

How was Snake supposed to get the antidote to the poison injected into him if he was a hologram the entire time?

There was no antidote

Right but he didn't know that.

They told him it was only a common cold he was injected with.

>that movie's shit

- jay bauman

I want to know why

The man had a death wish

Fuck all of you, LA had the better ending.
>Welcome to the human race.

So do I, but the main point is he was wrong

Pretty much this. Isn't boring compared to the first one. What happened to John Carpenter in the 90s?

I agree

He was already a hologram then. He didn't have time to run away since the President started his speech right after.

>haven't seen the movie in years
>remember how awesome almost everything was
>suddenly remember *that* scene

Then I assume at that point he didn't care, he was going to shut down the world anyways, he thought it would be his last action before death.

>Mfw I like LA more than NY
I don't know why, it's so over the top that it's great. The original is still cool, but LA always feels more fun to watch for me.

Agreed. Too bad about the 99.9% of the movie.

That shit is cool man

I want to like it but the shit special effects take me out of it every time. I still can't believe how bad they are.

that and the car chase after it is some of the funniest stuff carpenter has done

Carpenter just wanted another twist whether it made sense or not.

Supposedly the budget got slashed in half right before they started shooting.

Ironic that even with 5 times the budget of the first film it looks about 100 times cheaper.