ITT: scenes imprinted in your mind

ITT: scenes imprinted in your mind






Seeing Roz dressed up was always boner-inducing.

not even that memorable

Good one, heh. You're really fitting in.

That episode is goat

she was thicc

That's low test as fuck.

I agree. Also liked stubble Frasier

stop abusing words, fucko

>Brazilian kids speaking Portuguese

what the fuck

>"heads or tales, shithead"


I'm being serious. Cred Forums kept talking about that movie so I went out and watched it. I really enjoyed the movie (I did, solid 9/10). But I'm not sure why you guys continuously bring up that scene. The diner conversation was good, but whats the big deal with the jumpscare? It was expected at that point.

tl;dr : can you explain why that part is considered so great?


well then I'll tell her myself

What's this from? Is it Galactus?

moss had some great lines with his girl

"where'd you get it?"
-"at the gettin' place"

did this scene not bother you guys? dude gets his face blown off and walks out and straightens his tie? be reasonable breaking bad


True Detective, season 1