Why is this bitch so popular? Is it because she's tumblr?

Why is this bitch so popular? Is it because she's tumblr?

THICC Cow Tits. MMMmmmmm just wanna bathe her in my semen

because she was nice, right, and got fucked over horribly by a shitty friend

That's why tumblr and buzzfeed love her
Cred Forums loves her because she's THICC

yeah lets get ALL movies and tv shows changed and rewritten, where something bad happens to a nice character.

Because muh positive body image.

You asked why people liked her, not if they should rewrite the show.

Why's is this show so popular? It's fucking boring, dropped it after 2 episodes because they're a chore to watch. Watching House of Cards instead and loving it.

Because the 6/10 "lol I'm such a nerd XD" portion of women fans that make up a considerable part of this series' fanbase see themselves in her.

She dresses like a tumblr stereotype but she was a rational person, unlike Lindsay who was a fucking retard.

her tittes are with milk

I'd fuck her and prematurely ejaculate.

ugly nerd girls liked her because she's a moderately attractive actress made up to look frumpy, which is how ugly nerd girls see themselves

She is only popular ironically

Because the bitch has a phat ass

This is now a MBB thread

Lol this.

Lol this

We are in the age of post irony. One can no longer do something ironically.


>Is it because she's tumblr?