Have you ever boycotted an actor or actress before Cred Forums? if so, why?

have you ever boycotted an actor or actress before Cred Forums? if so, why?

Are you triggered Cred Forumsmblr?
Can't you accept other political opinions?

Yes, I don't watch American movies or shows

I can't stand right wing pigs like the one on your picture

There are many reasons not to like Felicia Day, but this is not one of them. Go cry about it in your hugbox

I think trumplr sounds better.

How brave of her to make such a statement in California

that is one good looking camel tbqh, i'd hit it

why do americans love virtue signalling so much

nope has turned into a cringey word

Evelyn Lin because she got fat and stopped doing anal.

That's about it.

White Americans literally have nothing of consequence to worry about in their lives.

I went there for a Holiday to visit family. It's a magical place. Even the poor people there are fat.

Why is she so retarded? She's literally wrong about everything she stands for.

what about crime? people target whites

I literally don't even know why Felicia Day is famous so it's hard for me to boycott her.

I haven't spent any money in months and I use adblock anyway so not like it matters.

That would imply anyone watches anything she's in.

Goddamnit i know its impossible, outside a bombshell from the next leaks, but i honestly wish he'd win out of pure spite at this point. Neither of the candidates will get much done in one term anyway.

>There are people who literally prefer WW3 over accepting someone who they think is sexist or racist
You know what, we deserve nuclear annihilation in that case.

why would you boycott someone for hating trump?

That's like boycotting someone because they hate hitler.

That implies wanting to watch something with her in the first place.
ffs, she's doing the MST 3k remake abomination, she's too trash to even consider that.




>mfw some people think that a thin skinned crybaby who takes everything personally and lashes out at everyone when upset has the temperament to negotiate past WW3

>MFW some people think Trump will help the middle class when he has made a fortune out of screwing the middle class and every independent contractor that has ever worked for him

>MFW people don't think the president should act dignified honorable and respectful as a first step/impression when dealing with other countries

>MFW I have no face

>be actor
>career dependent on people supporting your projects
>go out of your way to insult/alienate a large percentage of your fanbase
Why don't these idiots ever keep their fucking mouths shut? I don't give a fuck what you think, you literally play pretend for a living.

Kind of disturbing seeing a camel wear a shirt like that.

Because they don't want those people following them. And people that still like Felicia day are more willing to spend their money on stupid shit

none of that matters when the only other option is Hillary.

Most people rightfully hate Hilary more than Trump.

Daily reminder that if you don't have a hatecrush on Felicia Day you don't belong on Cred Forums

It all depends on who your target demographic is. For starters any female interested in the type of content Felicia puts out will be a Hillary or Stien supporter because an overwhelming majority of the small section of woman trump voters are middle aged housewives from the south and midwest, Not the hip New York, LA type that subscribe to YouTube channels with "Geek" in the title.

Same with men, statistically male Trump supporters are Blue collar high school educated guys where as Felicia fans are college educated left leaning guys normally involved with the arts and technology. So really this just further alienates the people who already have no interest in her and further endears her to her established fan base which is a smart move in the ever more difficult battle to stay relevant.

the fuck? What is one person refusing to see a movie/show because they don't like some actor gunna do? That's not how boycotts or protests work (and those things hardly work at all even when they are well organized and have the moral highground - look at all those people who hated Mel Gibson or the guy who punched Rihanna: they are still successful and well loved. Fuck, look at Roman Polanski. If you can ass rape a teenager and get caught for it and skip the country so you don't go to jail and people still love you and your work then the idea of boycotting anyone or anything is dumb as shit.

That's just ignorant. As an actor/actress popularity is everything. It's one thing to say you support Hillary (though I think even that is a mistake considering how divisive politics are), but to insult and antagonize those with opposing political views is downright incompetent in an industry where popularity effects your ability to get jobs. And considering she's nearly 40 she's not in a position where she should be throwing away even 10% of her fanbase, because it's gonna start dropping real fast real soon.

Does hatecrush mean you want to fuck them? Because I just want her to cease existing


>Porn """""""""actress""""""""

She's a niche actor. Someone above explained it pretty well

Both options are garbage but only one of them knows how to lead, negotiate, and keep alliances. Hillary may be a snake but she's a snake who knows what she's doing and is good at it so at the very least we can spend 4 years with her on our side before we hopefully get a batch of halfway decent candidates next time.

Basically Trump is a thin skinned, two faced, emotionally tone deaf, politically ignorant, inconsistent, xenophobic, sexist, sociopath. Whereas Hillary is a career politician who has done all the shady shitty stuff that comes along with that, and while I don't want either I guess if I have to pick one it's the one who at least knows what their doing.

It means you have them and ***in no way find them attractive*** and would violently deny any such attraction existing if asked.

>She's a niche actor.
All the more reason not to lose any of the small fanbase you have.

joss whedon when he decided to buddy up with anita sarkeesian, i was looking forward for age of ultron. but i refused to see it i was even offered free tickets

>Basically Trump is a thin skinned, two faced, emotionally tone deaf, politically ignorant, inconsistent, xenophobic, sexist, sociopath
can you give me proof of any of this at all

The kind of whites that vote liberal and virtue signal live in areas without blacks or crimes.

>Neither of the candidates will get much done in one term anyway.
Except place several young justices on the Supreme Court, making their one term in office have consequences for decades. If reelected, they could get to appoint as many as five justices, giving them majority control of the court. That's what this election is really about.

Stop shilling for this camel.
No one likes her in the first place, so there's nothing to boycott.

You realize in the past 24 hours Russia has recalled all their citizens from diplomats to students abroad, right? You did see in the news this week that Russia has been launching and testing their nuclear missiles right? Hillary has already made her intentions to go to war with Russia known.

This isn't some fringe conspiracy theory nonsense, it's happening. Enjoy being "on the right side of history" by voting against Trump, but remember that Russia is the only country in the world with a larger nuclear arsenal than the US.

>Not knowing Trump is a well known business man who obviously has skill in negotiating when he is running a business worth billions.
>Thinking Hillary will help ANYBODY
>Thinking presidents should act a certain way, expecting royalty in every day man.

Oh, so you're retarded.

>trump is racist

How did this meme even get started?

>only one of them knows how to lead, negotiate, and keep alliances
Yeah, Trump, as he's proven with his decades of successful business.

Isn't the only thing she's in now a days is internet shit?
There's nothing to boycott boyo.

She doesn't know what shes doing though. Name one positive thing she accomplished with Obama.

Because he's not with her.

He decided to run against the democrats.

>implying BOTH Trump and Hillary aren't huge pieces of human excrement

You fucking faggots should kill yourselves.

I don't give two shits about politics.

However, I really hope Trump wins just to spite these retards. The tears would be so fucking delicious.

Not enough to actually vote, but still.


It's terrifying how close we are to war and your average liberal doesn't have the vaguest clue. A week ago Russia had a 40 million person defense drill for nuclear war. Vladimir Zhirinovsky has come out and said electing Hillary means nuclear war. And you're right, they've issued a recall of all Russian citizens.

And liberals are all pissing themselves because Trump said pussy ten years ago. How does it happen? How does a culture become so oblivious and stupid?

>knows how to lead, negotiate, and keep alliances

Yea just look at the middle east, and our relationships with Russia and a dozen other countries. She's done a real bang up job.

When the white western world is in the brink of destruction, xenophobia and sexism are positive attributes for a leader to have. Trump could be way worse and I'd still vote for him purely because he's pro white/pro-male.

I cant watch anything with/made by woody allen anymore hes just too much of a fucking blood goblin. also hes been recycling the same shit premises over and over again and theyre not even good

>It's the I'm neutral I KNOW better and AM better than everyone meme.
Pick a side asshat, putting your self on a high horse just makes you look like a bitch.

record corrected!

Mark Wahlberg

He should have been on that plane to save those people. How could I ever support someone who let thousands of people die?

>What is confirmation

Trump's gonna lose. If you're worried about the Supreme Court, you'd be better off making sure the GOP keeps control of the House and gains the Senate

>claim to be the party of love and tolerance
>literally trying to start WW3 with the greatest nuclear armed power on the planet

I don't dislike Felicia Day because of her personal opinions, I just dislike the fact that she plays the same "le nerdy gamur gurl xD" in every fucking thing she is in.

I think most westerns just don't want to acknowledge or think about it. Topics like xenophobia and racism are things they're comfortable with. Take this thread, like two people pointed out that nuclear WW3 may start in the next month and the rest are ignoring it and bitching about who's sexist or not.

so you hate all actors that get typecast? or just her because that type is particularly annoying to you?

>Claim to be the party of strength, independence, and security
>Literally sucking Putin's dick because you're scared of him

I'm to lazy to Google links and shit but people know these

Thin skinned- small hands, rosie o donnel stuff, anytime he lashes oyt and calls someone a "loser"
two faced - constantly flips on what he did and didn't say, the mass tweet delete during the first debate, there's even a tweet where he claims to be a perfect person
emotionally tone deaf - using tragidies and death to promote himself hours after the event
politically ignorant - wants to kill families of enemy combatants, disregards Geneva convention, best idea of foreign policy is saying he thinks he would get along with Put in
inconsistent - guess this superfoulious because I pretty much covered it in two faced
xenophobic - ban all immigration based off a race/religion
sexist - any soundbite ever of him talking to or about women, the tape put out Friday, everyone who worked with him on the apprentice says there's hours of sexist tape
sociopath - ok I can admit this one was speculation, he seems to show a complete disregard for the emotions or needs or fair treatment of others, this is based off of his history of fucking over small buisness and contractors because he knows they can't afford to sue him.

>unless you're at war with a country, then you're scared of them

Thats going to the the dumbest post I read all day, I can already tell. Good job!

Typecasting is fine if they are good at what they do She is not.

>i'm so tough i don't think a nuclear holocaust could touch me

The sheer delusion of your average liberal. These aren't sand niggers squatting in sand huts with repurposed 1980s Kalashnikovs.

I didn't realize screwing over people because you know they can't afford to get through your wall of lawyers and Daddys money was being a successful buisness man, I thought it was just being a dumb cunt?

>taking an entertainers persona seriously

Most of your list is easily dismissed as pr stunts for free coverage during the primaries. Starting shit over trivial things made sure he was in the headlines every night and that massive media coverage won him the nom.

>Claim to be the party of peace, cooperation and internationalism

hilarious that donald supporters even have the audacity to ask someone to point all these things out like... if youre the least bit involved in the whole election circus youve already heard of this (also, google is like... right there) so chances are they choose to ignore them and then someone listing them is not gonna change their mind anyways. ridiculous
I almost prefer the straight up racist homophobic bigots at least they acknowledge all the stuff he does its just that they think its really cool

For being people who mock 'cucks' so much, I find it hilarious that you're willing to elect a man who will allow himself to be figuratively cucked by Putin while simultaneously believing he can literally cuck you by banging your wife and getting away with it.

I actually voted for obama in 08 because I legit believed him when he said he wanted to bring peace to the middle east.

I never bought into the "Russia are actually the good guys" memes that libfags loved in the 80s but right now Russia is backing Assad and the US is backing ISIS.

Fucking ISIS! That's our team!

my guy... he aint smart enough to pull a pr stunt over years and years that involves him circling his tiny fingers in gold pen and sending that to a journalist

why do you trumpos just entirely ignore his massive ego lmao he is genuinely insane

Trump wants to enforce borders! Omfg what a racist!

What the fuck is wrong with people?

I hope china nukes this shit country.

didn't read

>he aint smart enough to pull a pr stunt over years

Part of his business is entertainment. Do I need to point out he's had his own show and dozens of guest appearances as himself over his career?

He's been doing this shit for forever.

>saying you're against a candidate
>virtue signaling

The autism. Cred Forums's buzzwords are getting worse by the minute

How's he gonna make America great again by spreading his asscheeks for Russia?

Trump knows you are weak and preys on your fears. Afraid of Russia, afraid of Muslims, afraid of the brown man. Do you think HE's afraid of any of that? Fuck no, he's Donald Trump. But he knows you are, and he's playing you like a fiddle.

Yeah, fuck the statue of Liberty, fuck your tired, your weary, your huddled masses yearning to break free. If they ain't white they ain't right!

What an Alpha

I was actually making fun of the cuck-posters, but whatever my man.

>xenophobic - ban all immigration based off a race
Thing that never happened for 200.

>sexist - any soundbite ever of him talking to or about women
Insulting specific women is sexist now. Is he also a mysandrist when he insults specific men?
>the tape put out Friday
Liking pussy is sexist now.
>everyone who worked with him on the apprentice says there's hours of sexist tape
Which they aren't releasing for some reason despite how much they love finding dirt on him. Ok.

>"You can't trust trumps temperament! oh btw lets have a full nuke exchange w/ russia lmao"

If you really want to see shit go down there vote Shillary. You ain't seen nothing yet son.

The United States somehow managed to remain over 80% white for the first two centuries of its existence

Fuck, Evelyn Lin got fat?

This is truly the end of days.

>ignoring that hes actually an absolutely horrible business man

having a knack for manipulating people and being born with the access to tons of money to cover up when everything goes to shit doesnt mean he isnt still dumb!! as fuck!!!

never heard of her before. who the fuck is she and why should i care what she has to say?

>These palefaces are just looking for a new home. They're fleeing a terrible continent full of war and plague. I'm sure once we invite them to live with us for a while, they will learn to love teepees and peace pipes as they integrate into our society.

>never heard of Felicia Day
Enjoying your first day on the Internet?

>politically ignorant - wants to kill families of enemy combatants

>allying ourselves with fellow nationalist country Russia would make us cucks
>REAL men would side with the muslims and go into a nuclear world war to show that they're with her!

I never understood how liberals take the Indians as an example for the current refugee crisis. If anything its a big reason not to let the sandfricans into your country.

>horrible businessman
>top 1% financially


I'm sure some random user on Cred Forums knows more about business