Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?


I swear to god that shot where he's sliding in front of the guys is CGI

autism probably, he didnt care about the other penguins and the mountains spoke 2 his soul

Tried to warn Kurt Russell about El Tingo. Didn't make it poor bastard

It was a valid response to systemic racism faced by mulatto birds in a white world.

He found out del Taco's At the Mountains of Madness was cancelled

no gf


He probably got brain damage from an injury. So who knows.

most penguins that don't find a mate walk off to die alone

Similar to how virgin males have the highest suicide rates in the world. For the good of the species, those unable to find a mate kill themselves to end their weak genetic line.

Imagine if we did the same instead of shitposting


Sudoku so Herzog does a documentary oj us. Encounters at the End of Autism

He looks like he's on a journey to find a hug.

Poor guy

Sleep tight pingu

Somewhere in the arctic wastes, there's a place full of dead penguin males. Some of them are very old.

this, hes did it for immortality.

I wonder why this is so. Is there a point where our minds just give up and realize we're a greater drain on our bloodline than help and we just end ourselves? It's very remarkable evolutionary that people are even capable of suicide.


A better question is, why didn't they record his quest? Herzog is a hack.

wouldve watched this desu

This. They should've filmed it until it died and that should have been the documentary. But Herzog is too full of himself to do something revolutionary like this.

He was upset because gay people are getting married.