The extinction is coming

The extinction is coming.

Where will you be hiding?

Attached: deth.jpg (350x191, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

at home.

A fairly common plan
But im not sure that a tile roof is going to be enough of a radiation shield. You go on the deth list. Enjoy.

Everybody dies eventually dipshit.

With an attitude like that you may as well just go outside stare at the sun and fry in the naked onslaught of the first blast

Dubs makes it true

At home, doing whatever I usually do. Cosmic rays aren't nearly strong enough to instakill anyone anywhere, and while the instances of cancer will certainly increase, the increase isn't even enough to cause an extinction event.

in a faraday cage with my printed porn collection

>Cosmic rays
Direct hits from coronal mass ejections currently get 99% absorbed by the magnetic field. Without it there will be literal streams of charged hot plasma reaching the surface. This isn't just a trickle of cosmic rays...

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>99% absorbed by the magnetic field.
that's the whole point of OP pic

Irrelevant. Poles have reversed numerous times, and none of them resulted in mass extinction. Last one was 700k years ago and fuck nothing happened back then. There's no reason to think this time would be any worse. You'd be more apt focusing on Anoxic events and similar. That's what really kills off a lot of species.

No the point of OPs pic is the field is reversing. The shield is already down to 80% and plummeting. We are about 200 years into the reversal... and it's going downhill from here.

Most of the planet will die

Why are whites so anxious all the time?

while poles have reversed numerous times, we haven't ever had this much of electromagnetically sensitive equipment.

>nothing happened back then
Really? How do you know this. There are quality studies that show a definite evolutionary pinch occurred about a million years ago.

>The extinction is coming.
[citation needed]

Oh yeah, it'll be fun going back to steam engines and sending actual fucking letters to communicate. But the world won't be destroyed and species extinct because of it. Living beings are more robust than that.

But an anoxic event. That'd shake things a lot.

I would bet a few species will go extinct due to malfunctioning electronics/humans panicking

Because if there's an extinction event, there would be massive evidence supporting such a conclusion. Previous extinction events can be traced hundreds of millions of years back. 700k years ago poles reversed and there is no evidence that it meant an extinction level event.

We won't go extinct. But a fuck ton of people will die in direct hits from wrong place / wrong time coronal mass ejections


Species are already going extinct even without that, so probably. Yeah.

Not extinction obviously, we are still here. It's a pinch. Large swathes of population will die off and it will make atomic bombs look like firecrackers.

Sure. As would a new plague. As would numerous other dangers. But it doesn't mean it'd be an extinction event, and it certainly doesn't mean we should be shaking in our boots right now.

I highly doubt it. You're exaggerating the dangers. I mean yes, it will become troublesome. But pretending like this is some sort of major catastrophe is silly.

The field took 200 years to drop 10%. It dropped another 5% in the last 2 decades.

That is an alarming acceleration mate.

The poles are flying around the arctic circle like a drunk.

Here's hoping Africa and the middle East are turned into cosmic glass

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Do you know what a CME or solar flare is?

I am not claiming it won't happen, I am claiming it's not as dangerous as put fourth here.


I'd be more worried about WR 104

Gotta hide underground

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So you know big ones are million degree charged plasma streams with volumes equivalent to the whole earth.

And you think it means nothing to have these land on the ground without a magnetic shield?

lol even deep caves won't save you if you get unlucky. Sealed underground bunkers might. Maybe

This is what you should be worrying about:

Yes, but the probability for earth to be hit by one at the same time as a pole reversal is pretty slim.


But I am also worried about the very real impending threat of being stuck on a cosmic bbq if it's all the same.

Sure thing. Go nuts.

Pole reversals take hundreds of years to restabilise.

That's thousands of CMEs and probably hundreds of direct hits.

I read somewhere that ayyy lmao's will help us develop technology to prevent this occurrence so I'm not hiding anywhere fam we good.

If the dangers were as solid as you claim, and the risks as probable as you put fourth, then no life would exist on earth.

Life exists on earth.

Therefore something in your argument isn't working.

Cause niggers

Jesus, it's not complete extinction. People survive and repopulate. But proper devastation is 100% coming.

Each of them is connected to a massive extinction event what the fuck are you talking about?

I have no reason to believe that is true. No argument yet has been remotely convincing.

Anoxic events. They occur suspiciously often during extinction events.

ur mum's bed

So go start a thread on them.

This is about the VERY real - right here, right now pole reversal and our upcoming survival against exposure to solar flares without our magnetic shield

No, I much prefer to stay here and point out that the dangers suggested are exaggerated.

>more worried about WR 104
This is also real, but sometime in the next 100k to 500k years.

The pole reversal has started already. We may be half way in meaning shit gets real in your lifetime, or at least your kids..

But they aren't. coronal mass ejections are very real I assure you

Does that mean I get to be a ghoul?

I know they are. They just don't result in the consequences suggested here.

OK, what is the consequence of a hot charged plasma stream the size of the mediteranean sea direct hitting the earth... without a magnetic shield?

Nice tan?

The electronics will break and there might be a little chaos. That's all.
Poles flipping wont suddenly let solar wind reach ground ya dummy

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In long term it would mean the absolute death of most life on earth. But that has never happened. Even during a reversal, the magnetic field isn's absent. It's just weaker. During past pole reversal, of which there is a lot, solar wind has hit earth too. It does have consequences, but not the kind where you need to go to an underground bunker.

I'm gonna go jerk off instead. Your weak arguments for why pole reversal is something to cry about has been saved by my incessant masturbation needs. Good for you.

Lord pleeeeease let the end come.

>being this retarded
When the kp number is 0 for 36 hours there is higher prevalence of:
1) Psychological effects. Typically in those prone to issues such as dementia, Alzheimer, pre-existing psychosis.
2) Higher incident rate of heart attack and stroke. There is a direct correlation to the upper number of your blood pressure rising with a low kp index. See the multitude of Japanese studies about this.
3) Electrical equipment failure. Solar radiation will cause power outages, memory and disk failure in computers, and completely low orbit satellites.

This is all simply because the magnetic field is LOW for a little over a single day.

Now imagine if the sun either went quiet for so long that our kp index was at 0 for years, or if it became SO active that our magnetic field was incapable of fending off the radiation from our own star.
Both of these things have 100% happened in the past. Both of these things happen cyclically. Both of these things are observable in other stars.

This. It's interesting that we're likely to see the reversal during our lifetime. People are predicting the full swing as early as 2050. That would absolutely decimate all of world high society.

Uh...literally every polar reversal is directly linked to a mass extinction...what are you reading?

Joke's on you, I don't even have a Facebook account.

I can survive if humanity rolls back to medieval times.

You would need to spend time underground during CMEs. We don't pay attention to them now because we have a strong and well balanced magnetic field to protect us. If the field destabilizes then it will literally be unsafe for large mammals to stay above ground for long periods of time due to solar radiation.

If you look back to the periods before large ice ages in the past, there are indications of humans creating huge cave structures and massive stone buildings. It is highly likely that this was for solar radiation protection. It is not that you "have to go live in a cave all the time" but if you were to move around outdoors for 8 hours like we do now then sleep in a box made of sticks then you would die of radiation poisoning from the sun very quickly. You would need to retreat to a cave during large solar events and spend very little time outdoors when it was not necessary.

>It's just weaker
Strong flares already reach the ground and shut down power grids. With a full magnetic field.

The field drops much further, below 50% average and much lower in local instabilities. Plasma is going to reach the ground, and it's a crap shoot if your city gets literally wiped.

Worldwide electricity outage while you wait (under double radiation) is equally bad news. Unless you live in temperate zones and don't need heating, but living nearer to the equator increases your chance of being burnt alive

Personally i would go polar and rug up to minimise radiation / potential plasma exposure

I wonder what Greta Thunberg thinks about this

Global warming seems m00t

At your moms house

>The weather will be changing!
>The polls will be out of control!

>Meanwhile, humans have AC
I mean, it sucks for some animals but we'll be pretty alright.

Over there, by that, next to the thing



2050 they think the poles move past the equator. Not kidding.

About 200 years to re stabilise, with Santa moving to Antarctica.

>>Meanwhile, humans have AC
Did you even read the thread?

Electricity grids are literally the first casualty. 200 years of no electricity.

Aww shit, guess we'll have to buy blankets

Ah, if I had a nickle for every time some retard on Cred Forums told me we're all gonna fucking die and they're super serious about it. Don't read too much into the shit NatGeo themselves write, but do read into the direct quotes from the PhD in geophysics.

TL;DR It's not a reversal, the rapid pole movement is due to other reasons, and a likely explanation is given here. More data and studies need to be carried out to confirm exactly what, but you don't just get the Earth's magnetic field going from fine to not fine within a lifetime, or even several. It's thousands and thousands of years, and even at it's lowest point, the magnetic field is still strong enough that the atmosphere (which everyone seems to forget about being there in all their napkin math doomsday predictions) can pick up the slack in terms of radiation shielding (at least biologically; electronics, especially anything in earth orbit, are still gonna get fucked with to varying degrees).

The geomagnetism department at my campus fucking wishes it were a pole reversal, they'd have so much money being shoved up their asses they'd gold-plate the water dispenser.

t. Geophysics undergrad

Well then I'll just use the ice-cubes in a cooler with a fan blowing over it trick. Duh.

>t. Geophysics undergrad

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Nope. We have literally no idea of the timescales of the reversal and anyone who claims to know is a charlatan. All we know is they happen every 800k years more or less like clockwork and the last one funnily enough was 800k years ago.

1+1 In this case actually equals 2

There would be substantial political pressure to downplay the consequences because they are largely uncontrollable and cannot be mitigated and the last thing the world needs is widespread panic and anarchy right now. Time for that comes later when transformers literally start catching fire.

There is a reason they built that seed bank fwiw

The reversal is 100% coming. If not in your lifetime, definitely your kids. Yes, that soon.

Clever people will have a plan to avoid being a statistic.

Extinctions aren't linked to reversals and reversals won't interfere with electronics.

If that's meant to be an "I don't believe you're one of those", I hope this is enough, although I had to make some very careful adjustments to conserve my anonymity. If that's meant to be the average geophysics major, people here tend to be eccentric but sociable, especially compared to the hyperautists I've studied with doing pure math or pure physics degrees. We're generally not as outgoing as geologists though.

>We have literally no idea of the timescales of the reversal

When someone explained remnant magnetism in divergent plate boundary ocean basalts to you, did you just stick with that first thought of neatly ordered strips of oppositely-oriented crystals with no transition zone between them, or did you have the forethought to realize that there's probably a transitional period where the crystallizing rock displays noticeably not-so-ordered remnant magnetism that can be associated with the time it takes the reversal to occur? Because yeah, they do that. The concept's been dumbed down because a fucking imageboard isn't conducive to in-depth explanations of geomagnetic survey methods, but there's plenty of papers out there.

>There would be substantial political pressure to downplay the consequences because they are largely uncontrollable and cannot be mitigated and the last thing the world needs is widespread panic and anarchy right now
>There is a reason they built that seed bank fwiw
This also applies just as well to the following events that I, *personally*, assure you are 100% coming;
>Supervolcanic erruption
>Impending nuclear war and subsequent nuclear winter
>Incoming extra-galactic fleet of xenos come to harvest every man's balls to fuel their sperm-powered ship reactors
The only leg you seem to be able to stand on is pure conjecture based on an otherwise healthy distrust of those in power taken to a stupid degree.

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>>Laughs at you in solar pannel

Our shields are down? Raise them!

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What methods do they use to map the trench lava magnetism?

Reason I ask is there is a school of thought that the earths reversals should be more closely tied to the suns reversals which are orders of magnitude more frequent. Im interested to know the confidence in the 800k number

>field is reversing. The shield is already down to 80% and plummeting

I have to ask - where did they get this super-accurate data going back to 1600?

ITT: user does a breakdown

I also see that IBM keyboard lurking underneath...would like to see more of that.

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Sauce or gtfo

The left is the magnetic field of a planet, the right is the magnetic field of a neutron star. Pull your head out of your ass OP.

Google broken?

There are literally thousands of articles and peer reviewed papers on this. It's really happening.

Nowhere. I Will face my fate in the open instead of hiding and quivering like a little bitch.

Everybody dies. Why be afraid?

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Nothing will stop it

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zoomers are too busy masturbating and all day vidya to keep across world changing news stories

This reversal happens as the magnetosphere of Nibiru passes closest to that of Earth, every time. Nibiru's orbit is still not completely stabilized from its collision with Tiamat, no thanks to its inhabitants…

The Global magnetic pole reversal will not occur during any of our life-times: it is an irrelevance to all of us, just like the next Ice-Age or Global-Warming catastrophe:
by which time, we will all have emigrated to the cooler climes of Mars (or Alaska or some shit like that).

ATTN; FREE GOVT EYE-TEST, get with it glow-niggers.

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>What methods do they use to map the trench lava magnetism?

Pretty much any method you'd use to detect magnetic anomalies on land, except it just has to work underwater. The maps of magnetic anomalies are pretty accurate, the theory of remnant magnetism is solid, all that's left to do is acquire a time interval by associating the width of the magnetic anomalies to a paleotectonic model of plate velocities. I can't say for sure how accurate this/these model/s is/are off the top of my head, honestly, but I'm willing to be it's Pretty Good (TM) if you're willing to go looking for it. If the model is on point, the numbers given are pretty solid, they don't depend on much else than that.

Ah, I've got two. The one plugged in was acquired for $10 from some guy who didn't know what he was selling. Spotless, came in half the original Styrofoam, I'd be willing to be it was unused. He was selling it as a 122-key terminal board with a crusty ass picture, it was an impeccable non-terminal board. Didn't mention to the seller though, it was a fucking steal.

I've also got a second one, from exactly the same guy and price, except this one has a few stains on it and the controller seems to be shot; resets my bios on every boot and then locks the computer up. Doesn't work or exhibits equally fucky behavior on other machines. I'm planning on replacing the controller with a Teensy at some point; USB would mean I still get to have muh clicky clack if they decide to kill off PS/2 completely at some point.

Stonehenge activates when the magnetic poles shift and the awakened ley lines protect us.

>gamma ray blast from a supernova
>hiding underground

bra do you even science?

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ITT: Faggots larp hard as physicists who know what they're talking about.


fermi paradox maybe dum dum?

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You got a better suggestion?

>million degree charged plasma
Dis-genuine at best. What is the thermosphere, why is the thermosphere (that surround Earth) thousands of degrees?

>with volumes equivalent to the whole earth
Yeah and how far away is the sun from the Earth? You don't think that since it takes light 8 minutes to reach the Earth from the sun that this give the CME time to diffuse some?

The odds of a direct hit with significant quantities of significantly energetic plasma is effectively nil. Space is large, science doesn't work the way you think it works.

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there is non... thats the point... even if you were to shield your self or a part of land we can not survive when the earth is being sterilized...

best bet is this (and we are faaar away from it)

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the link provided does not support your catastrophic claims. any stronger evidence or are you just dumb?

They're all stupid or larping. These claims have no evidence for and a lot against.

lmao reversing the magnetic poles has happened while humans were on Earth, its not going to cause a mass extinction