What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

He thought he was slick enough to be another Hans Landa, and he tried to be all cool about catching the Americans. Somebody with a normal-sized ego would have walked out and brought back a dozen soldiers with him.

he was a nazi, the most evil people in all of history

Ease up on that Allied propaganda.

He was much smarter than them

He didn't make mom freak.

I'm genuinely interested if you can justify their actions without memeing, not saying you're wrong, I'm just curious.

No, that would be the clintons

How did he not recognise the nazi turncoat guy? The german soldier said every german knew who he was.

Was Nazism evil? Perhaps. But not everyone involved with the movement was evil, and many Germans at the time weren't even Nazis per se, but were indifferent, just going with the flow, or taking part for ulterior motives. That includes party members and even members of the SS. You can't say all Nazis were evil. They were just people. You can seperate an idea from the people who believe in it.

Nazism as a belief system certainly had its share of moral blind spots and some of its ideas were definitely factually incorrect, and that led to some regrettable actions. But isn't that true for all belief systems? Human beings aren't perfect. We don't understand everything. We make mistakes given bad info.

The Third Reich didn't want to "take over the world." They wanted to defend Europe from Marxism, unite all ethnic Germans under a single state, and find an alternative to capitalism. None of these things are inherently evil.

The Treaty of Versailles was unjust. Ethnic German minorities were persecuted outside of German, including in Poland, and it's understandable that Germany would want to protect them. Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. The other invasions were done to secure Germany's flanks. Entirely justified? Maybe not. But it was either that or death.

The Jewish-led failed communist revolution in Germany had cost the Central Powers the war, or at least weakened them, so it makes sense that they would put Jews and communists into concentration camps. We Allies did the same thing with German nationals, Japanese immigrants, members of far-right parties, etc. The USSR dealt with groups assumed to be enemies no less harshly than the Nazis did. How could the Germans have fed all their prisoners? They couldn't even feed their troops.

He never said their actions were justified, he just implied that they aren't the most evil group in history.

everyone knew who he was by name not necessarily by face

Even in the five years or so after the war the Allies killed about three million Germans, in part by ethnically cleansing ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe. So America, France, Britain, and Russia have never aggressively invaded countries, enslaved people, or committed genocide? Germany certainly wasn't alone in its activities. It wasn't even the most efficient at genocide, and the Holocaust isn't the worst genocide on record. Even the Jews have committed genocide. The Bible records them committing genocide against the Canaanites, the original inhabitants of the Holy Land.

World War II was hardly a black and white conflict you'd find in a comic book. It was more like light grey vs dark grey. I'm glad that democracy won (or rather won at the end of the Cold War), but you can't pretend our hands are clean, or that Nazis were baby-eating vampires from outer space or whatever Hollywood would have you believe. Think critically.

Thank you user, this actually explains it quite a bit.

nazism was retaliation for jews. They got what they deserved after people over for their entire lifetime.
western involvement in Vietnam was conquest that turned into mass rape and slaughter. The first white man many of them saw was the last thing they'd ever see.

And then there's the Japanese invasion of China

>Them digits
>That answer

>Yeah cause i'd be gassing your ass up and down the labour camp

Jesus tarantino, was this really necessary?

Well they knew about the niggers before anyone else did

This meme doesn't work on films that aren't kid friendly.

i dont know about it its pretty funny

So as a libcom I am justified in hating the Nazis cause they are my direct enemies.

However, I also know that for Germans Hitler was a good leader. He built houses for workers, I've seen them in Graz, Austria where people still love in them. He got Germany out of recession and gave people hope when the situation seemed bleak. During WWII Germans either wilfully or unknowingly ignored the bad stuff that went on because their life was comfortable. You can say similar thing is happening in America where those well-off don't want to or can't see the issues facing America, such as income inequality, money in politics, treatment of minorities, the prison-industrial and the military-industrial complex. Eisenhower went ahead and called it yet people still didn't give a fuck because they had their house, car, family, job, vacations, why complain and stand out when you're comfortable?

As that quote says for evil to triumph all that is required is that good people do nothing.

That's why I liked the movie Fury. Other American WWII movies and shows (such as Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan) show American soldiers as these wholesome country boys who have a good heart but ended up in a shitty situation. In Fury it shows soldiers for what they really are: recruited from the poorest layer of society turned into animals by the horrors of war. That scene when they go around looting and slaughtering German soldiers is brilliant because it shows what war does to people -- turns them into beasts. We often forget that the forces of 'good' or 'evil' are comprised of humans, and it's humans on both sides who are doing the killing, it's not humans versus demons or aliens, it's humans vs humans and that's the true evil.

>How could the Germans have fed all their prisoners? They couldn't even feed their troops.
Logistics is a bitch aint it
>Germans lost most tanks not in combat they simply ran out of fuel and had to abandon them in Russia

In Fury was good up until the ending where it jsut became predictable trash


>Human beings aren't perfect. We don't understand everything. We make mistakes given bad info.

Talk about a fucking blunder, Adolf

>Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around

This meme again. They declared war because Poland was invaded and was their ally. They warned Germany severl times, and Hitler had already annexed Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia before

>it was either that or death.

Absolutely retarded, no one wanted war with Germany, that's why he could pull those invasions in the first place

>The Jewish-led failed communist revolution in Germany had cost the Central Powers the war
>he bought the knife in the back meme when all the fault was to Wilhelm and his retarded commanders

>so it makes sense that they would put Jews and communists into concentration camps.

Uuuuh, not really, no

>muh USSR

USSR were fucking apes Nazis always considered like barbarians that should be viewed like animals, yet you justify their actions by saying "Soviets were worse"

Why were the Germans so cool?

yeah, he was a wannabe landa. Landa would have never gotten the who am I question wrong like this dude

>yfw Hitler contributed to the jews power and got millions of white people killed

Seriously, what a doofus.

Is the answer anal water park?

That makes a lot of sense. You could tell he was really proud of his own intelligence (the way he could tell their accents right down to what town they were from), so of course he tried to get a little too clever.

He basically tried to do a repeat of what Landa did with that French guy at the beginning, only it didn't work because instead of a scared civilian he was up against a bunch of well-armed soldiers.

While the theory of Hitler’s diabolism is generally accepted, there are very well informed persons who contend that he brought himself and Germany to ruin by being too soft, generous and honorable rather than too tough and ruthless.

They point to the following considerations: he made a genuine and liberal peace offer to Britain on August 25, 1939; he permitted the British to escape at Dunkirk to encourage Britain to make peace, which later on cost him the war in North Africa.

Hitler had advanced and cut off France and Britain at the English Channel in Dunkirk in just 7 weeks, at which point he just let them go. Hitler spent most of his time trying to put a stop to the ever encroaching Red Menace. Between Lenin and Stalin 40,000,000 Russians and Eastern Europeans died at the hands of the Bolsheviks. This is for thought crimes, not WWII - This is what communism will get you. Hitler's main concern was to stop the advancement of communism, and protect Europe from the Bolshevik advances. For the sake of Capitalism and Free Enterprise, Hitler meant to put a stop to it. Most are brainwashed into thinking Hitler was a "Monster". But it was European agression, much like today, who poked and prodded Hitler into war by allowing over 50,000 German nationals to be exterminated in Poland.

Read up on carpet bombings in Berlin and Dresden if you think the Allies were the good guys. Ask the Red Cross how many died in these so-called concentration camps - The only professional count ever taken.

Try 271,301. That's everyone. Most of the deaths were from Typhus, thus the Zyclon-B for delousing. More Jews were living in Europe AFTER WWII than before the war started.

Everything you were taught was wrong.

This is some LGBT ally tier non-argument badgering right here

wow an actual answer to this meme, good job dude, I get it.

Considering he's replying to an opinion post full of factually incorrect statements, I'd say it's fine

Official statistics on the internet have the number by six million as well, after you added up all the individual numbers from Poland and the like.

History is written by the victor, so it is said. Perhaps one day the US will get a "nice story"... probably from the Chinese.

Lots of people who won still get painted as the bad guy though.


>They declared war because Poland was invaded and was their ally

And especially Britain tried hard to get out of this agreement with Poland.

Europe was still recovering from the great war, which was partially caused by mutual defense treaties dragging unrelated parties into the war untill the people doing most of the fighting had nothing to do with why the fighting started in the first place.

I really want to see a black comedy about WWI along the lines of dr. Strangelove.