I haven't seen this yet but I have a feeling that you're not accurately describing it.

That's because your allowed to make fun of Christians without any repercussions.

What are they going to do? blow you up?

dude lets get butthurt and make threads on imageboards

It looks very Wes Anderson. Anyone can confirm?


is not.

what his superpower?

>"Let’s have a discourse” is the funniest line in Captain Fantastic, a family road movie in which neo-progressive widower Ben (Viggo Mortensen) teaches his brood of six kids (grief-stricken by their hipster mother’s recent suicide) how to be survivalists and non-conformists. However, the basic social unit does not conform to progressive discourse so easily.

>“We don’t make fun of people — except Christians,” Ben instructs his kids. Instead of Christmas, the vagabonds celebrate Noam Chomsky’s birthday. This ought to be a sharp satire about progressive egotism, caricaturing how one generation imposes its politics on the next. But Captain Fantastic stays shy of true discourse when it sentimentalizes Ben’s hypocrisy. Cédric Kahn’s 2015 Vie Sauvage (Wild Life) made a similar premise genuinely unsettling, and Louis Malle’s autobiographical memoir of his class-privileged youth, Murmur of the Heart (1971), was livelier and less smug.

>Director Matt Ross handles the road-movie genre more gracefully than did the makers of the 2006 Little Miss Sunshine, yet congratulating Ben on his moth-eaten “Jesse Jackson ’88” T-shirt is mere sit-com. So is the nostalgic sentiment teaching teens such antiquated slogans as “Power to the people” and “Stick it to the man.” This is how the film (vibrantly lit by Stéphane Fontaine) forsakes satire and fails to talk back to the new progressive patriarchy. The dead wife/mother who intones “We’ve created paradise out of Plato’s Republic” remains spooky.

being a fantastic father ho did what was best for his kids in the end

>daughter almost dies because he told her to climb a roof
>fantastic father

Based Almond at it again.

so its shit?

This movie satirizes progressive egotism?

Maybe I'll have to watch it.

Best movie of 2016 so far.

>This ought to be a sharp satire about progressive egotism, caricaturing how one generation imposes its politics on the next. But Captain Fantastic stays shy of true discourse when it sentimentalizes Ben’s hypocrisy.


It is the embodiment of progressive egotism, to the point that it appears to be satire but is in actuality entirely sincere.

Satire should have the balls to not play it safe. It should transgress against the expectations, not conform to them. It should not comfort you in your delusions, but lambast them.
Sounds like this movie softens the blows too much and goes all sappy and sentimental. Fuck that shit.


how can one man be so based ?

oh yeah I know. God made him homo to compensate

Is that the son of Ryan Gosling and Mads Mikkelsen standing to Viggo's left?


ok was it satire or was it not?
i remember in the movie they said that the mom had schizophrenia or am i remembering it wrong?

Little miss sunshine (2016)?

>le contrarian negro man
didn't even watch the movie but he's always full of shit

Someone post the kid's cute butt.

People with imaginary friends are pretty funny.

People who think it's only okay to make fun of some imaginary friends but not others are even funnier.

I was surprised by how bad this movie was, it seemed to be building up to some redemption or something, but it felt very weak by the end of it, like nothing much had occurred really.

Agree, i'm not one of them tho so what's up?

It's predictable and dull. Probably not worth your time.

Are you talking about the Pol Pot scene? It was clearly a joke.

It's so convoluted and badly written I can't tell if he liked it or not. Does he try to look smart?

I have to admit that right from the first scene where they stalk and kill a deer the movie destroyed any preconceived notions that I had and that the trailers gave of it going to be a quirky comedy. Rellian's arc was interesting but underdeveloped - I mean, all the other kids are highly knowledgeable and well spoken so it seemed strange that when Ben challenged him to a discourse he said nothing. In fact, the only intelligent thing he said was near the end when he quoted Noam Chomsky, otherwise he seemed like any normal edgy teen.

>Little miss sunshine (2016)?

Not really. The only similarities are extremely shallow (family drives in a bus, indie).

>It's so convoluted and badly written

Seems you are implying something.

>when it sentimentalizes Ben’s hypocrisy
But it doesn't do that. All Ben wants is for Leslie's parents to respect her will. Armond seems to be taking a throwaway joke as the film's thesis.

nah he wouldn't want to breach your safe space by being cynical, right?

It's actually one of his more well-written reviews. He picks out technical aspects to praise while explaining why he thinks the story's execution fails, but without being a condescending asshole, like he almost always is.

Anyone have pics of the cutie's feets?

this scene was so relatable

>spac, from star wars

That would've been fine if the movie ended when the father loses. It would've been a fuck you to those kinds of movies in general, a bit like swiss army man.

But sadly it had to continue 10-15min too long.

> I can't tell if he liked it or not
You should stick to the ebin tomatometer or other score machine. This is clearly what you are after.

Na, he would not do such a thing.

>Rellian's arc was interesting but underdeveloped

I agree, but I guess his emotional turmoil could be explained to a degree by the absence and subsequent death of his mother being compounded by puberty.

Did the sisters ever lez out or do you think they used their brothers to satiate their sexual appetites?

Agreed, his reaction to the will when he first reads it and the foreshadowing using the discussion of the narrative of Lolita backs this up.