Opinions on this album?

Opinions on this album?

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it's good
spider in the snow is the best track

I listened to the first three tracks a few years back and it turned me off
should I give it another shot?

its the album I put on for when I have normies in the car. I love it.

You should definitely give it another shot. The album varies a lot.

Reminds me of Young the Giant.

Delete this

true, this album is kinda artsy while still remaining normie accessible. art hoes love it.

The City*


Good album. Reminds me of days gone by.

Amazing musicianship. All the dudes in the band locked right in place.
Its the most confused 20-something year old album i could ever think of.

Good album. Reminds me of One Hot Minute.

nice i love that song

gud shit

clicked on thread expecting "soy", pleasantly surprised! Cred Forums has finally matured

Started listening to it, pretty sick stuff, liking it so far.


Found the eternally seething soyboy

I listened to this album for the first time recently and found it to be overrated. I thought the production was cool but I just could not get into those songs

The First Anniversary of Your Last Phone Call is actually the best song of their entire discography.

check out this soyboy over here

they're a great band - didn't rate the comeback album though.

E&I and Change are solid