Where can a person get unbiased news these days?

Where can a person get unbiased news these days?

I watch pic related but it has pretty much turned Democrat since Trump took office. I'm a liberal myself but I don't like my news to have a slant, even if it's one I generally agree with.

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thedailywire is quite rational

You stop looking for one source to spoonfeed you information and you start taking in multiple sources and using some critical thinking skills.

That's ideal, yeah, but I like to have a main go-to. A person could spend all day every day consuming news but I have a full time job and other shit going on.

Then you like your news with bias. Beggars cannot be choosers.

What's the closest thing to unbiased these days, then, do you know?

The only reliable source of news for the fully brain dead Drumpftard are tweets straight from the horse's ass.
Just flow with the contradictions.
Not even the mouthpieces at Fox or Breitbart can keep the tangled web of lies straight anymore.


Reuters is probabaly your best bet but all news is written by people and all people have some kind of bias so theres not really any such thing as 'unbiased news'.

Still anything short of buzzfeed is better than CNN.

You think Fox or MSNBC are better than CNN?


All my this goes here

CBC - most boring news on the planet but it’s not biased.

This, all day.

All jew media is weaponized propaganda now.

Newshour pbs

being such an aspie that you don't know that the associated press has been dedicated to unbiased journalism since the 1800's and is a non-profit organization. Whatever education system you went through failed hard.

Al Jazeera, not trolling.
Lots of Americans don't like it because they are global news and don't consider the USA as the centre of the Universe



CNN is only biased toward the left because facts are biased toward the left. The only real problem with it is the same problem with all the other 24-hour news stations. They have a lot of dead air that they fill with talking heads of questionable qualifications and spend spend a lot of time covering issues of little importance. At least they're better than Fox and MSNBC.

Everyone should watch the PBS News Hour.

Jesus man not everything has to be about Trump

fuck, so many idealogues here it makes my fucking head spin

>not knowing how to greentext

ASSociated Press isn't bad.

It isn't possible. Even the CIA and other agencies that collect their own news deal with bias.

>implying that not knowing how to do something on Cred Forums is a bad thing

>CNN is only biased toward the left because facts are biased toward the left.



LOL this kid never played chrono trigger.

>the reptites didn't all die out. some evolved into birds like there lesser cousins. ever wondered why joos have beaks?

Ssomeone needs to tell the shills to lurk a bit

All mainstream news outlets, academic institutions, scientific journals, and even U.S.-based intelligence agencies are #FAKENEWS run by the Illuminati/Deep State/New World Order whereas Breitbart, InfoWars, Drudge, Prison Planet, and The National Enquirer are reliable sources of information.

The Realclear network is good too.


Politics, Health, Defense etc.

U should do stand up comedy

I actually only lurk dude, that's probably why i messed up greentexing one reply


You need to go to various different locations and come to a consensus.

Everyone always leaves out or includes something that should or shouldn't be in the report.

OP is a lazy faggot.

read both sides of an issue. Tr 'NewsNow'

NewNow is a catalogue of different mainstream articles but lists the country the article was published from (which comes into its own)

I find War in Syria for example to be enlightening because there are about 4 different sides to the conflict and you can see plain as day who's on who's side in the conflict and just how retarded western media is when projecting ideologically driven propaganda.

nah fuck that, you'll melt your brain before you get a consensus, plus most of the news talks about petty shit only, you'll be sorting through different versions of the same unimportant subject and ignoring the real shit going on

Fox abso-fuckin-lutely is better than CNN. They constantly call out republicans if they feel some malfeasance is afoot. CNN has never, and will never admit that ANY liberal is stepping over the line. Ever. And they twist every fucking story, no matter what, to make conservatives look like the actual anti-christ. CNN is pure unadulterated hard left-wing propaganda. Period.

>literal meme news organization

Well, you said "period", so I suppose that settles it.

I haven't melted my brain yet because I can use said brain to tell when I'm looking at unimportant subjects by reading the headlines and skipping them completely. And if your consensus is that different versions of the same unimportant subject are of the exact same subject, then you profess to know the actual news about said subject independent of any of the versions any news outlet releases. And that is strange enough.

This is the future. Brainlets, everywhere, incapable of anything but instant gratification.

This will lead you astray. Most western journalists are extremely left wing, and even if they do their sincere best to be impartial, they can't get out of their own worldview. They go to the same schools, share the same vocabulary and ideology. Even mainstream republicans are basically on board with the neoliberal worldview, or they're smart enough to know that questioning ruling dogma will get them unpersoned.

Also, real journalism is rare-to-nonexistent. Most outlets are just chatterers and talking heads going round and round about press releases and other official accounts.

So... seek out information that isn't packaged as "news" or "journalism"? First hand accounts and the like. The major outlets are only good for getting the basic "who what where when" of major events (where the details are difficult to fudge). The editorial is all lies and half truths slanted towards political agendas and clickbaiting.




of course it does, dummy.

Honestly Drudge is really good, since he mostly just links a variety of left/right sources and covers everything pretty equally. Far better than CNN at least, wtf user.

Also other independent creators like this guy are really good for analysis.


He is better than any mainstream pundit, and again covers thing equally. He predicted the last election outcome and got every state right except for New Hampshire I believe. If you don't like his views there are many other good people on the "left".

It's ok to read "biased" news, since that's pretty unavoidable, but you can't be ignorant of the bias. CNN pretends to be completely objective with no hidden agendas, which is pathetic and obviously a ruse. At least people like Alex Jones admit their bias and are open in their agenda. Independent content is more trustworthy nowadays, since it's so easy for them to be exposed online unprotected, so they tend to be more reliable and honest.

bbc and cbc (canadian version) are absolute trash. big govt propaganda.

Real news is work. You have to watch or read multiple sources from multiple party affiliations and draw your own conclusions based on facts pulled from the space between all the opinions which are sometimes stated as fact. All the while you have to remain impartial until you have enough of those facts to form an actual informed opinion.

this is why ppl support drumpf

Fox leans so far right, their fist is up your ass

He's correct though. A decade or maybe even five years ago I would've said CNN is better but now they are much worse.


This is not butthurt, as they diligently post the facts, and culture their opinion away from verbal diahrrea you hear elsewhere.

CNN is shit, Info Wars is more reliable at this point.

read from every news source


Do you mean because they don't know all the facts, or because they don't trust the news? Your statement is pretty vague.

Recommended News Orgs:
>Associated Press
>New York Times
>Washington Post
>LA Times

Stay Away from
>Huffington Post
>TV news
>Any state-run source

Both, honestly.

They know the facts and therefor distrust corporate legacy media.

BBC is absolutely state run. So is NPR basically. NYT and WP are shit. Normie/brainlet tier list. At least you now CNN is shit tho.

If you know the facts, you distrust the news.

>[CNN] has pretty much turned Democrat since Trump took office.

So what? We need to get the Democrats back into power.

You really don't. They are like the old republicans now. All corporate, moralist and weird. Regular people are turned off from their weirdo leftist crap like this:

The republican party is reforming. Trump is more like a 90's business democrat than a republican honestly.


Ok. Trust single sourced news, ignore facts. Got it. I'll be a better person now.