Rey's Flashback

Let's analyze all the voices and details of this flashback:

these are all the things I can hear/see in it:

- The first thing is the lightsaber sound and breathe of Darth Vader.

- The second one is the corridor of the death star that appears in Episode V.

- The voice of Yoda saying "it's energy", and the scream of Sheev?

- Yoda again saying "surround us" and Luke screaming "noooooooo".

- Then around 1:13 I can hear Sheev saying "any Jedi..." that's when he said to Vader that any Jedi is now an enemy to the republic.

- Then there is this frame that I discovered yesterday where we see something, I think a woman with the hair cut, who the fuck is she??

- And finally Ben saying "Rey..."

There are some voices in the background that I can't hear also.

Sooo who is the girl in the frame??

Do you hear or see anything more??

Rey did I ever tell you that I have some good friends?

who is the woman in the frame?

There was no Death Star in Episode V. That was in Cloud City.

ahhh you are right

but what do you think of the rest?

No one cares about TFA except Tumblr. Please stop talking about your feminist fantasy film and appreciate how great the original films were compared to it.

If you would rather watch The Feminist Awakens: A New Hope than even the prequels, you aren't a proper Star Wars fan and are just some band wagoner normie who takes selfies of themselves in a Chewbacca shirt for Instagram with "SO NERDY xDD" written below it.

but do you know who is the woman in the flashback¿?

Mon Mothman?

>Mon Mothman
it's younger

It's Rey with her wet hair tightly tied behind her head

So, maybe I'm dumb for asking but, was that Luke or Anakin with R2 during this part?

that's not Rey look her face

Luke, why do you think is anakin?


that's CGI rey you doofus

wait, am I responding to bait again?

>CGI rey

abd why is she different?

Yes. This furthers my theory that she is either a clone of Anakin or Anakin reincarnated.

I have a question.

In the flashback there is a moment when young Rey screams "Come baaaack" while looking at the aircraft leaving and being dragged by Unkar Plutt, does she have an English or American accent?

Even though I have turned up the volume and watched the scene too many times, i can't hear the difference.

So, my theory is, if she had an American accent when she was younger, she could be related to Luke/Leia because they also have an American accent. However, she later changed to an English accent because of the influence of Unkar Plutt accent.

On the other hand, if she had an English accent to begin with, she could be anyone's daughter, perhaps even Sheev's, because he has an English accent.

Again, only theories.

because it's cheap ass CGI that they hoped nodoby would notice, amigo

Why the fuck would they use CGI for her face at this one part? That's so illogical.

hollywood is retarded, what did you expect?

>- And finally Ben saying "Rey..."

Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker from the past, she will end up changing her name and living on tatooine and the story of star wars will be a loop for a ultimate asspull twist

Do you realize how much money you could have earned in the time it took you to hyper-analyze one scene from a fucking Disney movie?

The Real Ring Theory