When did you stop watching Dexter? for me it the first or second episode of season 4 i think

When did you stop watching Dexter? for me it the first or second episode of season 4 i think

It was after his girlfriend was murdered in her home, and his sister and her partner started fucking in the house. I was done, they killed off part of what made him interesting and his slut sister had a new fuck toy every season. I then started to notice other inconsistencies, the office room drama shit, one season they all didnt like the chief, but then the next her and the fat guy are fucking on the side. but that moment was when I was like, fuck this show. the first season is really the best one.

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Last episode...

fucking lightweights.

Season 4 was one of the best seasons. 1, 2, and 4 were all great. I watched the show to the end, but in hindsight, I would have stopped after season 4.

I think you mean S5. S4 ended as you described.

Yeah, it was the first episode of season 5 then

Dexter Morgan

Season 4 has a really good A-plot in the trinity killer but its sideplots are fucking shit

>Quinn's girlfriend ends up being the trinity's long lost daughter who knows about him being the killer lmao
>dude Batista and Laguerta are dating lmao
>dude Deb is fucking yet another guy lmao
>dude masuka said pussy lmao

The only truly immaculate dexter season is the first, it becomes unwatchable after season 4.

>Shut up cunt
what did he mean by this?


OP here, correction, it was season 5 not 4, my mistake

Wtf I hate Dick now

When they killed Assfu.



I've been rewatching Dexter and I forgot whether or nor we could see anything in the bathtub scene but sadly nothing is visible neck down





watched it till the end, though should have stopped after the Lithgow season, impossible to know it would have such a dropoff tho


When they came up with the incest angle

I didn't stop watching until the end but the point I dropped any hope for it is when became a main character

After Season a couple of episodes of season three, a friend conviced me to watch season 4 and it was good indeed. Then I dropped the show somewhere in season five.

>Based Dick Solomon taking his study of humanity to it's next logical step.

Dexter's brother was a miscast. In the book he they looked alike except his brother was larger than him. They should have cast Brian Thompson, the two actors would have looked like brothers.


The books are retarded anyway who cares?