It's a Van the Man saves the evening episode

>it's a Van the Man saves the evening episode

I love those!

Other urls found in this thread:

Cocaine shin kicks ahoy

>Drugs were everywhere. A room backstage had been painted white and decorated with noses cut off plastic masks while a tape loop of sniffing played in the background. A gauzy haze of cocaine lies over the movie. Never mind the reports that close-ups of Neil Young had to be doctored in post- production to remove incriminating evidence from his nostrils; his jaw- grinding intensity stands in stark contrast to the regal bearing of Muddy Waters.

No fucking around in ye olden days

>its a random user posts about something you just watched episode
Really beginning to think i am in a simulation

Fucking glorious user - you've made my day

Absolutely based song and performance

>its a last waltz thread episode

I'm watching the Last Waltz more or less non-stop since yesterday...

>Danko's verse

Absolute best live performance of all time. Especially funny when you consider that Van usually just stands there.highly recommend his live albums if you enjoy his rambling, bluesy, improvisational style.4 minute songs become 8 minute songs when he does them live.

Van and his wife at the time claim he was never a part of the drug scene and was simply shitfaced drunk. Wouldn't surprise me, no reason to lie after all these years.

>ah, it's not how it used to be

forgot video

What's the best Van the Damme and why is it Veedon Fleece?

>mfw Cred Forums has better taste in music than Cred Forums

The grass is always greener crossboard. I'd bet the off topic movie discussions in Cred Forums are better than the movie discussions in Cred Forums

you can have GOAT Britpop/Oasis threads on Cred Forums
Cred Forums are a bunch of snobs

>mfw neil diamond saves the evening

watcha listening to Cred Forums?

this thread

Townes van Zandt - Dead Flowers
at the moment

Good choice. But this one is actually best Van Damme