

CIA Rises

Nolan Batmans.

Lord of the rings

your mom's holes

Back to the Future

Indiana Jones
Nightmare on Elm Street

Die Hard


Could be because 2 too many times though

missing the "I've seen" whops

Die Hard

Star Wars prequels

Matrix. 3 wasn't great but 2 was abyssymal

3 was far worse than 2


The 5 minute disco/fucking intermission killed it for me

Die Hard

I disagree

Man of Steel > Suicide Squad > Batman V Superman

Literally 3 completely different movies in different universes

kill yourself and get the fuk off my board pretend fag

>different universes

Are you petarded?

The Fast & the Furious

> le vengeance is better than die harder meme
The movies get worse as McClane's playground gets bigger.

Winner winner chicken dinner


Nah bro 3 is way better than 2. For one, they dumped the christmas movie kind of shit they had going on which added nothing to the second one, and second, Jeremy Irons and Sam Jackson brought some pretty cool moments unlike the villain in the second one who I don't even remember because it was that shit

You don't remember the disgraced special forces in snowsuits storming the control box? Or the ridiculously stereotyped British plane smashing into the ground? Or the big bad being a South American dictator who John McClane kills with a lighter?

Maybe it's time for a rewatch, but I definitely always preferred 2.

yeah I think it is, I probably watched that back in 2009 and 3 some time last year


Mad Max

shut up james

Toy Story


>Nightmare on Elm Street

3 > 4 = 5 > 1 >> 6 >>>>>>>>> 2

everything past 6 doesn't count as canon (2 shouldn't count either)

Star Wars OT


Men in black

Dragon Age

Two is the second best sequel, you fucking pleb

Naked Pistol

Id rather just jerk off to actual legit hardcore gay porn than waste my time on some shitty made for tv softcore with a dumb plot about an evil dream killer possessing a dancing-in-his-tighty-whities faggot and making him whip his gay s&m club going leather daddy coach's ass in the showers before killing his jock boyfriend, and where the climax of the movie has him ruining a fucking pool party by running around like a fucking retard.

3 is the worst by far.


>mfw the ending is like 99% of the movie
>mfw i watched it in a theater and had to pee the whole time

star wars

Both of these for sure