ITT: the worst youtubers on the planet

ITT: the worst youtubers on the planet

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Cred Forums - Television & Film

Hi Ethan! I'll make sure pic related gets back before 2:00 AM this time!

- Joey Salads

does she do nudes

No, but she does do anal

All the "Pranks in the hood (Gone Wrong!!!)"
Literally worse than the ASMR whores

Amazing atheist
Steven crowder
Lacy green
Chris stuckman
Antony's custom

Yourmoviesucks doesnt deserve to be on this list with the other annoying faggots. Hes entertaining. Hes weird about dogfucking, but that has no bearing on his content

I agree with every single one. Leafy especially is cancer

Kill yourself

This isn't Cred Forums related troid/sange

I will be reporting you to hiro

>Amazing atheist

If he would cut his hair, lose some weight, take a shower, and stop being so fucking condescending 24/7 he'd be okay.

All those "gaming" channels that do shit like top 10 lists and then they show the narrators and they're normie as all fuck, people who make it obvious that they very rarely or probably dont even play games
If you want to be a believable game channel get a chubby social outcast to list off reasons certaing games have the best waifus or top 10 weeb shit games and stuff like that

But leafy is our guy

will they finally ban him for trying to start a race war?

Literally the worst channel on yt

He shoves bananas up his asshole and pours scalding hot water on his literal micropenis and balls for sexual gratification.

>if he'd be everything I wasn't he'd be okay

>he doesn't know Gatorpoon

He can't fuck anyone with it so that makes sense.

He's got like a 3 incher

>But leafy is our guy

Are you 10 you fucking faggot?

And he constantly has sex what's your excuse then mate?

This is an 18+ website, kid

this, hes officially more annoying then the people he shits on

>macklemore singing a song about the effects of drug use within a non-minority community is why people hate white people guys

I still don't know what he meant by this

this quasimodo looking fuck

Leafy makes NO content..,he just shitposts, literally.

Is that a cardboard cutout



What does this guy even do on his channel?

>A-atheists can be cool too!

He's literally married to a black girl

So he's a natural born cuck

That was just his girlfriend for a time like 4 years ago

>4 MILLION subscribers
How? I mean seriously how the fuck? I saw one of his videos though the idubbbz stuff and his videos have ZERO content, it's just him talking saying 'literally' a lot.

But not DP

But she does do quad

And oct

Atheism Is Unstoppable
Black Pigeon Speaks

>2bh I kind of enjoy their videos but they are both completely nuts

AiU recently posted a 30+ minute video of himself just browsing camgirls sites haha. there wasn't even any subtext or extended segue to a topical subject he intended to talk about ... it was just him browsing camgirls sites. And he wonders why he is perpetually having his channels suspended/deleted


Hola reddit!

Have you given him a second chance

casey neistat
h3h3 post million subs
game grumps post jon

i was suppose to dislike him? I like him

What happened to Latza btw?

>defending a terrible youtube celebrity
>calls other Reddit

>Black Pigeon Speaks

Good channel

A majority of them are kids who haven't discovered pussy yet

He wasn't that bad until he started aping Sam Hyde and reviewing memes.

>marrying a black woman makes you a cuck
My girlfriend im about to marry speaks 4 seperate languages, well traveled, is a highly educated writer and black.

How many languages can you speak neckbeard?

go away

you only have to hit the quote button once, newfriend

Any anti-Islam youtubers like The Masked Arab or The Pharaoh.

inb4 islamophobic posts

fuck off achmed

Are you calling me reddit because I think Leafy is terrible? Are you this much of a dumb faggot?

all of them

I speak three languages. Four-five languages isn't even that special, lots of people do it.

Nothing wrong with Game Grumps, its comfy. One of the only gaming channels I can stand

>speaks 4 seperate languages, well traveled, is a highly educated writer
What do any of those things have to do with producing and raising children?



Learning a language isn't hard faggot.

So in other words, unemployed. What a catch.

How many kids she got?

No, that is not common in Burgerland

Fuck off back to tumblr, please

How does it make me a cuck if my future wife is an intelligent black woman?

>Learning a language isn't hard faggot.
You are absolutely retarded if you think speaking 4 languages isnt an achievement, two of which are Chinese and Korean....some of the hardest languages to speak you neet

>So in other words, unemployed. What a catch.
Nope, we are both employed. Bet youve never produced anything, right? One of those ppl who hates on others for being successful, right?

>How many kids she got?
Besides the one I plan to make with her? None, you racist faggot.


Whats wrong with him?

Ignore the retards they don't even know what the word means anymore and spout it because le funnay maymay

It's clear you're a butthurt liar. No one well adjusted would get that angry so quickly. Nor would they be on Cred Forums.

Im not even angry, im just pointing out your racist bullshit of calling any white man who marries a black woman a cuck.

don't know any

Also, I'm not a liar neet. Not everyone on here is a loser like you. I actually have been coming here for years for fun tv and film convos. I work, have a life and am very functional.

Project less you sad faggot.

I'm not the guy you were getting angry at, sorry dude. Calm down and stop taking things on Cred Forums so seriously. Also stop making shit up, no one actually cares.

You are so butthurt, stop projecting that onto other people.

>if people talk about their functional lives, it must be made up because I'm an autist who doesnt have any of those things

>lying on the internet because you're butthurt about a "racist"

lol, let me guess your nigger wife is also a twerking champion or something.

Stop throwing the word cuck around like you even know what it means, you racist teenager. Tell me more about Leafy and why he is "your guy". I bet that was you, samefag.

Id love for you to call her a nigger in front of me, but youd probably be a mumbling faggot and never have the balls to actually do it.

What a shame. It would make for a fun thread.

He turned into an absolute whiney, lazy cunt. His latest video is him complaining how hard it is to make one video in a week, he has a patreon up yet took most of the reward tiers on an indefinite hiatus or off permanently. You can still donate though! Any criticism from his fans leads to him telling them to fuck off and unsubbing. He tried to make it sound like he only gets destructive criticism to act like a cunt but that's not always the case. He's a huge scumbag now

I think some of these are exaggerations, user.

I never said anything about cuck or leafy, you butthurt deranged little neckbeard.

Internet tough guy act, jesus christ you're one sad pathetic virgin.

How would it make for a fun thread if he's gonna do it IN FRONT of you lmao. Your brain is rotten from spending 24/7 on this site.

This is bait

has to be

Because I'd post a thread about it?

>t. a nigger/cuck salty about the truth

No? I really do have a black girlfriend. I really would kick someone's ass if they called her a nigger.

The projection is strong with this post.

He comes from money and buys views, every video is "look at all my money and expensive equipment" he's basically the youtube equivalent of that chinless Blitzarian faggot

Do we still not know what cuck means?

>Milo and his bear lover

He decided to cease being a human being and instead act like a disgusting creature in public in the name of youtube views

and a filthy jew ofc

This would give /his/ an aneurysm

He's a dirty furry that thinks it's okay to duck animals because others eat animals. Fuck him.

Go back to get rekt by idubbbz leafy

What's the point of watching youtubers? It's always boring shit

The meme shit is super hipster. Stick to your own memes in your reviews.

Sounds like he posts here

I agree with your list other then Milo and Crowder, your probably just a Libcuck.

Onision, Keemstar, and RiceGum should be on the list.

Hila is bae.

And I use to watch this guys shit.

I give up. I'll just stick to AVGN, Cow Chop and Super Mega. Less annoying drama and all that shit.

back 2 reddit, young kiddo

I dont know why people listen to Milo or follow what he says. Hes such a ridiculous shit

What he personally believes doesnt have anything to do with his movie was a live stream where he mentioned the dog thing. Can you not seperate him from his reviews?

>if you dont like obvious trolls and provocateurs
>you are a libcuck

Getting sick of the liberal boogeyman memes, good thing it will probably end in November

Only of Trump become president

Cred Forums is contrarian

It will end regardless

The only thing ending will be America, either way





Milo is a self-proclaimed troll and Crowder is straight up retarded, is global warming video was some of his stupidest shit yet.

>muh doomsday!!
No its not.

What, did he deny global warming?

Lol I used to get banned every day from /vp/ for posting her.

I particularly enjoyed spamming her video "My boyfriend is Kyogre"
>She unironically likes Nosepass because people make fun of her giant nose and she feels sorry for it and identifies with it

>the video you realized you got cucked

awww that's adorable

>that video where her bf gets cucked by based Emile


Yep, and then he got rekt by potholer
Crowder responded by claiming he was misrepresented, which might be true to be fair. However his claim about the ice sheets is straight up wrong and he won't admit it.


Anyone who denies global warming is inherently retarded.

What did he say about the ice sheets?

doesn't chugga have autism?

Easily, but he makes bank and pulls 6/10 pussy like no other.

Idubbz is...what?

His myth was that "the ice sheets are melting"
His source was a nasa report showing that the antarctic ice sheets were gaining by 82 billion tons a year. What is also mentioned in said report is that the Greenland ice sheet is decreasing by 269 billion tons a year. Crowder didn't mention that part, nor did he say that the cause of the antarctic ice sheet growth was increased precipitation, or that ice sheets in the water have little to no effect on the sea level given that water expands when frozen. It's the land glaciers and permafrost melting which increase the sea level, both of which aren't recovering, Crowder failed to mention that too.

Milo Poppadopilous or Milo Stewart


a gay retard

Its like you arent familiar with his channel. If anything, Cred Forums should fucking love that guy.

Fuckin' GAY, you faggot.

what are you, some sort of nigger faggot?

What are you fucking gay?

idubbbz is a cancerous nigger faggot

Beyond that he doesn't review any movie made before the 90s because they don't "hold up well," his taste sucks (look at his imdb ratings), he hardly releases content (2 videos a month at most), and his content is usually terrible, like having a 5 part video explaining why an obviously bad movie is bad. His voice is annoying and his ego is through the roof. He thinks he knows a lot about music but his own music is cringey garbage.

new h3 video was good. joey salads reactions are usually high level content.

He pandered hard to "the chan audience" during Gaymergayt and all the people who were fucking sheep and couldn't see that they were being patronized hard latched on to him.

His drone shots are really nice I watch them when im bored

You can tell just by looking at this chick that she's crazy (her life story, things she says and the testimonies floating around the internet about her affirm this). I'd fuck her if I got the chance but I'd never date her.

She's actually a pretty good catch for the guy in the vid, but I can't help but feel like he's sacrificing his sanity to some psycho bitch in return for arm candy

Just watch OneyPlays, its the superior version

>Cred Forums suddenly hates leafy

wtf leafy is based as fucked and redpilled and talks shit about feminists! kys reddit!

The Nostalgia Critic (when he isn't being lolsorandom he's fine)
That I hate everything channel

Who is this literally slant eyed gook

Leafy is a little fag. He's not funny, he's not clever, he only appeals to teenagers.

our third life, sam hyde, h3h3, sargon

Any youtube channel that advertises themselves on Cred Forums

>no chin

lel suck to be a femiboii

Tim Brand

I don't recognize anyone mentioned in this thread except NC, AVGN and that dog fucker. Do the other guys even review movies?

jesus christ that guy is a dumpster fire

Off the top of my head I can name a few

modern h3h3 (they used to be funny)
every react channel
joeys food world tour
every prank channel
Leafy is here
Athony "LOL I REVIEW MEMES IRONICALLY SO FUNNY" Fagtano the hipster elitist faggot

>this thread

If you've ever doubted Cred Forums was infested with underage

This should have been everyone's response

>(they used to be funny)
they really didn't


Damn user this is an old pic

whats wrong with sargon?

Who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?

I mean they were decent, everything pre vape nation like the reaction videos and some of the remix shit they did was okay. The sketch shit was always reddit trash though and Ethan is a greasy rat faced kike

he's a libcuck

Nothing but shit

forgot MDE and Mega64

how so?

MDE and mega 64 are GOAT

he has liberal view points and doesn't accept Cred Forums rhetoric therefore he's a cuck. how is that hard to understand?

Yo is this person fucking retarded? Look at his face. Look at his dumb, rapist face

>It's a 19 year old dumb fuck bell end millenial thinks H3H3 and LE TIME TO STOP gook are funni, especially when been blazin dat weed xDD

TowbiesBionclePenis is underrated

Holy shit, that face looks so fucking punchable

That fat fuck boogie2988

>Fence sitter on all issues so as not to alienate one side, thus he has a non opinion
>Disgusting neckbeard
>Rides a fucking mobility scooter
>Wife quite obviously fucks other men
>Has claimed many times to be trying a new diet or program to lose weight
>Hasn't lost a fucking pound ever
>Can't fuck his wife or even go to the bathroom properly

A big fat ball of nothing with no real opinions

Why are Jewish women so ugly and rat like?

Cuckman has this stupid way of reviewing mvoies where he always tries to make himself sound smarter than he is.

The worst parts though is where he always tries to bring himself into it.
>I've always been a huge fan of...
>As a kid growing up....
>While I've never been...I have always...
>As you can see by my Bluray's/toys behind me

Like, fuck, dude.

It means Macklemore is a faggot.

you have high standards

the fact you know who h3h3 and filthy frank are proves you are a millenial too retard

>oeys food world tour


>Wife quite obviously fucks other men

On tablet but surely someone will post the picture of his wife on Twitter with that one "gay" friend

I didn't even know what his name was, I only know h3h3 from their Ainsley shit.

Decided to try to find it, did.

>Literally worse than the ASMR whores
take it back

what about Cred Forums's own like bodan or uridon?


To be fair, this guy looks like a raging faggot.


fucking who?

>insulting joey
this guy doesnt know how to have fun

PPOMO and CapitalASMR are the only good asmr channels because they actually are

everyone else is just some cute chick jumping on the latest bandwagon ala twitch camgirls


I stumbled across Joeys World Tour when he had like 100 subscibers and now hes up to nearly 200k.

For eating fast food.

What a fucking world we live in.


>tfw able to watch a fat man eat himself to death from the comfort of your own home

both post in tv alot

wtf i love islam now

fuck off Keem is /ourguy/


Ahahaha, I needed that laugh.

Keem is a little bitch.

>yfw you will never be this fat or happy

>some faggot millenial cyberbully clickbait piece of shit who attacks the lowest hanging fruit, mocking actual mentally retarded people

I think the reason we hate him is because we see the worst aspects of ourselves in him/he reminds everyone of themselves as the cringy 16 year old they were

but all youtubers are tied for that distinction.

joey really gives off the vibe of a late 90s christian camp counselor you later hear got arrested for exposing himself to underaged girls

>Cred Forums rhetoric is always right



ma ma money shot

both look like faggots


and no he didn't "used to be" funny. And no I didn't like him before he got popular. I always fucking hated that annoying fucking turk/mexican/arab whatever the fuck he is.

His comedy is fucking awful and comes across as forced and awkward. Oh yeah and he also completely fucking ripped off Sam Hyde and watered it down to create a shitty reddit tier meme comedy style. Then when he got caught he damaged controlled hard by saying he was "inspired" by MDE. H3H3 has always been a fucking faggot and used to comment on all of MDE's videos before he got huge with the reddit audience trying to bring traffic to his channel.

pic fucking related.

videos in post



How do you expect me to pay for chemo, faggot?

>I always fucking hated that annoying fucking turk/mexican/arab whatever the fuck he is.

he's a jew, hence the curly hair, beady eyes and ugly hair body

TJ is simply brutal, and a pleasure to listen to when he is composed. Should not belong on that list.

dude those teath, and that jaw, and... THAT FUCKING WEAK CHIN

If you think Steven Crowder is actually funny you're a fucking retard. You're exactly like a liberal who thinks Amy Schumer is funny. Only into it because they validate your beliefs. There's funny right wing guys. Crowder is not one of them. Crowder is like Dane Cook if Dane Cook was a christfag.

Yeah, and you post on Cred Forums. Which one is worse?

>She's actually a pretty good catch for the guy in the vid, but I can't help but feel like he's sacrificing his sanity to some psycho bitch in return for arm candy

Know this feel. Dated a girl for a few years with all sorts of shit. Abusive military dad who was never home, alcoholic mother, almost got raped. Yeah it was the best sex I've had in my life. Crazy people are into the kinkiest of shit. But when you spend that much time around a mentally ill person it'll start to rub off on you until you're eventually mentally ill yourself.

Do people here know about blaire white?

>gorgeous tranny

Cred Forums should love her, she's like made for this place.

Grims Toy Show
Steven Crowder

Milo is hardly a youtuber. All he does is post videos of his talks

>Oh yeah and he also completely fucking ripped off Sam Hyde and watered it down to create a shitty reddit tier meme comedy style.

No he didn't

He made a couple of Hyde tier videos and no one cared because its MDE tier comedy

Then he did video reviews which were already getting popular in a similar format and took off.

If he would have kept doing MDE tier comedy he wouldn't have 100,000 subs

>Gorgeous tranny

>not thatistheplan
kill yourself my nigga

yeah he pretty much had to make videos that pandered to normies to get big, the MDE ripoff shit never took off

any butt pics to see what we are talking about here?

>Red Letter Media
>Phrase not found
Boy, this place really went to shit, huh?

What is he doing? Still hating on nigs?

He's fucking disgusting to look at so I haven't seen his vids in a while.

Pandering shit. Success is based only on the fact that she's a tranny who isn't a batshit crazy leftist. Nothing she says is particularly groundbreaking or insightful. You've watched one of these anti-SJW channels you've watched them all.

Faggot in a dress

Why? Not an attaq, just want to know. I think he highlights some heinous shit but he's also a depressive autist who will never be satisfied with any sort of solution. Also seems more like a clerical leninist than a right winger, if that makes sense.

RLM aren't youtubers

He is mostly doing stupid shit on his podcast where he gets high and make fun of others. In his standalone show he has recently attacked BLM, feminists, SJW's, islam, the election, media from what I remember.

>starts out ripping off MDE
>comments every day on MDE's videos when he was nothing shilling his channel
>makes even shittier videos copying every other youtuber in existence to pander to reddit and normalfags, all after being called out and shat on by Sam

He made several copycat videos and one where he even copied Sam word for word.

He's a faggot no talent hack jew and a ripoff.

Not a butt pic but this is pretty nice i guess

She's alright. It's true that the stuff she says isn't very insightful, but she's entertaining enough to watch a vid of her every once in a while.


Milo is a faggot attention whore who's openly using the dumbest segment of the """alt-right""" to gain fame and feed his own ego. He's a centerist libertarian who spends all his spare time sucking black cock, and he spends all his air time talking about how somehow him sucking black cock means he owned leftists. Milo needs to eat buckshot pronto.

Crowder is waaay too far, though. Did you see that video he put out about how he wants his followers to form into 5-man cells and start firebombing synagogues? The guy is a mad dog.

Milo absolutely looks like the type of fag that just parties, does drugs and fucks. Aka high tier degeneracy. All the more amusing he's getting far right idiots to fund his never ending party.

That makes you the opposite of a cuck.

Why hasn't Trump disavowed Steven "Make the Kikes Scream Louder" Crowder?

Hey, that's pretty good

he read Spengler's wikipedia page and considers himself a know it all. But I do hate his videos mostly from the laughable historical inputs

LOL these fucking idiots biting the hand that feeds them

Danny is a cool dude but Arin is a faggot and their content isn't entertaining in the slightest.

How old is this guy again? Like literally 20 years old? A fucking 20 year old fully grown man, this fucker rapes people with that hat on

Also he's a retard who believes Germany wasn't a "western" country until after WWII

>youtube gives you recommendations based on your history even when you're not logged in
>you can't delete them

I'm gay.

Literally looks like a Dr Suess character.

How the fuck does "v" stand for Film?


M-m-m-m-money shot

Well like one-fourth of it wasn't. Maybe you misunderstood.

>Cred Forums should fucking love that guy.

back to plebbit nigger cock slave

Are you talking about Milo or people on the right who dislike Milo?

>not giving ephemeralrift his due props

lots have gone, but he's been doing it from the jump. I agree though, lots of cam whores jumping on the wagon.

At least he is an unashamed/pol/itician and not some Milo or Sargon type faggot

Why are you judging people by North American standards?


You mean Cantonese and Mandarin? If you can't tell the difference, then you're supposed girlfriend isn't fucking real.

>amazing atheist

I'm the furthest thing from a liberal and I agree that their both shit


they're all fucking horrible

it's local access television in HD


>it's a Suzy is an annoying cunt and is forcing herself into the videos even though she's boring and cringy episode
>it's a Arin forces himself into Ross and Danny videos episode
If you threw out Arin and Suzy I'd be fine

>takes a lot of care of himself


what did she mean by this?

god this guy looks like a gremlin, even though the youtube community can be easily played i still refuse to believe this freakish mutant got ""famous"" legitimately, didn't even hear of this fucking gargoyle until his ad for the shill queen

>watching jewtubers
>giving them views and supporting them
>b-b-b-but I used adblox :(

>d-dont like what I dont l-like!!!!1!


Good argument desu, I concede.


Twitch is the saddest place on the internet.

I geniuenly feel sad for people who watch/donate to female streamers.



My new favorite is bats. Can't wait until her hair grows.

>People actually like the Amazing Atheist

>OH MY GAWWWD! So I was on this SUPER CRINGY site called Cred Forums, that you might of heard of. I literally found a thread of 30 year old neck beard pony fuckers making fun of me, a literally innocent 20 year old. Sooooooooooooooooo cringy

Hey, at least he's funnier and more interesting than a meme spouting douche bag on the internet.

I liked him back in 08/09 but then I turned 18 in 2010

can she be my domme please?

Will Egoraptor ever stop being a whiny old man?

Is she, dare I say it, /our girl/?

>Lopunny and Diggersby are sexist
>Mega Absol is watching over her protecting her from earthquakes

All youtubers are brain poison. It's bunch of failed comedians/filmmakers/philosophers/etc who only relevant on shitty platform like youtube.

is that supposed to be balls?

your not fooling anyone shekelstein


JESUS! I hate Boogie! Ever notice when there's nothing to talk about in the news he'll come out with some sob story for attention? I only know this because I clicked on a few of his videos like 3 years ago and Youtube is convinced I want to see them all now

>Leafy especially is cancer
What's wrong with Leafy? I bet you can't even name one objectively bad video he's done. Hating leafy is a meme

This is true

Hey, at least The Big Bang Theory is better than MLP
At least Reddit is more interesting than staring at the Google homepage

Imagine him eating out your girlfriends pussy in his rape dungeon

>picking on literally autistic youtubers.



he's a fucking fag dude

Fucking Casey neistat

This is the most autistic thread I've read all day. It's one spergout after another.

what are you a fucking SJW? fuck off back to tumblr

>tfw chin/jaw like leafy

how expensive are chin implants?

He's /p/ incarnate.

Is Silvermania kino?

this is your brain on atheism

Grow a neck beard

This is a joke right?

Didn't he have pictures leaked shoving bananas up his ass? Can't say this is surprising


who /genetic disaster/ here

And pouring hot coffee on his mircopenis

I wish I could forget that

I have a black gf too. I say nigger around her all the time. I'm racist as fuck.

anyone have the video from her old channel?


Any minority that makes a basic "Hey SJWs are bad" video gets stardom immediately just because they aren't crazy

Its fucking stupid

note the satanic tattoo.

would post the banana pic but I got a 3 day ban for pornography last time, and it was on Cred Forums of all places. It's on pornhub somewhere if you want to watch the video.

Wait so he's seriously gay?

nah just an oldfag from a bygone internet age.

leafy is still a faggot though. his fans are even worse.

according to some on here it was a tranny. don't know if that makes it better or worse.

>People defending Amazing Atheist ITT
Good lord.

>their both shit

i cant help but chuckle when i see people complaining about chicks like this

I hope foot fetishism becomes so mainstream that feet are seen as pornographic.

its a tranny

Twink is the word you're looking for.

/fit/'s girl

>>Literally worse than the ASMR whores
ASMR sluts are amazing, fuck you

projecting this hard...

So this... is the power.. Of having no other choices

All of them

Yeah good for them for finding a way to part retards with their money.
Capitalism baybee

>People actually dislike the Amazing Atheist

No really, if you choose a streamer based on how attractive you find them, consider pornography.

Sargon is literally Cred Forums god bless

There's a lot of shit out there.

It's surreal to suddenly stumble upon some moron with millions of subscribers.
Feels like I've been gone for a decade and then bam, retards rule youtube.

Pretty good.
I think athiest can be alright, despite being so disgusting.
He had some video shitting on lacy green and that was good.

Hes a raging hypocrite whos a shit human being

Not surprising considering the shit on tv.
At least if you dig deep enough you can find good youtube videos, on tv there's only so much on so "reality" garbage is winning.

>Hangs out in a site like Cred Forums
>Calls charismatic people brain poison when they just produce low budget entertainment for people
Also, philosophers? Are you genuinely retarded?

Your taste is awful

>Hagia Sophia
>Photo of the Taj
My indian roommates would literally kill you with their bare hands just for that, my goatfucking friend. Low quality bait tho. Not even muslims buy that shit.

Did you enjoy your decade?

Jesus calm down

I still remember when he shared the break up story. His boyfriend's dad pulled a gun on him at the boyfriends house telling him that if TJ didn't leave his kid alone he would kill him. The dad had seen some videos online and was convinced that TJ is fucked up and wanted to do some sick shit to his own schizophrenic kid. Fast forward, TJ was nothing but sweet to every partner he was with. A degenerate with a heart of gold. Cliche really.


Why do people act like this is bad? If you want to make money, you write material for larger audiences. Not everyone is into meta/contrarian/meme layered faggotry like you are.

He is a very childish person really. He always acts too edgy in order to mask how soft and sweet he actually is.

Oh, wow you called me original, newfriend.

The majority of posters on this board are from burgerland, mate

lets be real dog Ethan was pretty good when they lived in Israel and it was just raw reaction videos

Its Mandarin, but this is semantics. For expedience I just said Chinese


I dont get as triggered by him like some of you do. I remember back in the Newgrounds days, he was always pretty cool and helped other ppl out. Hes successful, so some of you hate him.

>Also, philosophers? Are you genuinely retarded?
Who is picrelated then?

>Hangs out in a site like Cred Forums
>Calls charismatic people brain poison when they just produce low budget entertainment for people

Not an argument

I liked him before he started messing with filty frank and other fuckers
his kickstarter and unboxing vids were enterteining.

>bad scriptwriting for videos
>low hanging fruit and easy targets
>purposefully long vides for ad placement
>shitty to his fans
>makes fun of the mentally handicapped
>was actually caught botsubbing and viewbotting
>fucks over the people he works with

Shall I continue?

>Not an argument

>game grumps
>not two best friends play

Thats different than having a stranger say it. Different couples have different attitudes tho

you forgot the worst one

Seems like hes more bisexual

Which is?

A fight would be started out of an insult towards my girlfriend. Whether the insult is "bitch, nigger, whore, etc" is irrelevant.

Why poly relationships aren't really love.

I dont really like two best friends, I rarely even watch gaming channels. I have one myself, but I turn it more into a comedy podcast, its why I like yhe Game Grumps format. Older Game Grumps with Jon were pretty GOAT to me, Im not ashamed to like what I like. They arent afraid to be uncensored and literally shit talk everyone.

>Only I get to decide what real love is
If people love each other....there it is.

no chin

Oh. Of course...but thats not a valud criticism of hus content tho, which was the question

Step back from the Edge there mate, your gonna scare us all.

His top 11 good things in the star wars prequels was pretty good. Its easy to shit on the movies

>you will never be dependant upon food
>this is somehow a bad thing

Her eyes is creeping me out. Should would be a great zombie.

I don't even know any of these people. Nice