You ready Partner?

>You ready Partner?
>Yeah... Lets finish this!

>Protag gets a girl
>she doesn't suck his soul, happiness, money and hope leaving him like an empty dead shell of nothingness and mediocrity
Ahahaha i mean wtf get over yourself hollywood

>Protagonist's girlfriend sees protagonist cry about his dead relative
>GF doesn't mock him and leave him along while he develops a crippling alcohol addiction while spending most of his days indoors out of immense depression

ahahahahahaha Hollywood can be "a bit" unrealistic haha

>I need 10 minutes
>you have 20

> ynnn mah youNguh AN'' mO' VulNerable Years MaH pops gave mee $um Advicee DaT I’vEE Beenn TUrnIn OVr YNNN MaH MiNd Evuhhhh $ince.
“wheNevuHHH U felll DiGG CriticIzin EnAyy One,” HEE Tol' Me,,, “just REmemBuH DAT All Da NiGGas ynn Disss WUrldd HavEn’t Hadddd dA advaNtageSS daT You’vE Had.”
HE didn’ttt $AAyYY enayYY Mo',,, But WE’ve AlWays been UnuSuallEee communICatiVVV YN Uh resErved WA, an' Ah UndeRstoOD Dat He MeanTT UH piMpinnn Deall MO' Thn Dat. Yn COnseqUEnce,, I’M InClined 2 REservee Al JUdgments, UH HabIt daTT Hasss oPened UHp MANayYY CuriOuS NatuRS 2 ME an' ALLSo mAdee Me Daa VIctimm O' Nwttt Uh Feww VEteRan BoreS. Da AbnorMal miNd iz qUick 22 DetEct An' AttaCh Itself 2 Dis QUalItee Wen IT AppeArSSS Yn Uh NoRMAl Prson, aN' $ooo It WNt ABout daT Yn ColLegee i's UNjUsTlee AccusEd O' Beinn UH PoliTIcian,, Caws i'SSSSS privAyy 2222 DA $ECRett GrIEfS O' WYld, UnkNown Men. Mostt O'' daa CoNfIDEnCeS Wereeee unSOrt — FreQUEnTlee Ah Hvv feigneD $leEp,,,, PrEoccUpAshUn,, or UH Hostile LeVItEe WEn Ah rEaLiZed BI $UM unmiSTAKaBlee $iGNN datt Uh IntIM8 reVelaShuN WeRe QuiVeRin aWN Daa horizon;; FAwr Daa intim888 RevELaShuNS O'' Young Men, Or At Least Da tErMs Ynn wich deayy ExpRe$$$$ DEm, IZZ USUAllee PLagiarIstiCC An' MArRed bII obvious $uppreSsions. reSeRvin JudgMeNts iz Uhhh MatTuH O'' Infinite HopE. ah Be $TIlllllll Uh liLL fRaIDD o'' MiSsIn $omethiN IFF Ahh foRgETTT dat, aas Mah pops $noBbisHlEe $UGGesTED, An'' Ah $nobBishleee RepEAt, UH $eNsEEEE O'' Da FuNdamental DecEncies Iz parcelled oUtiii UnEquAllEEEE At bIRTH.

This is a very nice post. Thank you to made this post a reality.

nahH, thaNK U, HoMiE.

>screw this up and I'll kill you myself

>X girl's friend tells the protagonist that X likes him
>it isn't all one big hoax to trick the protagonist into falsely believing that X actually likes him, when all she really thinks about the protagonist is that he's some loser

Tsk tsk, Hollywood, I understand the need for artistic freedom, but can you be a little closer to reality in your movies hahahaa please?

>We're not aiming for the truck

>protag has sex
wow i get suspension of disbelief but this is something else

>Protagonist and antagonist team up to take down a bigger antagonist

This literally only happened in one movie

>sequel shows that they aren't together anymore
>he falls for it again with another girl

>protagonist fights antagonist
>protagonist out classes antagonist
>you never were a match for me

>The protagonist has some actual friends
LMAO what happened to credible stories?

Name ten hundred more where it happens.

Name 234 movies when this shit happens.

Huh? I don't know,a single woman who would shame a man for crying of his friend ir family died. I know plenty of men who would though. I really think you need to get out more and make (female) friends.

t. Hollywood writer

>Final suspenseful battle between protagonist and antagonist
>only lasts 6 minutes and most of it is talking

>if I tell you he'll kill me
>if you don't then I'll kill you

>who else was involved
>just me
>well now it's you and me

I think climatic fights should last 6 minutes top

or it gets retarded