Sup TV...

Sup TV, I'm contemplating making making a webseries following the tales of a Neo Nazi who falls for a woman who's of "The wrong race" or of someone who isn't Aryan.

What I want YOU to do is to help me work on it, and give ideas. Because I'm lazy af.

What if you made a webseries following the tales of a Neo Nazi who falls for a woman who's of "The wrong race" or of someone who isn't Aryan.

HOLY SHIT! That's an AMAZING idea!!!


you could make a show following the story of a Neo Nazi who falls for a lady who's of "The wrong race" or of someone who is not Aryan.


Get this. It's a webseries following the tales of a Neo Nazi who falls for a woman who's of "The wrong race" or of someone who isn't Aryan.

How the fuck do you guys think of this? If only I could think like you guys... Maybe then I wouldn't ask Cred Forums for help.

A webseries following the tales of a woman who's of "The wrong race" or of someone who isn't Aryan who falls for a Neo Nazi.

I dono... Sounds a bit different from my original plan.

Sounds like a perfect show for millennials who believe neo nazis are actually something to be concerned about

you could probably fit all the neo nazis in the world into one building

The original plan, all joking aside was to do a story based on if the germans did take over the world, and how it effects everything.

Basically making the world segregated into Aryan and nonaryan. Kinda like black and white segregation in the south. And it was to detail the change from one of the officers being harsh and cruel to a fighter against the Nazi order.

IDK though, I have no ways of making it feel right, so I came here.

>story based on if the germans did take over the world, and how it effects everything

seen this sort of shit a million times, why not do the opposite perspective, what happens if an extreme leftwing government gains control and the kind of issues experienced by that

>forced 'equality'
>censorship of any right wing opinions
>extreme prejudice beneath whilst pretending to be caring/moral
>scapegoat race/ethnicity blamed for all wrongs of the world
>extreme infighting, no unity due to identity politics
>realisation that the elites are just leveraging leftwing politics to maintain control
>degradation of culture and traditional values
>any criticism of the government deemed 'racist, bigoted, xenophobic, fascist'

someone pls rec some books with these themes
I'd like to read some dystopian social commentary

nah, when he eventually realizes his crush is non aryan, he kills her. New crush and new execution method for each ep


I actually can't think of any off the top of my head, except maybe some of the concepts in Animal Farm

It's usually the right wingers who are deemed the 'bad guys', but the authoritarian left is just as insane.

Hmm... You might be onto something user. I'll give it a look, talk it over with some people.

Do you have a name you want to go by if I do make this? So that I can credit you?

THIS was meant for you. the thing didn't reply for some reason.

John Sebright




I'll work on that.

You;ll find any of the things if they are done on the youtube channel KYS productions. It's one of them, so sub to all.

been done

np m8

That style of holding cigarette looks cool af, i use same style whenever i smoke.



We are really tired of those.