ITT: Overrated filmmakers

ITT: Overrated filmmakers

Pic related. Carpenter really isn't that good. Besides The Thing and They Live, his movies are garbage

>escape from New York

Assault on Precinct 13
Escape from NY
Big Trouble
Prince of Darkness
In the Mouth of Madness

All good/great.

The Thing is shit, though.
They Live is a meme movie with cheesy lines and bad acting.

Name some movies you like so I can make fun of you.


Literally the Reddit auteur

closer to great if you swap prince of darkness with escape from la. Starman was fun too. Only ghosts of mars really sucked ass

>using the word auteur
But Prince of Darkness is his best film.


I might rewatch prince of darkness. I watched it about a month ago, did a 100 word "review" and still can barely remember any of it

Funnily enough I think that The Thing is probably his most overrated work while They Live is his most underrated. If Cronenberg had directed They Live it'd be semi-widely considered genius. Carpenter's big problem is that his work is too unique to sell easily. His movies don't really feel Hollywood at all. And they hardly fit genres either a lot of the time.

>his work is too unique to sell easily
Then why is Cronenberg respected?

Cronenberg goes out of his way to sell himself while Carpenter stays at home smoking pot and playing xbox. Also if Cronenberg hadn't gone switched gears and taken his work in a new direction he'd be half as known as he is. The Brood, Shivers and Videodrome are great but they'll never impress normalfaggots like Eastern Promises.

>Imagine being so contrarian you force yourself to hate the thing.

I've seen this Carpenter threads being spamed around here latelly.
But I'll take the bait.
For someone to be overrated it has to be "rated" first. Has John Carpenter being actually recognized as a master of film making or anything like that? He is mostly talked about as a niche director who likes to make monster films with lots of latex.

Is so, what other film maker under that similar niche would you say are more deserving of recognition and are not getting any?

Halloween is considered the progenitor of its genre.

The Thing is considered onw of the greatest films of all time.

>Halloween is considered the progenitor of its genre.
Yeah, by retards maybe.

. It's gross, they're barely even teenagers.

>Prince of Darkness
Nope. Its a stinker.

is a cheap schlocky piece of shit. The sequel is even worse.

is he up to anything these days apart from music and talking about video games?

He just got done with a tour, but I think he's unofficially retired from filmmaking.

I actually watched about half of it earlier today for the first time and couldn't believe how atrocious it was. So much shitty dialogue and cute bland humor.

Prince of Darkness is dank.


How was his last film The Ward? I recall a few guys talking it up here when it first came out.

Which would be most moviegoers, yeah.

>Big Trouble
Why do people like this piece of shit so much? How do they reconcile every scene being a painful exposition dump and almost none of the humor working?

How do you reconcile your autism?

Nope. Its got some good elements, but its so unfocused and sloppy as far as tone goes that it's just frustrating.

I love carpenter as much as the next user, but its certainly one of his weakest moments. The dream/transmission is one of the few good things it has.

100% truth

that's how you know you can't take carpenter fans seriously. I'm all for enjoying trash entertainment but carpenterfags can't seem to admit that what they like is garbage. I guarantee you that if they saw Big Trouble and didn't know it was directed by carpenter they would probably hate it or at least be able to admit that it's shit.

>They Live

lol no, it's actually incredibly overrated

Only someone high on the spectrum could find that film funny though.

Fuck you, nigger. This guy not only directed some of the most iconic horror films ever, but he even scored them.

And you are now hearing the baseline theme from "They Live!"

Cute. But seriously how do you reconcile the complete lack of dialogue that sounds in any way natural? Literally every line Jack's Asian friend has is unnatural clunky exposition.

>some of the most iconic horror films ever

Who cares? Horror is a trash genre.

BTiLC is a miss. Cool in the 80s and 90s but aged like milk. He had other big stinkers too that tarnish his overall legacy. Escape from New York is in the same boat as Big Trouble.

But The Thing, Halloween, They Live, Prince of Darkness, In the Mouth of Madness, and maybe The Fog all still hold up.

You're confusing my comments about him as a person with defending a film I don't care about. Seems like autism to me.

What I really want to know is why the fuck anyone thinks it's a good idea to remake Big Trouble, since that's literally happening right now.

>filmmaker ends their career on a bad note
I hate it when this happens

He's gone on record as saying he gets no joy from watching movies anymore. He should stay retired at this point if the passion is gone.

seems like one of the very few films that deserve a remake since the first was great yet flawed

Are you challenging the judgement of Papa Ideology?

He's old as fuck. Making movies takes energy and drive. Carpenter's window of excellence closed decades ago.