>0 (zero) medals at the olympics even the Welsh and the Finns have more medals


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Sweden has no right to laugh at anybody anymore after they lost to FUCKING JAPAN in women's hockey

bit mean lad
hard to win olympic medals when you are addicted to heroin
scotland needs help not bullying

> we won medals at the white man's Olympics
> Scotland didn't
Explain this Scotland

sweden is for fags

Oh my god... America... Are you trying to make them commit suicide?

Why are they so shit at sports compared to the rest of the UK? Especially team sports

>inb4 they lose to Korea next game too
Sweden relegation when?


>put a bag of heroin at the bottom of the hill
"fuck those ginger cunts are fast"
-Clare Balding

I mean... it's okay when they laugh at us for losing to czechia or at you for losing to
>fucking slovenia top kek
because we are strong enough to take it. But them... they are so fragile... I'm afraid for them

OAR are addicted to krokodil and they still manage it

There is always Andy Murray

Scots are either fat cunts from all the fried shit they eat or they play meme tier "sports" like Gaylick Football

OAR are on some special putin sauce

Sweden and Finland have been talking the most shit with the least results

we'll win the women's and mens curling and Elise will win a skating medal.

daily reminder we have 8% of the population of the UK and still provided 28% of the medals in Rio

the fact we do as well as we do is a fucking miracle.

Norway is addicted to doping and they still manage it

Do have a single source to back that up?

literally no one plays that here. thats an irish sport.

there is a tiny, niche sport called shinty that's played by nobody except a handful of Highlanders

Both curling teams will choke, Elise will be too busy clotheslining chinks to win a medal.

>we'll win the women's and mens curling and Elise will win a skating medal.

just lol
you'll win fucking nothing, literally wasting english money as usual you fuckin leeches

yes im not a fucking brainlet and can do simple mathematics.

i cant believe you actually need a source for that. thicko


>Big strong Swedish women can't beat tiny weak Japanese womanlets


So that's a no.

I assume you're counting joint medals. Remember that relay where Adam Peaty won it by himself and the other 3 were basically tagalongs, one of whom was Scottish? That's a "Scottish" medal in your book.

>caring about women's hockey

still mad about the slovenia result

>he's a thick cunt that can't calculate simple percentages

the fucking state of Engpakies

How many individual medals did Scots win?

ok we take that one off and we also take away the two mo farah won. at least Scottish victories are won by scots

Sweden has their BEST woman players there and they still can't win ahahahahahahahahahaha I thought Sweden was a hockey country???

only men play hockey in Sweden.


even if you discount team events includng non-scottish athletes its 16%. still double the population % we provide to the uk

much better than any of the other constituent nations

oh yeah then why is Swede women in the Olympics???

>oh yeah then why is Swede women in the Olympics???

I don't know and no one cares about women hockey in Sweden. I didn't even know we had a good women's team.



Don't you have an own association even, the GAA?

List them.

16% of 67 is 10.72 btw. Andy Murray won Scotland's only individual gold, but I can't be arsed to look through silvers and bronzes, so you have 9 or 10 more to list. Go.

Andy Murray, Callum Skinner, David Florence, Sally Conway, Daniel Wallace, Duncan Scott, Robert Renwick and Stephen Milne all won medals as an inidvidual or as a Scottish team


Whit! Ahm gonnae stand handin oot free naps fur some of youz cunts. Fuck yer medals.

David Florence won with an English partner, but he's the better athlete so I'll be generous and give it you

Daniel Wallace, Duncan Scott, Renwick and Millne won 1 medal as a team, so that's one medal, not 4 dipshit

So that's 5 total medals in that list.

"english" athletes
>Christine Ohuruogu
>Anyika Onuora
>Desiree Henry
>Mo Farah
>Daryll Neita
>Joshua Buatsi
padding your stats with blacks is cheating

So now your 28% figure has been thoroughly obliterated, you resort to racism. Ouch.

Reminder there's always a big strong Englishman to put you in your place.

PS. 5 medals in 67 is about 8%.

radical left strikes again, just because they got dumped in Manchester and not Glasgow doesn't mean you can add them to your tally

>everyone on Cred Forums this obsessed with scotGODS
what did we do to you? some BSJ(Big Strong Jock) fuck your sister or something?
the level of seethe from other nations (not naming any names, you know who you are) is astounding. Like how shit must your life be that you want to try and attack the most righteous people on earth? I get it,i really do, you're jealous that you didn't win the grand prize in life's lottery-being born scottish-but that doesnt mean you have to mope around like this. I know being swedish/english/welsh or haitian isnt anything to shout about but maybe if you put a bit more effort into being proud yourselves you might measure up favourably at last to us BSJs

Who needs medals when you have love to share?


>PS. 5 medals in 67 is about 8%.
break it down for England in the same way.

i guarantee its lower

>not white
Canary Islands are not Spain btw.

Kill yourself

Is this why Rangers went out of business?

t. Cuban or one of these spics who think they're white

just get your independence already, whenever i see the UK flag i always think of a stereotypic englishman posting from his industrial wasteland


I like when Scottish people are speaking english and you have absolutely no idea what the fuck they're saying. It's like a derivative. 100 years from now, the sad cunts won't be able to ave an old bungalow with anyone

Only thing they got a world record in this week was speedrunning any% for Majora's Mask and the Wind Waker

More relevant than winter Olympics desu

>women's hockey
Not a real sport

>0 golds
Doesn't look like it


In all seriousness, the Scottish are all either addicted to heroin, Buckfast, or a strange carbonated water which is flavoured by rusty girders. They have a poor diet and should not be mocked but instead totally ignored.

Don't insult Irn Bru please

>women's hockey

>Muh heroin meme

Trainspotting isn't real life, champ

>insulting irn-bru
stop pretending to be British.


Why don't the Scots (and I guess all Brits in general) practice their skiing and snowboarding in the Scottish Highlands? Are the slopes not that good?

Scottish people cannot handle banter (they get really, genuinely affected by it) so keep these threads coming please.

because the highlands are among the most sparsely populated areas in Europe. and the slopes are shit.

and the highlands are miles away from actual civilisation. Glasgow > Inverness is at least a 5 hour journey

Only Mo Farah won a gold you retard, well done changing the goalposts. Back to your cuckshed

nope its Irish.

London has a team that competes though

not even that guy, but when did anyone say anything about only golds? you made that up, champ

Shit slopes, shit & unreliable snow, and because of that there are no resorts to speak of. If Brits want to go skiing they're a lot more likely to go to a comfy Alpine resort where there's other stuff to do, as opposed to some hut halfway up a hill in Scotland with no electricity or running water.

>Glasgow > Inverness is at least a 5 hour journey
>skiing in inverness

t. never left glesga

never said there was skiing in Inverness. used it as a reference point as its the central hub of the highlands

and i lived in Aberdeen for 4 years for uni actually