never satisfied?




>I don't think anyone is getting paid to shill for Hillary on the internet

People who complain about it either
>have no friends
>are women
>are virtue signalling

>Voting for Shillary
>Not voting for Jill Stein

Fuck off!

>got 777

>Meaning his show is unethical, biased, and filled with propaganda.

Maybe your low IQ hasn't figured this out yet, but it's a fucking comedy show.

>literally fight me IRL

Jesus Christ these are the people i argue everyday on Cred Forums with?

Liberals are some of the most bitter and hypocritical people on the planet.

You could have all the evil whyte men murdered right now and they would complain that the bodies are taking up space.

Thanks for Correcting the Record, five cents has been added to your account!






why do americans always want to hear from some nobody foreigner?

do they hate themselves that much?

You see what happens if you let them decide things for themselves

Are you having a stroke mate?

but every recent president has been to uni

be honest lads, bernie was goat

the clintons made +100M selling "speeches"

Horrified no, but I think it really shows he is not a good person. I talk about tits and pussies all the time, that's fine, but grabbing is crossing a line. I'm not OK with "refugees" doing it in Cologne, I'm not OK with Republican candidates boasting about doing it either.

>Hillary couldn't get away with something like murder!
>She did

Now we know what Romans felt like when the mad emperor came to power.

I wonder what this was originally.
Elvis reference?

I can't imagine anyone being so cucked that they would write such a thing.

Sounds just as bad as donating to bernie with no refunds

But you are OK with a Liberal candidate boasting about defending a rapist?


>mfw people unironicallly think it's ok that a 12 years old was put in coma and made sterile because she crossed path with Hillary

your "argument" was showing how silly (probably) the typical Shillary voter is, so I was just returning the favor. you don't see many Trump supporters showing their face, and his fanbase seems to include Cred Forums and reddit... not two places really worthy of praise

Well it's better than being called a racist lol!

What do you think happens to money that gets sent to campaigns?

They save it in a big tank for in case the candidate loses?

Jesus Christ is this your first day on Cred Forums or something?

huh? The chick was raped before Clinton was involved in teh case. The crime had to be committed first. WTF?

Yes these shills really actually are fucking shills.
It's so easy to fucking tell it's not even funny.

The mods REALLY REALLY need to just range ban their service. The quality of this place has steadily been going down since they started their shilling campaign.

Honestly, Trump is pretty slimy but this fucking guy. I can't stand the way he gets excited moments before thinking he's BTFO someone else, he's such a humongous douchebag.

Dan the man

And since Clinton was involved in the case now many people seems to be okay with the whole thing.

Americans always latch onto the worst brits, why you do this to yourselfs. I'm sorry my nation spawned this slimebag piece of shit.


I didn't see anything. :)

No, because I have male friends that are over the age of fucking 11.
I don't get it. Are all the men talking about this completely faking about being offended so their girlfriends / wives don't get mad at them?

Because the worst Brits keep coming here

They think they are chaotic good, but the reality is that they're chaotic evil.

big fucking deal

this was the 90s too, where shit wasn't nearly as politically correct

So you want to contexualize that the Liberal candidate lied saying that the girl that was put in coma and made sterile had fantasies about sex with adults men...
BUT you refuse to conextualize the "pussy" comment as locker room talk?

See? This hypocrisy is why nobody takes you Liberals seriously anymore.

I wish we could line them up against a wall and shoot them.

OH WOW they deleted the reply.

The damage control is real!

a FUCKING straight white male grabbing pussy???

not in my current year!!

lmao btw bill's former lover said Hillary eats more pussy than Bill does lmao

He's painfully unfunny.

He's a pundit who screams the news at you instead of reading it.

I'm more horrified of someone like pic related being validated by a Clinton presidency. I don't want to live in world where being a red blooded American man is wrong.

The fact that you think only disgusting people post here really says more about you than it does about anyone else posting here.

And then defends weak or completely inaccurate views by shouting, "Hey, I'm just a comedian. I don't have to adhere to standards or ethics."

Just like his mentor, Jon Stewart, but without any of the charm Stewart had.

Damage control for Nov

because they're band wagon jumpers. pure and simple.

this is a sentence fragment. is there more? this could easily be in reply to

"You fucking show needs to stop spreading lies about the candidates! I hope you watch your fact checking in the future. "


"secretary clinton would like to record a message for his audience and have it played during the show"

because the people who will vote for hillary, don;t really like her enough to go out to her rallies, why bother, they're boring and she's gonna win anyway, better to stay home and watch the new episode of the big bang theory.

Numales don't talk like that bruh