Reminder Jerry Seinfeld's irl mother is a jew from syria and thus he is literally a rapefugee

reminder Jerry Seinfeld's irl mother is a jew from syria and thus he is literally a rapefugee
explains a lot

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I know it's a meme but that girl is literal perfection in this pic

Yeah what a hot Thom Yorke eye she's got.

she even has a permanent orgasm face

i bet he loved sucking on those big fat tits

>you will never be famous/ rich enough to fuck big titty 17 year olds

wish i had jewish blood

wow I googled it his family is literally from aleppo


>his grandparents from the mother's side were literally from Aleppo

Don't understand why people like this obnoxious person. He is a total douchebag to everyone and and very narcisistic. On his driving and coffee show he treats all the waiters like shit and passively aggresively attacks his guests.

he has to go

I want that jewfu

women like dicks

not really
im a woman and I like nerds
I want a Sheldon not a Chad


>t. every woman who uses a man for their money

you think you like nerds. wait till you meet a dick. you won't be able to stop thinking about him.

>I want a Sheldon
I'm so nerdy I watch the big bang theory lol XD

Fucking kys


>I want to fuck a LE NERDY GUY
>turns out they just want to fuck a hot chad that wears glasses


"It was supposed to be the 'Summer of George," Seinfeld! BWAHAHAHA!"

What did he mean by this?

Women might think they like "nerds". As soon as they meet an alpha that's it, they couldn't give a fuck anything else than getting his dick. Reminder that "love" is a kike myth, sexual attraction is the only thing that matters, so unless your gf finds you insanely hot from the start and fucks you the first time you meet, then you WILL be cucked

What a sad way of thinking.
I hope you find love one day user so you can enjoy it and see how worthless sex is in comparison.

and what is aleppo


Its 2016, jocks are cool again. Steve > Jonathan. We've stopped pretending to like nerds now.

sup gov johnson

>jew from syria
Being syrian doesn't make you a rapefugee. Being a muslim migrant does. Their religion basically makes them have permanent blue balls and thus rapes everything with a bit of exposed skin and hair.

You know why didn't the fucker just say Syria instead of Aleppo? The average guy doesn't know Aleppo but he will know Syria.

I guarantee that every person who repeats this stupid meme didn't know what Aleppo was either until they heard about the Gary Johnson thing and then googled it so they could pretend to feel superior.

oh ok so a jew can fuck a 12 year old and its cool but im a creep?

I'm not the one running for president.

The point is that I'm sure Johnson is well aware of the situation in Syria and knows exactly what he thinks we should do about it. So fucking what if he didn't know the name of a city? It's trivial information.

This so much. Mike Barnicle can suck a cock.


Nobody cares about your weird fetishes.

>I want a Sheldon not a Chad

Literally code for I want to fuck a genius billionaire instead of some jock who ended up at McDonalds.

Women only want "Sheldons" if they use their intelligence to become filthy rich.

Well yeah, I want my Sheldon to make a decent wage.
Doesn't have to be a billionaire though.

t. gary johnson

Whether a guy is a "creep" according to women depends entirely on how much money he has (OMG Woody Allen isn't a creep!) or how good looking he is (some huge age gaps in Hollywood) or how much power he has (Bill Clinton).

By "decent wage" do you mean six figures?

>Doesn't have to be a billionaire though.

Ohhhh. How *reasonable* of you. And what do YOU bring to the table?

So your "Sheldon" doesn't have to be the richest guy on Earth...

BTW, Jim Parsons was the highest paid TV actor in 2016, $25.5 million. I don't fucking get it.

>not a humongous


cant unsee

...what's that


I knew about the refugee crisis going on in Aleppo and how it's a rebel stronghold getting bombarded by the Russians/Assad regime and I'm a 21 year old college dropout. If you're running for president you really should know this shit. Gary Johnson just thinks that he gets a pass for being retarded because people don't like the other two candidates. He's not even trying and it's kind of embarrassing. I'd vote for Jill Stein before I voted for that retard, at least she gives a shit. Also she's a GILF

He won't tell anybody what is plan is all he does is get butt hurt and start yelling that regime change is bad any time someone asks him about foreign policy

except he also had trouble naming 1 foreign leader, face it the guy has early dementia. and I happen to like his policies

wtf I hate jailbait now?


Well and Libertarians tend to be protectionists instead of interventionists.

One of their arguments is why the hell should we care about what's going on in these other countries? Why is it our problem?

>the guy has early dementia.

must be all that pot he smokes

actually, no, they found marijuana can help prevent alzheimers. but it can make someone foggy.

Rich and famous enough to public bang 16 yo Hotties.

yeah but i have an honest question and hope for an honest answer...

in a scale of 1-10 how hot are you?

What women want and what they respond to are two different things.

You say you want a nerd, but when one comes by, you won't feel attracted to him. Or if you do, when jock comes by afterwards, you'll drop the nerd in a heartbeat.

Unless you can find a nerdy jock, then you're in luck.

Parents will always give rich celebrities permission to doink their daughters.

>wanting a literal autist for a man.
the fuq is wrong with you?

Sounds like that means his plan is to pull out and let that shit sort itself.

When women say they like "nerds", they mean Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates or Elon Musk (ie, billionaires).

Some low-quality unattractive women may be content with geeks who like the same animu they do.

But despite what women *say*, women are not turned on by intelligence (unless the guy is some rich Wall Street psychopath, or mob boss -- dark triad intelligence).

In fact, one of the biggest predictors of a guy fucking a lot of women is being unable to spell or read.

Your intelligence is actually a barrier to your success with women. Many psychopaths can be intelligent, but it's the psychopathy that thrills them, not the intelligence. Many comedians are intelligent, but it's the entertainment value they provide that pleases them, not the intelligence.

If you can't translate your intelligence into millions, women literally do not give a fuck. They don't want to have "deep" discussions with a smarter guy who will lay bare how stupid and shallow she is. She doesn't want to feel stupid.

With dumb jocks, they can go "awww, you're such a big dumb lug but you can pick me up and throw me" and that's what turns them on.

Pic related. Instagram is full of this shit.

Women WANT to be carried around like children, but all women have the mind of a child at an amusement park.

That means letting the war get more out of hand, thus forcing more refugees into our country (which he is in favor of)

Refugees are in Europe, not in the US.

Just because there's a war in some country half the world away doesn't mean the refugees have to end up in a country half the world away (or even more than one country away).

>In fact, one of the biggest predictors of a guy fucking a lot of women is being unable to spell or read.

I'm gonna need source on this.

Dude. Spend two seconds on Instagram.

Find a couple. Watch how they tell how much they love each other, in sickening ways, and check their fucking spelling.

See also: any nigger.

Illiteracy is literally not a dealbreaker with women. Cavemen were not literate. Virgin monks were.

>I like nerds

oh you mean you like chads in glasses

>Pic related. Instagram is full of this shit.
>Women WANT to be carried around like children, but all women have the mind of a child at an amusement park.

This is pretty much true. Even the smartest women I've known, even those excelling in school or intellectual careers, are just a ball of insecurities in their private lives and can't handle real discussions because they can't handle being shown to be wrong about something, or shown to have a belief or behavior that has no good basis behind it, or any other type of inconsistencies. They just want to discuss/argue just enough to FEEL smart and FEEL like they're on the same level as their peers, and will stop any discussion or debate cold as soon as they start being disproven on any level about anything. They just want to be coddled and made to feel good in the end. It's fucking bizarre, because in a lot of cases these are people who otherwise work in intellectually demanding careers and they have intellectual interests. But they just want to come home and/or go out with friends and just be told they're right about everything and super special and perfect to feed their massive insecurities that they must just be hiding at work.

>Illiteracy is literally not a dealbreaker with women.

That's not the same thing as illiteracy directly causing or being directly tied to success with women.

Also, women like confidence. And it just so happens that the dumbest people are the most confident. Because stupid people are too stupid to realize how stupid they are. Intelligent people tend to doubt themself, because they're smart enough to know how much they don't know, but stupid people think they know everything. That is the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Intelligent people can be narcissists (and women like narcissists, because again, they like confidence). But not all narcissists project 100% confidence all the time.

And rape fantasies are extremely common among women. Do you think they care if their rapist can read? Bill Nye is not who they fantasize about.
>"They're really fantasies of submission." She spoke about the thrill of being wanted so much that the aggressor is willing to overpower, to take. "But `aggression,' `dominance,' I have to find better words.

>A 1974 study by Hariton and Singer found that being "overpowered or forced to surrender" was the second most frequent fantasy in their survey; a 1984 study by Knafo and Jaffe ranked being overpowered as their study's most common fantasy during intercourse. In 1985, Louis H. Janda who is an associate professor of psychology at Old Dominion University said that the sexual fantasy of being raped is the most common sexual fantasy for women. A 1988 study by Pelletier and Herold found that over half of their female respondents had fantasies of forced sex.

>A study of college-age women found over half had engaged in fantasies of rape or coercion which, another study claims, are within the normal range of female sexuality.

"From early glances at her data, Chivers said, she guesses she will find that women are most turned on, subjectively if not objectively, by scenarios of sex with strangers."

"[Meana], even more than Chivers, emphasized the role of being desired - and of narcissism - in women's desiring."

If a guy is stupid, he tends to increase his physical stats. He plays sports, he lifts weights, he becomes a gang member and goes for streed cred. There's a reason bullies are stereotyped as big dumb jocks.

If a guy is not that physically imposing, he tends to increase his intelligent stats. He may read more. He may even wear glasses. He puts intellectual pursuits over athletic pursuits. He'd rather be a librarian than an MMA fighter.

When you're stupid, violent brute force becomes the path to success in your world.

But guess what? Women would rather be with the stupid MMA fighter than his accountant.

Literacy has only existed for like 4,000 years at the most. Cavemen were not literate. Barbarian invaders were not literate. Their currency is violence. And that's what thrills women. That's why women go for bad boys. Danger turns women on. Strength is more a predictor of a man being "alpha" than intelligence. That's why women prefer strongmen over smart weak nerds.

I will bet you a million dollars that illiterate guys lose their virginity at an earlier age than literate, intelligent males. Throughout the course of the 2 million years of evolution, literacy was never a factor in a female fucking a guy. Strength was.

Apart from maybe Ernest Hemingway, books are associated with weaklings (unless some steroided professional wrestler or athlete gets a ghostwriter to write a book for them).

Women In Their Prime Prefer Sex With Damaged Men

TLDR: She wants the caveman to fuck her, not the librarian.

The 'average guy' isn't running for president.

and what is al eppo?

Dude you're so gay its not even funny

Jesus Christ

What's the deal with planes?
You crash two against a tower and nobody ever let's it go

livin the dream

You're incredibly pathetic if you think a strong willed and athletic dude can't also be smart and introspective. You're bluepilled if you think in such gross marxist ways.

I'm sick and tired of people online pointing out "but it's greater than 0%."

No shit.

Strongmen can also be geniuses. But generally speaking, over half of the time, over 51%, in the majority of cases, odds are, the probability is: strong guys are dumber, and smart guys are weaker. Just like pretty girls are dumber, and smart girls are uglier. It's a question of which qualities humans use to "make it" in the world. If you're not smart, you better be strong. If you're not attractive, you better be smart.

The greatest philosophers and scientists of the last 2,000 years of Western Civilization were not exactly pussyhounds. In fact, the monks who preserved literature for centuries were mostly virgins. And bookish virginity continues to this day.

It was the cavemen, the raiders, the barbarians, the violent takers of men who had the most sex. And modern women are the descendants of those pairings.

You could argue that the raiders who violently raped women were actually "smarter" than intelligent scientists, since they spread their DNA wider. But it's not the athletes inventing everything.

You really think the stereotype of dumb jocks bullying smaller nerds is false?

And do you really think that odds are women go for nerds over bullies, athletes, dumb jocks, meatheads, and bad boys?

Nerd does not read as "alpha", now matter how many people say that technology has led to a "revenge of the nerds."

The semen her body wants is the caveman, not the theoretical physicist.

Woody Allen is the definition of creep though

>a guy is a creep for dating a girl that is in her absolute prime in every sense of the word
Why do we let bitter old women cuck us like this?

Woody Allen is a creep. But notice how Hollywood gives him a free pass because a) he's Jewish b) he's written and directed tons of acclaimed films over the years and c) he's wealthy.

Michael Jackson was also a creep. But creeps with fame/power/money get away it.

Creeps with no fame, no power, no money, don't.

He's only considered a creep if he's not attractive enough, not rich enough, not powerful enough.

If a girl is in her prime, parents often want her to get with the richest, most successful guy she can. Not some broke loser.

So the richer you get, the more attractive you are, the more men get away with being "creeps."

"Creep" is basically codeword for "ugly" or "poor."

If George Clooney or a billionaire or Christian Grey makes a pass at her, ooh how dreamy. If some garbage man makes a pass at her, eww how creepy.

ficki ficki


lol no you don't.

And yet go outside and you will see that 90% or more of couples involving beautiful girls involve a guy who is not particularly good looking, nor big, nor bad, nor dumber than the average level of dumb.
What girls don't want is a computer (considerably weaker than actual computers) that happens to be walking and breathing. All the people in Cred Forums crying about how they can't get girls because of chad should realize that the actual reason is this.

People on Cred Forums crying probably don't get out much. It's a numbers game. No beautiful girl is going to "discover" some user in their mother's basement. It takes tens, if not hundreds, or thousands of approaches of girls. Fear of rejection means many guys never start.

Plus, women have degraded themselves. It's often not worth the time or effort or money to even go on dates, or have a girlfriend. It becomes work.

Depending on the hotness of the girl, a female will pick the best option she has. And he's probably at least 2 head-lengths taller than her, or at least 6 inches taller.

Girls do not want someone who will make them feel stupid. Or point out when she's wrong.

But speaking of computers, smartphones are just pocket computers. And no man can compete with the thousands and thousands of dick options that a smartphone makes only an arm's length away.

It's easy for girls to find sex. It's harder for guys to find sex. Even harder for guys to find someone to love.

A lot of it is people having higher expectations than what is realistic, or overvaluing their actual value, because social media has turned everyone into a narcissist these days.

i wear glasses because i have bad eyesight you moron
its not a fuckinng choice i made

And did you play a lot of sports in those glasses? Or were you more likely to read a book?

You need to stop talking about jews, Cred Forums. They're harmless.

Was there ever any black people on Seinfeld? Ever?

There was the tiger balm lawyer.

Morgan from the office

The exterminator

anytime they needed an authority figure to talk down to the gang


Yeah, he was just parodying Johnnie Cochran.

Oh yeah, and a lady who didn't like Elaine dropping off the muffin tops at the homeless shelter.

>father is a jew
>be a worthless piece of shit degenerate
>mother is a jew
>be a succesful degenerate
really makes you think


I thought he was Irish


>I'd vote for Jill Stein before I voted for that retard, at least she gives a shit. Also she's a GILF
My negro

>mystic caves
top kek


Wtf I'm straight now

whats the deal with Nazis?

so its ok to be racist against Nazis??? double standard

>explains a lot
Like what?

*Chicken Wingers


I've known where Aleppo was since I was in middle school.
I loved geography and history class.

Yes I bet your autism was very endearing to the ladies

Some of the smartest women I've known are with knuckle dragging asshats that treat them like shit.
It's painful to witness.

Can people online please stop calling any sign of intelligence "autism"?

Intelligence is learning about the major, important geographic locations in the world.

Autism is pouring over an atlas and memorizing every irrelevant shithole town that's not important to any endeavor you're going to take.

Not really.
I used to love to talk at length about all sorts of things.
It took me a very long time to realize that when I start dropping facts and figures people, especially women, zone the fuck out and there goes any future there.
No one likes a know it all.

Now I make sure to invite them to talk about themselves as much as they like. Look excited when they tell me about certain aspects of their life and give positive feed back.
I avoid anything that could come off as complaining or talking negatively about anything unless it's an agreement to their negative view of something.
You're always better off talking about the present and short term goals/plans and topical easily accessible interests when it comes to yourself.

It's not an unfair assessment.

I was diagnosed with autism as a child.
Fortunately mother/grandmother never shared that with me, or anyone else and just disregarded that.
Or I'd be a bigger mess than I am.

Yeah, women don't like facts. They prioritize emotions. A woman would only repeat a fact to feel good (an emotion).

And yes, they love talking about themselves. Every woman is a narcissist. That's why unattractive women get depressed.

Oh. Sorry. An actual autist. Carry on, sir.

I DO want Jay though. Always have.

My underlying point was that I was able to change and adapt so that I'm not so dull to be around, especially for those first time encounters with the bottom half of the bell curve.
The more time you spend working at it, the more natural it becomes.

It's not nearly so pronounced these days
It's like I'm an actor in every day life.