Die faggot janitors

i can think of nothing worse than Moderation on Cred Forums. what kind of faggot applies to be a janitor on a website full of annoonymouse people?

The Matrix is the Best Film ever made.

Other urls found in this thread:


>what kind of faggot goes to an anonymous website and tries to form a recognisable persona by using a tripcode

Yeah but Trump is actually right about those things

>Immigrants are ruining a country which was formed by and for immigrants and the pursuit of freedom.

>Let's get back to our roots by going against almost everything the founding fathers stood for.

the immigrants who founded america weren't violent shitnigger apes and spics tho you retard

the founding fathers were all slave owner

>weren't violent
>what is the American Revolutionary War

Found the shitskin

Muslims need IDs because there's no trusting members of a literal death cult

The 'immigrants' who founded America were colonists, Europeans and actual seekers of freedom and seclusion, not violent freedom-hating theocrats bent on cultural genocide.

A war fought against an oppressor, you idiot

'Minorities' don't have an oppressor, they are the oppressors, making people afraid of speaking the truth

Their ideals may transcend the time period where their practices do not.
> living by their ideals =/= adhering to their practices


Mad about something, shitskin?

nigga i get banned too often to be recognizable.

>my definitions and malformed opinion is truth



Build wall, spic.

>The mighty British Oppressors
>A bunch of bureaucrats extremely uncomfortable with the fact that they're being ruled by a guy who addressed a tree as the King of Prussia

>pretends to be calm
>uses insults to show how he isn't a hothead

Someone get this hothead outta here

>muh British boogeyman
>muh taxes

Hitler was right though.

Got an argument there, or just meme words?

Didn't think so.

You know America was not set up as a country of immigrants right? It was formed by colonists not immigrants, and it was set up for those colonists, not for more immigrants.


>America was not set up as a country of immigrants

Its not every day we get posts from alternate universes where the native americans were able to fight off the colonial invaders.

You can't argue logically with someone so ardent in their beliefs that they to immediately insult anyone who disagrees with them and then continues to throw bunch that person in with their boogeymen

Have all the fun you want hating a group of people who will never know you nor think twice about you once they do, whilst they go on believing what they want, living where they want, and doing what they want and leaving you powerless to do anything about it

>Yfw trump will revive the german american bund to honor his ancestors


Why do shitposting newfags have such a victim complex?

>loose tribal confederations

This argument doesn't even work because you're implying that if the native americans had control of their borders they wouldnt have let the Europeans in, which is the opposite of the position you want to advance

Weak troll

>any man who so wishes to be free from should seek out to become a citizen of our new nation, away from traditionalism, tyranny,and oppression.

Must be nice to be able to form an opinion without having ever searched for the facts

>Same thing
>Unironically getting your political ideology from facebook memes

Aye Carumba

i agree.

Any free, white person, you mean.


Must be nice to be able to form an opinion without having ever searched for the facts

Watch CNN.
Trust CNN

Give it up, he's lost already. Rather prepare a republican candidate that's worth a shit.
Perhaps phone up Powell and ask him if he'd consider it for 2020, but at this point he's probably not returning gop phone calls.

>America hasn't been a country of immigrants since time immemorial
Even ignoring the part where colonization is pretty much exactly the term for the kind of immigration all anti-immigrant people hate (where the new culture takes over) I'm curious if this sounds familiar to you:
>Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Granted, America has a worse history when it comes to immigrants than the Byzantine Empire, what with you taking half of Mexico, and then throwing out half the population because they're "immigrants" in your great country; but that doesn't mean that on paper it didn't pretend since its conception that it thinks immigration is the greatest thing ever.

>Cred Forums

Both are sandniggers. The rest is sublantics

>mfw her phone says "i love you"


Good job providing an argument there, poor liberal

>Even ignoring the part where colonization is pretty much exactly the term for the kind of immigration all anti-immigrant people hate (where the new culture takes over)
Yes, I'm glad you recognize third world mass immigration as colonization. Thats the first step. The next step is realizing that because America was a nation build on forced colonization does not justify in the modern age a similar thing to happen again, else every nation can be justified in having a similar fate.

>Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
That was a line from a poem made for the statue of liberty, which was to welcome Italian and Irish immigrants coming in so the US could assimilate more people just as its industrialism had required it. Now our industry is literally leaving the country.


ITT: liberals get triggered over obvious bait

>inb4 itt: le dumb conservatives :)

How's that edgy irony working for you, kids?

>Implying I mentioned the ethnicity of the candidates and not their status as an 'Immigrant'

Reading comprehension 10/10

btw if you continued to look through the rest of the acts and laws which followed, they did introduce naturalisation to other races from 1870 and thereafter.

> concession =/= argument
>implying I'm a liberal
>adhering to the ideals and practices of just one political theory and not choosing the best points from all of them to form your principals and opinions

Stay pleb

Stay edgy

> Hitler built Berlin Wall
> Trump wants to buils America Wall
Fucking fascists. No one has the right to wall off Nation

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

wtf I love Hitler now

the greatest Chinese dynasty also built a wall, so did one of the most famous Roman Emperors Hadrian who's whole reign was during peacetime

>any man
>when it has to be free white men of good character

Reading comp 10/10

And we're talking about how the country was set up, not what it later became. Nice try though

>First part
1) Why is it less justified this time around?
2) Even if it is somehow less justified this time around, you'd need to be rather closed off to think that islam or anything else can somehow change America any more than America changed naturally over the course of the past couple centuries.

If nothing else, the sheer agressiveness of American culture makes it impossible for such a take over to happen without a literal invasion.
The entire core of American culture is two groups standing on opposite sides of a wall shouting as hard as they can and patting themselves on the back for doing a good job. No one's really interested in anything they're pushing. Islam is never going to become a state religion or any other nonsense some people believe.
Hell I'd venture, 90% of Americans give such little shit about religion or any other cultural cornerstones, that they could be listed under any number of heresies, despite most being Christian, anywhere between believing God and Jesus to be two different people, thinking Jesus is God, but has only one nature, instead of two separate, just plain not giving a shit about what the Schism was about and not knowing what the hell the Pope is or what protestantism in general is about.

America is pure and utter chaos when it comes to culture and religion.
You can inject chaos with a few new elements, but you can't just turn it into order.

The moment movements that aim to change how America thinks goes beyond trying to make people shrug and accept the existence of a different culture, they will just collapse in on themselves as a failed suffle, because organizing a church, or petitioning law changes, or adopting architecture or doing pretty much anything else that is involved in adopting a new culture or religion, takes more effort than what you can exert over twitter or with a flash mob.