Son of Saul

Finally watched it, beautifully shot and probably the best movie to come out about the holocaust imo. What are Cred Forums's thoughts.

Nice bait.

I can't support any movie that reinforces a very dangerous lie. People are watching this thinking it's true and the filmmakers are aware of that.

Fucking dull as dishwater, completely pointless movie and gimmicky as fuck.

>wut if I shot a holocaust movie like a music video

It was like someone doing a parody of awards b8 and Gaspar Noe at the same time.

Schindlers list is the only good holocaust movie

The pianist and son of Saul were boring and only acclaimed because of their subject matter

>Schindlers list



Nice bait

> won 7 Oscars
>Cred Forums doesn't like it

It only got acclaim because it co-opted gravitas from a "historical" event that didn't even happen in the first place. So not only does it have no real value beyond "dude this was sad and REALLY happened" it is also perpetuating an anti-white lie.

>jewish hollywood awarding a "feel bad for the jews, goy" flick being some kind of legitimate indicator or quality
lmao how BLUE PILLED even are YOU?

go back to Cred Forums

I disagree, I think it might come off as dull to an American audience because it doesn't constantly shove an opinion down your throat or tell you what you're supposed to feel, which is why I think it is so good.

You simply see the horror through the eyes of someone there and are left to make sense of the chaos he witnesses yourself. also the out of focus shots that the film uses so much are really well used to create a feeling of disconnection from the horror and moral confusion the main character is constantly subjected to, and also to give more power to the fleeting shots of emotion and contemplation throughout the film.

>anti-white lie.

no it isnt you victim complex pussy

i kinda liked The Pianist more than Schindler's list. The scene where the Nazi general helped him was good. Schindler felt a lot like forced drama

The holocast was only fabricated to give the Jews power that they used to oppress whites.

I don't think the kid was Saul's son. I think he was just a random kid that Saul thought he could use to maybe redeem himself.

I'm not American, and it's dull because it's ground so well trodden that there isn't a single element in the film that hasn't already been covered multiple times.

The premise itself is fucking dullness - Look at how dull and deadening shoveling dead fucks into ovens is.

The out of focus shots are just gimmicky. Like the whole aesthetic.

It's trashy and tasteless to boot.

This goy gets it, also they didn't use music to control your feelings which was really refreshing.

either way, I think Life is Beautiful was cringy schmaltzy shit and if it were made by an American, it would have been ripped to shreds.

Its a holocaust movie that ends with a handsome US soldier saving the kid as they ride off smiling and skipping in happy sunshine days

I don't really have any interest in seeing it 2bh, there is just nothing there that appeals to me, it just seems to be another pretentious european jew that thinks he has a better take on it than the american ones, but ends up doing the exact same.

no it wasnt. Youre just a gullible zilch who watched The Greatest Story Never Told, a neo-nazi propaganda movie, and believed it without question because it validated your righteous indignation and made you feel special.

Are you implying that the holocaust actually happened, because if you believe that then you are not qualified to be posting on this board. I'll just assume that you're doing epin bait trolling. Only a normie tier down's syndrome level retard could still think that it was real.

That's a good theory actually, which is part of the reason I enjoyed it as well. The ambiguity in the narrative lets you draw a lot of conclusions versus Spielberg who doesn't let you stray a meter off his Nazis are bad m'kay narrative.

Sure thing newfag.

no amount of denial or muh Hitler dindu posting will destroy the fact that Nazis were monsters. A constant reminder of the horrors what their regimen did is what we need to stop these actions from being repeated again

You can't dIsmiss TGSNT as propaganda while arguing the merits of Schindlers fucking list.

>my proof that the nazis were bad is a scene from a jewish propaganda movie

Still better than Mexican tbqh.

can you fuck off back to Cred Forums you inbred, unless you actually have something meaningful to comment on the movie that isnt self promoting your martyr complex

>You can't dIsmiss TGSNT as propaganda

yes I can because thats what it is. Blatant neo-nazi propaganda.

And youre arguments about Schinlders List are utter nonsense


You do realize Oskar Schindler was a real person, right?

you not liking jews for whatever reason isnt proof that the holocaust didnt happen.

It's a very unique Holocaust film. It reminded me of the Holocaust narratives by Primo Levi as well as various "grittier" memoirs and fiction written by Holocaust survivors (like Tadeusz Borowski's 'This Way For the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen') in that it actually showed how life in the camps took on a sort of otherworldly, horrifying normalcy. As opposed to movies which make things over dramatic or sappy and sentimental which takes you further away from the situation.

The movie is a propaganda text made only to reinforce a great deceit. It does not deserve discussion.
>You do realize Oskar Schindler was a real person
Do you believe that Anne Frank's diary was real too? Lmao.

>Do you believe that Anne Frank's diary was real too? Lmao.

So you are actually so retarded that you never even botherd to do 2 min of google research and find out Oskar Schindler was a real person?

And instead you repeat another neo-nazi meme about Anne Frank? lol

having read some first hand accounts from the camps I agree that it did a really good job at capturing the primal nature and indifference of the survivors, something I think most movies from the genre have been completely lacking in

if you think that its not worth discussion, can you stop discussing it then or go seek attention somewhere else

are you also unaware that Amon Goeth was a real person to?

fucking retard

All documents can be falsified. No amount of "proof" that the holocast happened can be trusted.


This is also how people deny Shakespeare was a real person.

>All documents can be falsified.

no it wasnt

> No amount of "proof" that the holocast happened can be trusted.

oh wow, you said it so it must be true!

just because you hate jews doesnt mean the holocaust never happened you retard.

And just because the Jews have brainwashed you doesn't mean the holocast did happen. In truth it's impossible to know, but my knowledge of jewish trickery tells me that it's far more likely that it didn't happen.

I think most movies, especially after the 70s or so, tend towards the sentimental--maybe for social or political reasons, since portraying Holocaust survivors as participating in a system (which many had to do in order to live) which was often dog-eat-dog can come across poorly.

"Kapo" is another interesting film that might be up your alley, a bit strange at times but it's not afraid to depict the protagonist as descending into committing terrible acts to survive.