Why were the Orcs of Mordor considerably weaker than the Uruks of Isengard?

Why were the Orcs of Mordor considerably weaker than the Uruks of Isengard?

I'm sure some nerd will be happy to explain it

Who are some other unattractive actresses that are pushed as attractive in Hollywood?

holy fuck emily blunt is revolting

ask Hackson, that's not how it was in the books

Yes it was you jerk

cuz Saruman is more powerful than Sauron at that time

because Uruks are made from magic

because uruks are upgraded orcs

Its fairly simple actually.
They are no rabble of mindless orcs. They are Uruk-hai. Their armor is thick and their shields broad.


the lore isnt v clear but sauroman's fighting uruk-hai were a crossbreed of orcs and men, that were tall, smart, and resistant to sunlight

Take a long jump with a short rope. Emily Blunt is lovely and does a great job filling in the "action hero woman" role.

>Why are unattractive actresses pushed as attractive in Hollywood?

Because otherwise Hollywood would be forced to admit that Asian women are GOAT.

Her face sure as fuck isn't lovey.


Uruks are Orcs bred with men. They are Uberorcs.
The film version of them literally being born from the grime of the fucking earth is retarded as shit and non-canon, even though it makes for some spoopy visuals.

The Last Samurai was the ultimate form of cuckoldry.

>white man kills jap man
>jap wife is forced to take care of him for months
>fucks her
>wears her husband armor

Its not exactly a flattering picture though. Most would look ugly making that face.

Don't forget:
>goes back to the village after all the other jap men are massacred to bleach the rest of the recently widowed

>He thinks this is ugly
Being a tripfag isn't the only reason to kill yourself.

Why did you let orcposting die?

It's never clearly stated in the movie but Saruman actually mixed Orcs with humans and used selective breeding to create a race of more powerful orcs that can also resist the sun.
In the final chapters of the LotR that were left out in the movies weaker human-orc breeds under the guidance of Saruman conquered the shire.

tldr Saruman had Orcs breed with human chicks

it really didn't have that much longevity honestly.

Funny how you mention asians in a thread about Tolkien's orcs:

>Tolkien describes Orcs explicitly in one of his Letters:

>...they are (or were) squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.[15]

Asian women can't resist the BWC.

Are you telling me. That. In Tolkien's fantasy. White women are bred with big Orc bulls to make a stronger mixed race?

Stop trying so hard, Jenna

You have shit taste.

Nice cherrypicking.

Asians are objectively more feminine and age like wine.

Most whites hit a brick wall at 30.

I thought they were Orcs mixed with Goblin Men?

Who's cherrypicking? That is a quote from Tolkien.

Because common orcs are weak as shit. That being said, common orcs weren't the only ones that Sauron had in stock, he had Uruks too, he just didn't send them out willy nilly.

I'm no white male defender, but neither white males or females "act like men/women" Traditional gender roles are dead in the West

The picture.

Also Tolkien admitted he never actually met any real Asians, only whatever caricatures he'd seen in political cartoons.

Because Isenberg had mad untapped uruk mineral deposits that saruman was sitting on for ages while sauron used his all up during the wars or some shit.


you're waifu Chloe Moretz

>It's never clearly stated in the movie but Saruman actually mixed Orcs with humans

They're a mix of Orcs and Goblins actually.


>Tolkien described the Uruk-hai of Isengard as large, smart orcs with slanted eyes, thick legs, and large hands. They were armed with bows made of yew and short, broad-bladed swords. The Isengarders' equipment was noted as quite different from normal orcish gear (such as that used by the Uruks of Mordor).

>Uruks were first created by Sauron late in the Third Age. In the War of the Ring, the Uruk-hai made up a large part of Saruman's Army, together with the Dunlendings, man-enemies of Rohan. There are suggestions that the Uruk-hai of Isengard were the result of crossbreeding orcs and men. Certainly, there were other creatures in Saruman's armies, and under his command in the Shire, that appear to have been hybrids. "Half-orcs" were as tall as Men and are never described simply as orcs, as the Uruk-hai frequently are. It has also been suggested that the Uruk-hai are the cross-breeds of goblins and half-orcs.

>Uruk-hai was a Black Speech word that meant "Orc-folk". The name "Uruk-hai" has the element Uruk, which was a Black Speech word related to orc, related to the (Valinórean) Quenya word urko (Ñoldorin Quenya: orko) of the same meaning. The element hai means "folk", so "Uruk-hai" is "Orc-folk". A similar term is Olog-hai ("troll-folk"), used for a breed of especially strong and vicious trolls capable of surviving sunlight.

Tolkien confirmed for a supporter of race-mixing

Are you sure? I remember in Mordor Sam sees an Orc kill an Uruk but on the whole I think that Uruks were meant to be a lot bigger and stronger, on top of being more disciplined soldiers.

I imagine that the regular grunt orcs look like the creatures from 'The Descent.' They don't get any sun, it'd make sense that they'd be all pale and straggly looking with mean facial features.

The more I read about Uruks the less I get it. I don't think Tolkien even had a concrete answer here.

>I don't think Tolkien even had a concrete answer here.
Its pretty clear that Uruks were mixed in some fashion, meanwhile Orcs were just elves being tortured and turned into Orcs

If you have to say 'in some fashion' I don't think that it's 'pretty clear.'

saruman also fed his orcs manmeat whereas sauron's just ate other orcs

>in some fashion
either humans or goblins
doesnt really matter

It's a shame we never got to see the alpha bull Uruk spreading his seed in the women of middle earth to create the army. Imagine a three hour epic of Idris Elba in green makeup plowing white woman after white woman. Jackson made a mistake having the Uruks be born from the magic mud pit.

>green makeup
we aren't discussing warhammer, orcs aren't green

Every single one of those profile shots disprove this. Subhumanity all around.

The last samurai one in particular is legitimately vomit-inducing.

how that hideous thing become a movie star and steal jim from pam, disgusting

Well he was an Englishman after all