Are they implying that Aussies are fucking retarded?

are they implying that Aussies are fucking retarded?

why did he just get her a coffee or at least say they don't have any?

its jabbing fun at the perceived alcoholism of Australians, the man is unaware of the existence of coffee. It is completely unheard of for him to serve anything other than beer or perhaps hard liqueur in a bar.




Pretty sure there's nowhere else in the world where you can get 48 packs of beer. Just saying

oh hi OP, I see you came here with a preloaded question and actually just wanted to call Australians retarded. Please get help for your autism

>le australian only drink beer meme
rum is also popular here

you guys pour it into beer like idiots


>he's never had a rummy beery

that's just common sense user

I don't drink beer. It's haraam.


have you been to Cred Forums?

Googled it because I hoped it was a thing people really do. Nope, just alcoholic old me...


I thought rum and beer was basically what pirates drank, you know, grog. I just like to pour shots of bourbon into beer like a boiler maker



grog i think is just water mixed with some rum, because water would go stagnant on long voyages and alcohol killed off the bacteria

>implying that Aussies are fucking retarded?
I don't think so. I think he was just being flippant back to her because she was patronising him.



show some god damn respect mate

>tfw you thought this was Australia's real flag for years

well it's not far off

thanks doc

>are they implying that Aussies are fucking retarded?
well aren't they?