Hi Cred Forumsros

Hi Cred Forumsros

How old are you, since when you've been browsing Cred Forums and what's the craziest things you've seen here ?

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29 since 03 fleshlight babies

26, since 2010, the guy that stranglled her girl and then made the news, and the guy that drank vodka and burned his room on live ( I was in the thread and the live that shit wasCRAZY)

28, since 2008, probably men chopping off their penis

21, since 2012, guy killed his girlfriend and posted the pictures on here. Said he was gonna suicide by cop but the fag didnt do it

41, 2003.
I once saw something good on Cred Forums

24 since 05

Idk hard to not call the rampant kids that used to be posted the craziest but seems kinda lazy so probably dudes sounding and fucking their dick with a dildo

15 since 2019

the gay shit is just disgusting

2007 pudipudi

since early 2009
I plea the fucking fifth

>I once saw something good on Cred Forums

Attached: Taylor Swit is muh waifu.png (632x504, 32K)

2011 (not sorry)
the dude that poisoned a bunch of gypsies that were squatting on his land with some virus he put in their water supply

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2006/2007 ? im not sure. first Habbo raid.
i think the kitty porn is the worst ive seen on here, but also yes, the dick mutilation and real gore, but probably shovel dog was worst, and maybe even some guro ? like things that truly blew my mind, i was already desensitized to real gore, but the kitty porn and shitting dick nipple anime took my brain and soul to new places. places that shouldn't be gone to. thanks moot. you ruined my innocence.

33, since 2002, mostly the cheese pizza and animal gore

>since 2002

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22 since like 08 or 09 the worst thing ive seen not counting cp is probably that guy who put his kid and wife in the freezer

Yeah that's kinda my reaction too. Jesus I need to get my life together.


It didn't exist until 2003

My timeline is off then but I was in high school when I started and I was in school 2001-2005

OP is a fag

i'm listening to nyan cat 10 hours


I've been browsing Cred Forums for at least 2 years and I havent seen anything that has scarred me more then browsing crazyshit.com or bestgore.com could

31, since 2005

I don't know what to consider crazy. To me, the craziest feelings come from things that are related to how bad off people around the "better parts" of the world (mainly in the US) can be. I couldn't have imagined people living in so bad conditions outside of actual shithole countries. People posting from basements, excluded from the society, from filth and cumstains.

19, 2015. The Pseudoscorpion shit

this site was launched in 2003

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2000, 35, 2 guys one hammer OR DD

25, 2008, video of a woman stepping on a kitten with her high heels

29, about to be 30. I've been on Cred Forums since 2003, not craziest but funniest one was the "Some of you guys are alright" shit on /r9k/.

Attached: someofyouguysarealright.png (1219x555, 207K)

28, since 2006. Mostly on Cred Forums now. Worst thing I’ve ever seen is HC CP.

56, since 2010, and THIS is what destroyed my faith in humanity.

Thanks to this, I called the 2016 election. The press were saying nobody could vote for a total incompetent, but I knew better.

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34, back in my day real man knew how to triforce.

37. Craziest thing I remember is the great LS raid of /wg/. It was up for days. It must have been around 2009 or 2010 because I was still finishing my thesis.

35 2005ish and pretty much every fuckee up thing to come through here

Although dude murdering his wife was crazy af

dumbass, they're from Orange Count and are probably stalwart Republicans.

36, on and off since 04

2014ish when my friend asked to help with the Cred Forums verses tumblr meme war

34, since about 2012-2013.

the one thats really burned into my mind is the dude blowing a load with gigantic snails on either side of his dick, basically fucking two massive snails at the same time. i was in the original thread and his caption was something like "so how old were you when you figured out you were into snailplay, Cred Forums?"

2006, mid 30s. most fucked up shit I can remember was from 7 or 8 years ago. Pic sorta related.

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little did we know tumblr was going to self-destruct


since 2013-2014
A man killing his abuser and posting every pic in here.

What was there? Why do you call mods?

Don't get your hopes up. He just declared himself to be underage. I reported him, it's gone.

Thats because Cred Forums has been fucked for the past 2 yrs

>How old are you
>since when you've been browsing Cred Forums
first seen late 03/early 04, browsing regularly since 07
>what's the craziest things you've seen here ?
The general tiers of descent into stupidity.
General timeline of shit that made it worse:
>tripfags (not as prevalent anymore)
>waifu obsession (anything from anime, to attention whores, to celebs)
>raiding other Cred Forums boards after external raids were "banned" (like pulling a prank on your friend by shitting in your own living room)
>bronies (what a sad shitshow of a shit show)
>phone-posting (definite decline in overall experience when everyone using their phones to type and link)
>shills (yall bitching about shills for 15 years and when they finally show up you're pushing to the front of the line to by that shit up)
The gore, pizza, etc. were all novelties that were almost never "crazy."
Coming to Cred Forums now is like going back to a playground/school you were at as a child. They're playing games you and your friends invented but they're doing it weird and don't seem to be having as much fun because they don't fully understand the game. They're playing the game on 3rd-4th hand experience/rules. And that shit is a crazy mindfuck.


not mentioning logposting and the incessant political trolling of the last few years?

So will mods come when you write mods?
Mods. Mods mods. Moods


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This country's going straight to hell.

mods *may* come when you report a post.

i was in that thread where the dude strangled that mom and didn't even an hero or shoot police, just gave up like a faggot

>not mentioning logposting
some variation of incessant forced meme has been always been on just about every board. logposting is just notable for being slightly longer lasting so far.
>the incessant political trolling of the last few years?
Mostly falls under the "shills" category, current political shitposting is directly tied to the surge of shills.

46, browsing since 2010, roodypoo
Worst thing was that guy tying a baby to a table and shitting on it...
Been in raids and took down a pedo

43 and there were pictures of cats on Saturday.

Oh, the card stand, the fuking card stand, how could I forget.
The most braindead thing to ever come out of 4chin


Since last year

I'd say the guy who taped ants to his dick

I'm 41, been browsing Cred Forums since before Cracky-Chan days when Snacks was still on here, and I don't know what the craziest thing I've seen here is because there are too many to remember. I was here for many of the big ones. I miss a lot of people who are gone and left us all too soon. I miss my old life. I miss being normal. This place isn't the same.

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24, don't really remember when I started lurking. I miss the old Cred Forums, when /b wasn't filled with porn.


2004, someone on irc linked a daft punk flash animation on /swf/, been here since.

Some black chap posting a link to his home stream as he gobbled a bunch of pills and went good night sweet prince on his bed forever

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29, since '06, saw a video of two women circumcising a barely pubescent boy

2002. I am moot

you got the video bro?

>How old are you,
>since when you've been browsing Cred Forums
Don't remember, but back when there were a number of chans but before uberchan came along to help make sense of it all.
>what's the craziest things you've seen here
Maybe goatse. But that was before the invasion of the Cred Forumstroons.

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22 since 2013 regular shit nothing new