"The orcs, Frodo. They are only 13% of the population of middle earth...

>"The orcs, Frodo. They are only 13% of the population of middle earth, yet are responsible for more than half of violent crime, and represent 90% of the prison population. Remember that, Frodo."

Why did Hackson choose to include this line?

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off

butthurt orc detected

If these are the facts, why doesn't everyone get together to fucking do something about it? Orcs contribute nothing to society anyway.

>"We're about to mow down these orcs like I mowed down gooks in 'nam"
What the FUCK, Jackson?

>If these are the facts, why doesn't everyone get together to fucking do something about it?
Because these facts are kept from the people.

why didn't frodo just fly the prison population into mount doom

Stop saying these factually correct racist facts, Gandalf. #notallOrcs are bad.

Maybe they commit crimes because everyone in Middle Earth treats them like shit and deems them inferior.

Fucking kek

the shire needs integrated orc neighborhoods

What if they are biologically inferior, more prone to violence and aggression? Indeed the Orc race spreads destruction no matter in Middle Earth they are.

What was the orcs end game in LOTR? When that one guy said the time of the orcs I was thinking "I want to know more about their motivations and why they follow a giant eye."

They're primitive and simple creatures that follow whoever can satisfy their base desires of meat supplies.

they wanna rape and pillage. just like black people

I'm willing to bet the people who claim that aren't biologists.

>What was the orcs end game in LOTR?

meat on the menu

Can I get someone who acutely read the books to answer this outside of meme shiters?

The top wizards in the field, user.

they have no special motivation apart from surival really, they were literally created to do vile things and hate all living things, a "twisted form of life", following Sauron is the only thing they can do

What if it's the other way around?


>Round up all orcs to make them your slaves
>Abolish slavery and adopt a bunch of laws that prevents them from living life like normal humans, elves and hobbits
>Be surprised when they get pissed off

And what laws would that be?

Glad to see Raimiposting is branching off.

>end segregation
>now orcs not only have equal rights but social aids
>commit more crime than ever, especially orc on orc violence
>countries with an orc majority are doing bad overall

Typical case of correlation =/= causation. In case you ever want to leave your echo chamber and find out why Orc countries really suck, you should read guns germs and steel.


because orcs are considered human by some

y'all should be blaming the fucking Elves for controlling our town criers and heralds, using them to antagonize the Orcs against us.

They are also the ones who brought the Orcs to Middle-Earth.

Does your meme book explain why they're still doing poorly since the end of colonisation, despite being the biggest recipient of foreign aid?

Also, does it explain the disproportionate amount of black crime in the 21st century USA, decades after the end of segregation?

>liberals think there is reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of orks and elves, geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically.

Yeah it's totally slavery.. the fact it's a phenomenon that occurs all across middle earth is just a coincidence

Ever read LotR?

Actual LotR lore:
>Uruk-hai are race-mixed orcs which are twice as violent and degenerate
>Trolls are race-mixed Ents which are weaker and degenerate
>When elves race-mix their powers diminish
>There are dark skinned jungle people near Gondor that live in stick huts and speak with clicks
>The "darkies" from the Southern continent (Tolkien's actual words) join forces with the evil Sauron
>Sauron is "the black"
>His opposite is "the white"

I'm sure somebody turned an orc platoon into plantation workers after the war. They're strong and agile, and I bet they're grateful to have something other than moldy bread or orc meat for dinner.

>guns germs and steel
You mean "Swords, rings and mithril"?

Orcs commit crime because of bards that glorify it, why work for grain when you can just sell man flesh and live like a king

No, but some common sense and education about history might.

>Colonization ended
>Countries are arbitrarily formed with boundaries
>Taken over by communists or "helped" by Americans to implement democracy
>It goes to shit because countries have always been oppressed by imperialists

b-but muh white privilege

I'm sure those Orc territories were even more violent before Men arrived. Surely Orcs were the ones that enslaved most Orcs and who then sold them to Men.

An Elf gives up her mortality to racemix with a guy and it's considered a good thing.

Also those southern guys serving Sauron are described with sympathy, there's a moment when Sam sees one of them dead and wonders what forced him here to die in foreign land.

orcs arent that bad, see pic

imagining this made me kek a lot

Again. Read swords, rings and mithril.
