
I mean, each answer is equally stupid.

Other urls found in this thread:



My thought is that there's no such thing as a light or dark side to the Force. People choose to use the in one way or another. The Force itself has no inherent malignant aspect.

Too much magic in already no so scientific world


Both are awful solutions

b-but there is no dark side or light side...

The synthetic answer ties into the Sith being contradictory to the Jedi's "one-ness" with their surroundings, while the corrupted answer plays into the idea of the Dark Side twisting everything it touches (the original explanation for sheev's face).
What I can't understand is why Rebels decided that the Dark Side gives you the ability to talk to animals.

Ventress and her sisters used blue lightsabers against Dooku. Why didn't the sabers turn red?

Except that the dark side is inherently bad.

You'd have to completely ignore all seven movies in order to think otherwise.

Literally either of these explanations are okay. There's no good way of explaining a stupid colour really.
It's honestly better than thinking they did it because red = evil

>"Clearly, Disney is attempting to ret-con lightsabers and the specifics about their creation. Every REAL Star Wars fan knows that Jedi lightsabers use natural crystals. These same fans also know that the crystals that the Jedi use in their lightsabers are "earned". Every REAL fan knows that the crystals that the Sith and other dark-side users use in their lightsabers are artificial. Why go back and change this fact now? Just simply stupidity at its best. Not buying it. Not accepting it. And I hope every REAL Star Wars fan doesn't accept it either."

>"All those that say the crystals are red because they are synthetic are correct! Red Sith crystals are usually formed by dark side power. True Sith could rarely use other crystals because they were skewed toward the light side. It is the reason why the Sith spent time destroying caves and temples of the Jedi to sway the balance of power. When has one in canon or non-canon heard of the Sith, capturing and preserving a crystal cave, or taking up residence at a Jedi temple? Korriban is steeped in the dark side and they can't even procure crystals there. Disney... go F yourself for rewriting things that have no need to be rewritten."

wow the comments read like someone troleposting on here

It's fucking magic crystals in a laser sword.

I love the EU (the old irrelevant one RIP) but worry about stuff like that is really dumb, not when they're ignoring shit like what happened to Fett post VI, and removing Jaina and Jacen from history

>Posted from my iPhone
DAmn i miss these

>Posted from my iPhone

So... why didn't Anakin's lightsaber turn red when he turned to the dark side, butchered kids, and fought Obi-Wan?

>well obviously red is a more evil color than blue or green and the dark side manipulates color in this one singular example
disney are such hacks

This shit is clearly more retarded then the transformation option. What is so evil about forming crystals with the force? Why can't jedi do that instead of waste natural resources?

Because Anakin actually didn't do anything wrong in Episode III. The Force was a-okay with the Jedi genocide stuff.

>Posted from my iPhone
of course

But seriously, both of these explanations are fucking retarded. How about the Sith just use red because it's a tradition within their sect? Those Jedi guards all use yellow sabers; is that because their Force destiny colored the crystals? So it was preordained that anyone who gets a yellow color sword by accident has to be a temple guard? I just thought the most logical scenario is that they use yellow for traditional purposes. Jedi use mostly blue and green, guards use yellow, Sith use red, and then special snowflake colors like white are for lone wolves and fuckups.

Why does there have to be some kind of universal law that impacts sword color, rather than cultural practices?

>lets turn our badass lightsaber crystals into glorified moodrings.

*slow cap*

That's so retarded. The synthetic crystals explanation is 1000x better. The new explanation is so lazy. So if a jedi uses a red lightsaber does it turn back to green or blue? Fucking autistic.

Actually, they used this to explain white lightsabers too.

Supposedly, if a Jedi uses a red lightsaber and purifies it, it turns white instead of reverting to it's original color.

In general, I agree with you. It's a lot of fantastical shit that doesn't really need an explanation. All you really need to know is red = Sith and all other colors = Jedi.

Because there's no consistency or logic in Star Wars and everything sucks.

Why would Darth Vader need a fucking synthetic crystal?

t. Vergere

I agree with you.

Because the Jedi control who gets the real crystals.

>The Force itself has no inherent malignant aspect.
you have a point,but to use the skills of the dark side at full capacity,you have to be in contact with emotions like pride,selfishness,angriness..etc
so you will probably end corrupted an evil.

But he was the (maybe the second) most powerful and influential force user of his time.

>What I can't understand is why Rebels decided that the Dark Side gives you the ability to talk to animals
because Voldemort can talk to snakes

Vergere was fucking B A S E D

She, Kreia from KOTOR 2, and Jacen Solo were the most interesting characters in Star Wars.

Too bad Disney ruined everything.

>True Sith could rarely use other crystals because they were skewed toward the light side.

Except no.

So literally what Lucas wanted but others talked him out of because it was stupid.

Explain why he didn't just keep using his blue lightsaber then.

Legends's "canon" works like that.
The movies's canon states that the dark side is evil and wrong and shit and bringing "balance" to the Force doesn't consist on balancing the Dark and the Light Side but of destroying the Dark Side forever so only the Light Side is left.

The fake crystals are also more powerful, but unstable.

Bendu get out of Cred Forums.

Because Obi-Wan stole it.

Didnt Obi wan steal it?

Alright sure, but them being synthetic still feels cheap. Why cant they just be a different kind of crystal favoured by the sith?

That white blade thing is incredibly dumb too. Tradition/culture makes much more sense.

Are we going to get global, in-universe-scientific explanations for why the Jedi wear brown robes and the Sith wear black too? Do the midichlorians infect the brown cloth and turn it a darker shade when the person wearing them uses the Force for evil? I mean why the fuck not, that's not any stupider.

That's true, but the question is whether that would alter the color of lightsaber crystal. I don't think that it would.

explain this

>you bested me
Didn't he kick Vodo's ass that one time too?
Vodo even acknowledges this the night before their duel.

George Lucas is a hack

>Vergere: "Light and dark are no more than nomenclature: words that describe how little we understand. What you call the dark side is the raw, unrestrained Force itself: you call the dark side what you find when you give yourself over wholly to the Force. To be a Jedi is to control your passion…but Jedi control limits your power. Greatness—true greatness of any kind—requires the surrender of control. Passion that is guided, not walled away. Leave your limits behind."

>Jacen: "But—but the dark side—"

>Vergere: "If your surrender leads to slaughter, that is not because the Force has darkness in it. It is because you do."

>Jacen: "Me? No—no, you don't understand—the dark side is, it's, it's, don't you see it? It's the dark side. The dark side…"

>Vergere: "The only dark side you need fear, Jacen Solo, is the one in your own heart."

And then Lucas heard about it, said "Lol no" and Vergere was rewritten to be a Sith in the old canon.

You see, from Anni's point of view the Jedi were evil, so his lack of awareness regarding his own evilness confused the Force inside him and preventes his lightsaber from turning red.

Don't you manchildren have anything better to argue about?

In this case, no, he's actually not. This new explanation for the Force changing lightsaber color is from Disney, Lucas has no input anymore.

I see they're continuing the proud tradition of explaining things that don't need to be explained in stupid ways.

Them being synthetic goes back to the original dark jedi/sith not having access to natural formations. They later became favored because they were more powerful

it's retcon shit,pick what you like about SW an disregard what you dont.
it will be funnier

I never understood why Sith started using exclusively red crystals anyway, given that we've also seen them using blades which merely trend towards the warmer side of the color spectrum, like orange.

It makes the Jedi seem really disorganized and chaotic by comparison. I always preferred the "guardians use blue, sentinels use yellow and consulars use green" system of the KotOR games.

Also makes sense from a battlefield recognition perspective. Sith probably should've had a similar corresponding system.

What color lightsaber would Pete wield? What about Dee?


The redder the lightsaber, the more intense his butthurt.

Why was Windu's purple then? Was it because he was not good enough to have a blue or green lightsaber but not evil enough to have a red lightsaber?
What about those with orange lightsabers? Were they falling to the dark side?

That comment sounds like a veiled insult.
Like "Oh how mighty of you to need two lightsabers to beat my shitty stick".

>Posted from my iPhone
going to start using this

What did those panels even do? I'm sure the faggot ruined the ship's oxygen suply or something and they had to move to a different ship.

Kylo ren was the beta uprising

Was Vodo the most retarded Jedi Master ever?
Like, you could argue that Anakin was troubled but not outright evil so Obi-Wan might not have noticed how close to the Dark Side he was but Exar Kun was shown to be an utter douche from the moment he was introduced and one with an interest for Sith lore.
How the fuck didn't Vodo realize that he was going to fall to the Dark Side?

I really don't see how the Light side works at all seeing as the Dark Side is obviously so much more powerful.

That's the idea.

> How the fuck didn't Vodo realize that he was going to fall to the Dark Side?

He hoped otherwise.

Dindu just found a really rare crystal apparently.

Of course this all begs the question of where Ahsoka found her white crystals. Almost no one has ever used them in established canon, and even in the non-canon EU they were almost exclusively used by only the Imperial Knights.


The Dark Side is faster to learn and gives you huge power but fucks both your body and your mind.
The Light Side takes control and a lot of time to learn but allows you to truly master the Force without fucking yourself up.
Of course, the EU kind of shittied on this by giving the Sith all the cool and incredible powers while the Jedi only got boring ass shitty techniques.

I want to know this too, does anyone have any lore on white crystals? Why did almost no one use them?

>Why was Windu's purple then?

Because Samuel Jackson requested that.

I fucking love Exar Kun so much.
He is my second favourite Legends character right after Darth Bane.

The canon explanation is that they were red lighsabers which she uncorrupted, turning them white.

The fucker knows how to dress, that's for sure.

Jedi got a lot of neat shit, but it mostly dealt with mastery over the force in a passive way. All the sith ever want is to be immortal, jedi beat them to the punch handidly.

I think the EU explained that they came from Krayt Dragon's pearls which were hard as fuck to get and even harder to put into a lightsaber so very few people had them.
They might be synthetic too.

Is there any power the Light Side has that the Dark Side would want.

Random Naruto filler episode called, they want their guest hero back

>All the sith ever want is to be immortal, jedi beat them to the punch handidly.
Except for Sheev who shittied on death by tranferring his soul to clone bodies.
Or Vitiate whi shittied on death by absorbing the life-force of an entire world and living for 1k+ years.
Or literally every single Sith Lord who turned into a Force Spectre or whatever the fuck they were called.
The EU kind of fucked up with that.

>According to Disney's new EU, the Sith don't have red lightsabers because they use synthetic crystals to make them.

>They use red lightsabers because every time they use green or blue lightsabers, the dark side corrupts them and they turn red.


because he was a nog

Being one with the force is something only Darth Caedus has done, and only whilw he was alive.

He failed miserably. His power ate through his bodies and in the end he still dies.

The Force Ghost technique, the one that severs other people's connection to the Force and I can't think of anything else.
Sith literally got all the cool shit like Sith alchemy which allowed them to play god, a bunch of world-destroying techniques and other cool shit.

>jedi beat them to the punch handidly.

What? No.

There's plenty of Sith ghosts on Korriban.

It's just that the Sith crave a physical existence.

reminder that star wars was shit and LotR will always be better

>TFA gets released
>shits all over the triumphs of the OT
>new Disney EU is released
>shits all over the more coherent parts of the PT

I never got why being a Force Ghost was a good thing or why Sith would want it.
You are literally incapable of interacting with the world and doing shit aside from showing up wherever you want and talking to people.

Sith ghosts are not powerful. They are an afterimage of the being that used to exist bound to a certain item.

When have Jedi ghosts ever shown any sort of power?

They are a fucking ghost and have been shown to be capable of posessing people or even making themselves a new body.
The Force Ghosts can't do shit either. Jedi talk about becoming one with the Force but the Sith never gave a fuck about that, they want to subjugate it, not become one with it.

Several times in the EU.
The Jedi become one with the force and are not bound to a shitty dark cave for all eternity.

They can posess the weak willed, but all it takes is some new guy with a shread of slef control to defeat them. It usually ends with them being gone forever

Tell us something a Jedi ghost has done that would fit the "more powerful than you could ever imagine" bill.

Freddon Nadd's ghost could move around the galaxy with little trouble.
Other Sith's ghosts in the EU are shown to be capable of doing this too. Only a few get bound to a single place like Exar Kung, who got so fucked up in the first place because his weird evil Sith ritual was ruined.

Most of them are bound to a single place, waiting for aome poor fag to unleash them.

Sounds retarded. Luckily for me I don't give a shit about anything other than the OT.

Also didn't Anikin fight for like 7 hours on a Volcano with a blue one?

Even so that's not too much of a different from Jedi ghosts who don't get to do shit either.
From what I can see, despite the Jedi claiming the ultimate victory by reaching "true" immortality, in the end both Sith and Jedi can only turn into shitty weak ass ghosts that will dissapear sooner or later.
The only reason the Jedi can claim victory is because once they aren't around any longer they become one with the Force and go to whenever good Force users go while the Sith get their sould thrown into the void or some shit fate like that.

Goddamn, there's so much misinformation in this thread.

Kyber crystals are colorless until they're attuned to The Force by the person their destined for when they create their lightsaber.

Red crystals are caused by Sith/Dark Siders bending kyber crystals to their will when they create their saber. They make the crystals "bleed".

These "bleeding" crystals can be purified, and turn white like Ahsoka's sabers.

Blue and Green are the most common lightsaber colors, though other colors(Purple/Amethyst, Yellow, Yellow-Green, Black) are also possible.

Yellow has only been seen in use by Jedi Temple guards.

Purple has shown up twice. Mace Windu used one, and Luke finds one buried with a dead Rodian Jedi.

Ahsoka's shoto(smaller lightsaber) was yellow-green. It was as close to Yellow as possible while still being a shade of green.

Black has only shown up in the form of the darksaber.

White we know of in Ahsoka's sabers and (possibly) Tera Sinube's sabercane. I say possibly because when TCW was still being made Filoni said it was a very light blue, but in a recent panel he called it white.

Sith cannot become Force Ghosts in canon, it's simply an impossibility for them. They're too focused on achieving immortality through physical means.

Before you ask, Darth Bane in TCW was not a Force ghost, he was an illusion conjured by the Force Priestesses.

Back to the darkness, nerd

They go to the void, but Jedi retain a level of conciousness in the force. They exist forever.

>Red crystals are caused by Sith/Dark Siders bending kyber crystals to their will when they create their saber. They make the crystals "bleed".
It's a crystal for a lightsaber... "Bend the crystal to their will." FFS

>The movies's canon states that the dark side is evil and wrong and shit and bringing "balance" to the Force doesn't consist on balancing the Dark and the Light Side but of destroying the Dark Side forever so only the Light Side is left.

Except that's wrong. Blalance means between the dark side and the living force. The dark side is a natural part of the force. It can never be destroyed. It's created by pain, suffering and death, which are all natural parts of life. And life comes from the force.

No they didn't. They had those weird laser bow things. Ventress was the only nightsister with lightsabers.

>Darth Bane

You're mixing memes and it's dangerous user.

The darkside is a corruption of the living force, and the sith make it stronger. Its ver existence causes conflict and inbalance.

I think it wasn't about destroying the Dark Side as much as it was about destroying all its practicioners.

Darth Bane is an actual guy user.

Wrong. The lolside is the part of the Force that is used by means of strong emotions rather than serenity.

>he doesn't know Darth Big Guy

An important distinction is that destroying the Sith brings balance to the force. Just because there are no Sith doesn't mean the dark side ceases to exist, and not all darkside users are Sith.

That's some dumb shit. What are the causes for green and purple lightsabers then?

Its mostly about destroying the Sith, because the way they use the Dark Side throws things out of balance.

You expected Darth Bane? Too bad it was me, Corypheus!

That's the EU/Legends explanation
Lucas explanation is that the Dark Side is evil and unnatural and destroying it will bring balance to the Force.

Wrong in everything outside of the eu.

The Sith are the cancer. Not the dark Side itself

Ezra could do that from the start of season two it's a talent with the force like the mind trick.

>Lucas explanation is that the Dark Side is evil and unnatural and destroying it will bring balance to the Force.
That makes the Sith little more than cartoon villains.

>REALLY butthurt

It's magical.

Lucas has never really been big on subtlety

It's not like the OT/prequels or anything canon at all showed some powerful lightside shit.
They get some enhanced jumps, telekinesis and that's basically it.
Yoda seems like a huge faggot that talks too much compared to Sheev.

but darth vader was a sith and his ghost appeared at the end of ep 6.

>Mace Windaus light saber is purple because he is true neutral?

Or else you're telling me blue, yellow, green, purple, etc. crystals occur naturally but not red? Disney goofed

When did the movies imply they were anything but assholes using evil powers for evil shit because they can?

>Luke finds one buried with a dead Rodian Jedi.

Not trying to challenge you, but when was this?

That's because he redeemed himself and went back to the Light Side.
Most Sith don't do that.

You're saying that someone destroying the environment for personal gain is cartoony or unrealistic?

how did he redeem himself though? He stabbed his master in the back (literally what all sith are known for doing) and he did it for a selfish reason, to save his only son (if it were ANYONE else, he wouldnt have done it)

there is no redemption here. this guy helped kill millions and personally slaughtered hundreds, including younglings

Why did Sheev turn the Empire into a racist dictatorship where humans were considered superior when he was never shown to hold such beliefs before becoming Emperor?

Oh my god you anons honestly don't get it? Why they would make such a retarded change?

It's so when episode 8 ends with Rey falling to the Dark Side and Kylo seeking redemption by betraying Snoke they can have a dramatic scene where their light sabers change color to indicate their alignment shift.

Darth Vader didn't become a ghost, Anakin Skywalker did.

Heir to the Jedi. One of the first new canon books.



He realized how wrong everything he did was and choose to sacrifice himself in order to repent and save his son.
It's not about balacing your "good and bad deeds" account, it's about truly regretting your actions and finding peace with yourself and the Force.

>Rey falling to the Dark Side and Kylo seeking redemption

I want this to be real

Or talent

Anakin turned evil to save Padme.

Who destroyed the environment? That was Saruman not Dooku.

He was sowwy.


Originally the force wasn't light vs dark, it was balance versus darkness.

The dark side was abusing the force for personal power and had a bad karma associated with it.

Being in harmony with the force meant being altruistic and selfless.

It was a more interesting look at the typical good vs evil dichotomy

Now it's just a plain God vs devil scenario

Because humans are superior you dip.


wasn't there a jedi master that turned to the darkside only to experience that part of the force, then lived peacefully for the rest of his days?

>Who destroyed the environment?

Literally every dark side user, which is what you were complaining about in the first place?

>Who destroyed the environment?

>blowing up planets for lulz is OK

Legends is already becoming better than nu-canon.

Miss him yet?

>Posted from my iPhone

Why would I miss that cuck? He hated Legends and made a point of claiming it wasn't canon whenever he got the chance.

That's shit.
Anakin's didn't change color magically while he was killing dozens of kids.

Because when he died, he was a Jedi again and only Jedi can appear as Force Ghost. Darth Vader died the moment he betrayed the Emperor to save Luke. Anakin came back between this and his physical death.

That's not their main goal and that's not what I'm complaining about.

That wasn't a sith. That was an annoying bureaucrat that could order Darth Vader around for some reason.

Because, like the Tuskans earlier in the film, killing them all was a light-side act.

well at least that would be different instead of Empire 2 eletric boogaloo

it would also be nice to find out she is a palpatine.

Well Kyle Katarn dabbled in the dark side with the philosophy that if you can control yourself then you have nothing to fear from it.

Ahsoka a shit.

Yeah, killing all the jedi kids sure was light side.

I think that's goddamn fucking retarded considering Darth Vader LITERALLY uses Luke's lightsaber in ROTJ and it doesn't turn red.

Yea Jacen and Vergere were ruined well before Disney came along.

Also, NJO was underated

Weren't force users in general all living together until they had disagreements? I thought it had to do with their separation. The ones that became known as the Jedi moved to a home world where all the crystals were green and blue while the ones whe would become the Sith found their homeworld of Karriban which had nothing but red

>That's not their main goal and that's not what I'm complaining about.

That's the point, mate. They'd be cartoon villains like you claim if that was their main goal. What you are saying is that the idea that someone turning to the dark side for power, unnatural power that corrupts the universe, is some silly concept you'd only find in a cartoon. You're ass-backwards.

>Now it's just a plain God vs devil scenario


This line from the Rogue One trailer really annoyed me, especially coming from a Chinese guy. The force isn't fucking Islam.

that has been in eu forever user, that there might be a guiding consciousness behind the force.

Are you legitimately autistic, in the literal sense of not understanding social implications or recognizing jokes?

Huh. Why didn't it turn red at 1:51?

Huh, why didn't it turn red when the newly christened Darth Vader was murdering a bunch of children?

Honestly I've no fucking clue why you need any other explanation except for its traditional for sith to use red lightsabers. Jedi are less strict about that, so they can have blue and green.

Mace Windu even had a purple one cuz he was a faggot.

>ever really canon

I don't remember Yoda ever saying something that fatalistic.

maybe it only changes at time of formation user?

Because the Walt Disney company thinks child murder is morally acceptable behavior and this confirms it beyond any reasonable doubt.

That's not too bad, the force itself wants to balance itself out naturally which is why sith tend to be so self destructive.

The whole point of the prequels was to show how the Jedi order had become bloated and corrupt and this lead to their own downfall.
This is shown even better in the cartoons.

I think the idea is that it takes time or concentrated effort to turn a lightsaber red.



Verege and Luke have conversations about Unifying force, Penduluumists, Living force etc.

Luke thinks being in the 'right' with the living force means you're more aligned with the 'will' of the force. The jedi often speak in euphemism but "All as force wills it" would just mean asian guy is from some force sect that is believer of jedi that force has a will.

Or writer was just too idiotic to get his mind out of the box long enough to write for the movie and mismashed religious phrases together with starwars universe and you end up with Jedi: Deus Vult edition.

So the kids were corrupted to the point that their murder is considered a "light" act in the force?

Maybe Palpatine had them all as backup apprentices?

To be honest it's more hilarious when all the 'grey area' faggots were actually just Sith in denial.

Which is a big reason why I hate KoTOR 1 and that faggot nigger. His unjustified superiority complex was just awful. Even Kreia was better in 2 when you appreciate that she's actually just trying to taunt moralfags into being evil and all the other shit she spouts is just sophistry.

Darth BANE!?

What, during the formation of the crystal and/or lightsaber? Because the article states that Kyber crystals don't reveal themselves to Sith and they have to steal them from Jedi which pretty much means that is impossible.

Hey man, Bindo was willing to make a stand when it counted.

Seems wasteful to order their death.

The younglings weren't Jedi mon ami, that was a "dark" act.

This "new" explanation was George's original idea.

That's something I'd expect a fourteen year old edgelord to come up with.

so ideas that even he was like "No lets not do that."

jesus I love george to but even he stopped himself with this.

The ot reverence is just getting bad. First sheev, now this. It doesn't even make sense and will cause more problems than fix.

Then why didn't his light saber turn red at that point?

Or after the deed? Or when he choked the chick carrying his kids? Or after that?

Think it was purple for Mace cuz he was a nigga?

Like I said, it takes time or concentrated effort.
Ashoka had to meditate to cleanse her red sabers and turn them white, Sith probably have to do something similar but the other way around.

>defending turning lightsabers into mood rings..

anime fans were a mistake

There is a (likely non-canon as of now) explanation that Mace uses a particular form of lightsaber combat that sort of indirectly uses the dark side by using the opponents anger and rage against them like some sort of Sith aikido which could explain why his saber is purple. Like, it should be blue, but it's half red. I don't know, the whole movie's flawed.

Daily reminder that Sheev did nothing wrong.

There was a comic book that came out between ANH and ESB that showed Vader picking up Luke's saber and it turning red. Might not have been Lucas's idea, but it really wasn't Disney's either.

The dude had at the point he fought Obi Wan:

>slaughtered an entire village in vengeance
>helped Palatine kill another Jedi Master
>killed scores of Jedi personally killing the children
>killed anyone else in his way out of anger
>choked his one true love who had his children to the brink of death

So he boasts about a power boost beyond anything Kenobi could imagine, bathed in innocent blood and almost killed his unborn children but he needs to meditate before he is truly "in" the dark side?

There's nothing inherently stupid about synthetic crystals.

Go back to Cred Forums, Star Wars is good vs. evil. Always has been. Keep your shades of gray bullshit to your fanfic video games.

Ahsoka turned dark side at some point?

>instead of many different ways to approach the force and its many facets, they then decide to simplify it and turn the force into a spectrum.

>removing the need for multiple force user groups since everyone will be easily intelligible where they fall on said spectrum

>ot mystic force arguments pissed off about midichlorians now have the force mutilated into a giant energy field that can active like a mood ring..

the fact that this is canon is hilarious.

M8, Bindo's whole thing was that despite claiming to be a crotchety old man that didn't give a fuck, he quite clearly cared deeply, but was too scared to do anything due to the colossal fuck up he made last time.

I mean, I don't think either idea is all that bad. Honestly, when I was little I always sort of assumed that the colors had to do with the weilder themselves and didn't know anything about kyber crystals. The only problem with the Disney interpretation is that it contradicts the movies.

I'm not defending shit, i'm explaining it you plonk.

What don't you get?
He has to flood the crystal with dark side energy.
You have to break the force load limit on the crystal which either happens through gradual wearing down over time or through a directed beam of dark energy.
Also, don't forget that Anakin was still somewhat struggling with the Light side on Mustafa.
Padme is what truly sent him over the edge.

No but she lost her lightsabers.
When trying to find new crystals she came up against an inquisitor who had a dual bladed lightsaber.
She defeated him using only the force and then found those crystals were always supposed to be hers, so she meditated and uncorrupted them.

Yeah, that's what you say.

But Disney, the actual authority says it turns red when he turns to the dark side, which I don't get.

Oh, was that it?

Honestly his storyline was forgettable since he spent 90% of it being obnoxious as fuck. Come to think of it, were there any likeable characters in that game or was it all 100% Bioware?

user... I hate to break it to you, but they reintroduced neutral force wielders.

Not jedi, we're thankfully not getting the grey "I'll act precisely like a sith without any consequences whatsoever" Jedi, but there are entities that embody balance.

> the Dark Side is evil and unnatural and destroying it will bring balance to the Force.

Except it isn't. It's part of the force. Creating more too much of the dark side (which is all that the Clone War and the Empire was for) is what imbalanced the force. The Dark Side is a natural part of the force.

The Cosmic Force is what generates Midiclorians, which makes life able to exist. With life, the Living Force and the Dark Side are able to exist. Pain, suffering and death are parts of life and that is what creates the Dark Side. The Dark Side has always was there and will always be there. The only way to eliminate the Dark Side is to eliminate all life.

Let me guess, you make a lot of "X did nothing wrong"-threads?

Canderous and HK were likable, both in banter and exploring their stories.

it was mostly 2 that had the good characters.

Where do Disney say anything like that?


How has the star wars community coped with the fact that an individual's connection to the force can be measured the same way as his colic bacteria?

They loved it.

>people not loving a semi-ability to measure power levels

have you not seen the years of threads about force users?

This. Fucking nerds

The force "potential" was always something somewhat genetic, but Lucas turning it into bacteria was dumb. Like kids wouldnt understand genetics.

I always justified the Sith having red crystals and by extension red sabers because they had to make their own.
They had to manufacture their crystals because they didn't have the natural resources the jedi had to mine and process the crystals.
Makes sense that the Jedi Order probably has a dedicated mine out of which they extract the crystals they need. Now imagine being a Sith and needing a crystal. Just knocking on the front door and asking for a crystal obviously is a no-go so they had to make them themselves.

>mfw Anakin's power level is literally over 9000

It couldve just been left as something mysterious. The only way the midiclorian explanation would serve a purpose would be if they also explained how bacteria allows the jedi to do force pushes etc, but they dont.

Depends which branch.
For non prequelfags, it was damage control over the fact that it's only a reflection of potential, and some pointed out the fact Obi-Wan or Yoda never mentioned them to Luke could mean they weren't actually that important.

Prequelfags quietly downplayed it and generally acted embarrassed about the whole thing

On the off-chance you're serious; if crystals can change in realtime as opposed to over time, anakins would have changed multiple times over multiple battles.

There are literal sith worlds out there that no one else would touch because they are so corrupted.

Surely they can get their crystals there?

The whole synthetic crystal concept was retarded but this new thing is even worse.

Well, I though that was the reason because apparently those mines were rare as fuck and the jedi (all of this I have no source for) owned all of those mines.
I'm evidently wrong because Disney doesn't give a fuck about lore, just shekels.


Oh I don't know anything about the mines either. I just thought they were around because of KOTOR.

And yeah. Disney doesn't really give a shit about Star Wars, only for the cash. Sad.


Have you seen the CGI clone wars? I believe it has an episode or two about those caves. Can't remember though. Long time ago.

Nope didn't watch it. All my friends think it's kid stuff.

Then you're missing out.

I felt the same way, and it is, but some of it is okay

I've been meaning to rewatch Clone Wars and move onto Rebels.
Might give that guide a go.

Does it have Anakin x Ahsoka romance?

It was a necessary evil.

Oh fuck.

All these years and I never noticed.

Nothing wrong with that, typical capeshit logic?


No. The background lore is pretty good if you like it. It's an acquired taste

I don't care about the logic behind my toy commercials.

Is Ahsoka a Mary Sue?

Not really. She fails a lot and has shit temper.
If anything she can get kind of annoying sometimes.

No, in CG she has an explicit romance with a character named Lux Bonteri, their relation mirrors that of Anakin and Padme.

She also develops a very close "friendship" with Barris Offee.

I thought Obi-Wan was gay. First for Qui-Gon then for Anakin and finally for Luke.

I'll check it out.

Obi Wan has a love interest who Maul kills to try and turn Obi to the dark side.

>tfw Anakin and Kenobi will never splitroast Ahsoka onscreen

>arguing about made up things
Oh boy, that sounds like fun.

>They use red lightsabers because every time they use green or blue lightsabers, the dark side corrupts them and they turn red.

Not even shocked anymore at Disney bullshit.

Implying any of this shit is ''''''''canon'''''''''

>all those times Jedi picked up Sith lightsabers and it didn't turn green/blue.

The one thing I really hate about TCG is Darth Maul.
They basically took a character who had a small but cool role and pretty much 0 personality and then shoved him into literally fucking everything.
Faggot is even in the Rebels show now.

I haven't watched rebels, did they resolved Barris turning against the Jedi? What happened to Ventress? Why can't they let Maul rest in peace?

Isn't that the same premise of acting?

>who Maul kills
Wait what? That dude got cut in half.

And then he came back because of reasons and joined his secret brother who is super skilled at combat.
And then he joined with the mandalorians and started his own evil criminal empire.
And then Sheev rekt him and killed his brother.
And now he is training the MC of Rebels for some fucking reason.

No offense but that kind of sounds like a bad fanfic.

I mean come on, how do you survive the blood loss from getting cut in half? That's ridiculous.

Most reasonable and fact-based statement itt

By having an alien physiology and Sith magic

Damn shame.

>However, through his hate and will to survive, Maul used the Force to grab an air vent as he was tumbling down the reactor shaft. He then managed to make it to a trash container. Maul's shattered body was dumped on the junkyard world of Lotho Minor. He lived in the bowels of the planet and had his legs replaced by a six-legged apparatus that allowed him to walk again. During his exile, he made a bargain with a sentient sneaky Anacondan called Morley, who agreed to bring Maul food in return for his leftovers. Over the years, Maul was driven mad with rage and despair, but remained driven by thoughts of revenge against Kenobi
Yeah, Darth Maul is pretty much that sort of fanfic character that gets shoehorned into all plotlines by this point.

Do I even want to know what these fucking things are?

The physical incarnations of the Light Side, the Dark Side and the Balance or some shit.
No, you don't.

According to old lore the only known way to synthesize a lightsaber crystal is through Sith alchemy. So they're kinda tainted before they're even put into a hilt.

>During his exile, he made a bargain with a sentient sneaky Anacondan called Morley, who agreed to bring Maul food in return for his leftovers.
LOL. How does a Sith Lord starve? Just magic some dweebs to give you all their money. lolol.

force gods who live on a force planet together with their force god father
>old guy=balance
>edgy kid= dark side
>qt 3.14=light side
dark side kills balance and light side tries to stop him

Did you even watch RotS and ANH?

The light side is hot. I want to bang her.

Yeah but he was awesome in Rebels last season. He trolled literally everyone.

I can't comment on what he's like this season since I haven't started watching it yet.

If that's evil I don't wanna be good

What did he do?

Shoulda been only Jewish and Vader used lightaabers

Teenage girls always confuse being "evil" with being edgy whores. Real hot women can only be found in the light side.

The curator at wookiepedia must be freaking out right now. He will have to edit so many articles because this changes EVERYTHING.

and this is canon? wtf

Tricked the MC into thinking he was a good guy and also into retrieving a Sith holocron for him.
Trolled Ahsoka by still being blatantly evil while pretending to be redeemed.
Trolled the main cast by blinding the MC's master.
Trolled the audience by putting the MC on the path to the dark side.
Trolled the Empire by killing a couple of Inquisitors.
Trolled Vader by running away instead of fighting like a man.

>trusting the horny dude with black and red tattoos and a look that screams "EVIL SITH" from 5 kilometers away
How stupid can someone be?

so basically plot armor and retarded writing...

Why are Rebels such shit compared to TCW? Not that I like Maul in TCW, but there is nothing redeemable about Rebels.

I like Rebels, the only thing I really hate about the show are those thin lightsabers.
Shit really hurts my autism.

He's old as fuck though. He looks and sounds like he's about to keel over. Most people would find him non-threatening.

>lightsaber helicopters
>all MCs are annoying children
>animation and character design much worse than in TCW

Maybe I'm just too old for this, but these 3 are enough to make it unwatchable for me.

tcw had guidance from lucas himself and is considered canon by disney and lucas

So does Sheev and I don't think anyone would trust him after he got his new face.

So mace window had a purple one, because he wanted purple drank?

Mace Windu had a purple one because he was actually a Sith pretending to be a Jedi.
The fight with Palpatine was all staged in order to make Anakin fall to the Dark Side.

And anakins one never changed colour, even thou he was clearly going evil

"The attack on my life left me scarred and deformed but my resolve has never been stronger!"

It's a badge of honor user. One he wears proud of his service and sacrifice.

>Disney's new EU
Disney canon discarded.

yep but then they want annakin to take over father force god's position
but the whole thing don't matter because i think i recall them forgetting the whole thing the minute they leave the planet which is actually a octahedron

It was all a force hallucination. At least that's what Filoni says.

Midichlorians are just a space fantasy equivalent to real world MItochondria, the parts of our cells that process energy and may have actually made multicellular life possible

>hey guys lets just show how Reys lightsaber suddenly turns red in the final scene of the next movie xD
thanks Disney

>Vader becomes good.
>His armor turns white.

just because - pic related -

He has it painted white. Still retarded though.

>people who see themselves as star wars nerds but refuse to watch the animated series because it's "cartoony"
>meanwhile real fans watch everything including the holiday special

What happened to Sheev's second lightsaber after Dindu destroyed the other one?


I wanted to watch it but one of my friends called it kid stuff. I said it didn't matter and he said "What are you? A faggot?" as he lit his cigar so I didn't watch it.

I was always curious though.