Should I watch it, guys?

Should I watch it, guys?

i don't know

sure, it's better than the show, anyway.

Typography isn't uniformly alligned to the gird

>he hasn't already seen it and all of based yul brynner's kinography

Not if you're 90's born human garbage.

I watched it the other day. Its a really short film, like only 70 minutes long ot so.

>the gird
you must now live with this mistake for the rest of your life, user.

It started off okay but I eventually had to skip some slow and boring parts.

No, its fucking awful

Dr. Pavel, I'm Delos

No, it's dated. Watch the modern show instead :^)


there aren't enough minorities in this film. the show is much more diverse and better

Expect some 70s campiness, otherwise it's good.

The movie is pretty diverse though. One of the people on the scientist people is black, and you can see there are black cowboy robots and guests in multiple scenes.

Utterly and completely fucking destroyed.

I saw it a couple days ago. Very 70's kind of scifi movie like Logan's Run or Zardoz. I thought it was pretty good, but it had some serious issues with pacing at some points. The most interesting part is you can see a number of things pulled from it and used later on for Jurassic Park and Terminator.

The glimpses of Medieval World just made me go rewatch El Cid though.

I think the show is better so far but what will make it or break it is if all the fun mystery hints are well thought out ahead of time like Babylon 5 or if they're just LOST-style winging it where it will collapse into shit.


Everyone is so terrified and damaged after LOST that a show can't even get 2 episodes in without everyone worried they are gonna go that route. Every thread.

I get you guys don't wanna have that happen to you again but isn't it just very slightly too early to be worrying about that? 2 episodes? Just because it has some unanswered questions?

Yes its better than the show

The difference between the first two hours of Lost and the first two hours of Westworld is so ridiculously vast it's not even funny.

I gave examples of both: People that had their shit figured out and people that were just making it up as they went along. No shortage of that second category if you don't want LOST there. NuBSG fits in that same, Game of Thrones, any sort of thing that devolved into a soap opera like Walking Dead or Once Upon a Time (this one was basically a soap opera to begin with but it went full Days of Our Lives)

It's really rare for a show to be well plotted out. So of course people fear that the writers are just winging it.

utterly BTFO

can someone explain to me how does the bots work in the park exactly ?
the bots in the 'base' (where the staff work) are controlling their replica in the park ?

>everyone dies in the end
>except for one guy who still has to deal with any surviving robots and is stuck in some station by himself
>i expect most people to die in the HBO show, just to be edgy

are you serious?

there are no "bots in the base"

You complete and utter faggot

i watched it

didnt watch the show

it is pretty neat if you like other crichton stuff like andromeda strain

Might as well. I watched it last night and while some parts were like watching paint dry (especially the long-winded chase scene at the end) it gives context to the TV show. Like another user said, has serious pacing issues which means an otherwise short film ends up feeling like it runs an extra hour.

I watched the first episode of the show today and thought that it was, on the whole, a superior realization of the concept, aside from the very tired ultra dark, serious and sinister corporate management shit where every conversation ends with brooding looks of contempt.

Yes but I remember Futureworld being a better movie.

0/10 if real
7/10 if b8