Where were you when Jar Jar Ambrams pulled a Lost 2.0 and everyone ate it up?

Where were you when Jar Jar Ambrams pulled a Lost 2.0 and everyone ate it up?

Calling it now, nobody on production team knows where this show is going and it's literally gonna be mystery box wank with a finale that makes you want to pound nails into your eyes. Screencap this.

>jonathan nolan
>doesn't know where his show is going

nice bait.

Was going to post this. OP is an incredible faggot.

Probably but at least it looks fantastic and the level of talent is way above what Lost had.


You mean B R A V O Nolan's screenwriting brother? Well that's a relief.

Just hoping HBO won't push the show's edginess to 11 like they did with GoT. Right now it's mildly edgy with unnecessary swearing and tits.

the nudity is used really well inside the institution actually

you just described all genre television ever, it's not exactly a bold prediction worthy of a screencap.

>Lost 2.0
But that would mean it would actually be good

Well, yeah. Western culture still precieves nudity as taboo and having the replicants be nude adds to dehumanisation aspect.

No. It means a clever parallel can be drawn. You wouldn't get it, mmmmm.

>it's been this many years and OP is still a hurt little faggot over a TV show
Try growing up. I bet you're one of the faggots who talks shit about The Leftovers even though it's the best show on television.

Fuck off reddit.

Leftovers is okay. Having hard time buying the angst of main cast, but then again I'm not american.

>I'm not american
Then why are you on our site, subhuman?

>jesus loves me the bible told me so: the show


>he's literally never watched it
Thanks, facebook.

You're welcome, Christian Mingle.

>repeating out of context assertions for attention

>its a westworld thread
inb4 everyone pretends to be retarded just like every other thread

news flash: all the mysteries and loose ends are tied up by the end of Lost. you're just mad because it wasn't the way you wanted or expected them to. screencap this.

if you're one of the people that measure quality by counting plotholes then sure, they "tied up loose ends" or whatever. so what? it's trivial to throw some plot noise together to explain plot holes. lost is still a meandering mess about nothing. even lindelof admits that they had no idea what the show was even going to be about, they just made the pilot because some abc bigwig insisted on it and then it became successful and they had to start making shit up for six seasons.