What's your filtered thread list look like? pic related

what's your filtered thread list look like? pic related

Attached: filter.jpg (505x577, 76K)

fragile faggot

no I'm just tired of seeing all these garbage threads, especially on /soc/.

They need to fuck off with
>comfy servers

we found the shitposting OP

pretty gay OP

you clearly like traps, blacks, feminism, boipussy

I have 70-80 threads hidden at all times
Fuck you all

I use filters but not to hide any, only to bump my favorite things to the top of my page so I don’t miss them

Attached: Screenshot 2020-01-18 14.51.14.png (704x892, 129K)

>muh safe space

Enjoy your 30 Dick rate threads then, faggot.

Cool, I may try this. The only problem with that is that you might miss some things

I need to add those to my list, thanks!
I HIDE threads...
no just like to avoid the garbage threads

>Letting things you don't like bother you this much

they don't bother me, Just get in the way.

too many fucking insecure guys wanting to see dicks

you like the pepsi merchandiser thread LOL

>letting things you don't like bother you to the point where you take 5 seconds to remove them

The first one is:

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-01-18 18-09-56.png (550x311, 34K)

what does the | line do?

that first one covers a lot! You don't like girls or cock/traps?

It's OR, I block any thread that has the word "cock" or "naked" or "*butt" etc. And * means if someone puts things like s/fur, the *fur catches it

means "or" will match bbw OR bwc

so could a person just have one string with all the words they don't want? This is new on me so it's a tad confusing

Yall need to learn regex lmao

Good point. I should add femanon too cuz every femanon thread is a piece of shit jerkfest too.

I know what the asterisk means cuz it explains it on the question mark page that pops up, but I never saw the |, doesn't just putting it on a new line do the same thing?

Yeah that was what confused me. I put all mine on a different line, why bother having different lines if you can do this or why bother having this if you can have different lines?

I think the intention behind it was to put similar words in the same one to keep it more organized but this user just used it for everythign.

Yeah, a new filter does exactly that, but if I wanna see all the shit on Cred Forums when I'm REALLY bored, I can just turn off one filter.

>using filters
i dont use them because im not a faggot

In English?

What? You can already do that even if they're on a separate line...

Attached: Screenshot 2020-01-18 15.24.01.png (808x682, 73K)

I use them because I'm not a fag. If I wanted to see 50 dick threads I'd not use filters

Well shit. I'm retarded

Or "show hidden threads"

>caring about dicks

I don't want to see them so I filter them

lol keep supressing ur homosexuality

Kinda. Honestly your version makes a little sense if you keep a copy of it in a notepad on your desktop. If you ever reset your browser settings you can copy paste it right back in.

You will never have a refined filter

i filter about 50-60 threads.
Cred Forums has a total of 150
i then have to manually filter out another 25
in the end i usually only see 60 threads.

Attached: filters.jpg (376x2167, 321K)

don't have one i'm not a safespace cunt

the ones at the bottom are usually filterable threads but i just push them to the top so i can double check them before i filter them out manually.

level 100 autism

how do you get the option to see the number of threads being filtered at any given time

I have a similar plan and there are still a dozen homo threads every 10 minutes to block.

i dont even stay on Cred Forums for longer than 30mins anyway

catalog -> filters
would love to know what great threads i've missed in the last 5 years. i know there has to have been epic threads that i've missed or is it all just porn threads?

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It's amazing how many people come here to filter out porn and have regular threads but regular threads just don't survive well anymore. I used to be able to spend hours creating an RPG thread game based off of Zelda Majora's Mask but now it will only get like 7 replies.

Imagine if we all just moved to /bant/

weird, in catalog form my filters list is empty.

i hated your threads.
i could never just auto filter your shit games.
and risk games would at best just say risk but risk is a basic word so i couldn't filter them out without hiding potentially non-shit threads

catalog and regular board for some reason have 2 different lists

I used the exact same op text each time, and I only did them like twice a year.

so many filtering faggots. kys

getting upset because some user is filtering out threads that he doesn't want to see?

Attached: 1469155209457.gif (280x211, 1.92M)

I used to have a much longer list on my old pc

Attached: ree.png (411x1633, 82K)

safespace pussies kys

like others have mentioned already, you can save a bunch of lines by combining all the single worded filters into one by using | as a separate.

filtering 37 threads:


If you want to look at the same spambot threads and images of ugly roasties all day, go ahead. Some of us are tired of it though.

imagine getting mad that he filters shit he doesn't want to see instead of spamming said threads or complaining about them in the thread

discord..gg/YNzhmc3 (remove the extra dot

Server with no rules! Post whatever you want and talk about controversial topics without risk of ban.

Loli, cheese, VC, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!

Nice, thanks. This will filter like half of Cred Forums

you know you can use regex for wildcards and case insensitivity and cut down massively on the number of filters?

unfortunately i've been here probably longer than you've been alive.
theres only so many "more like this" threads that you can take.


teach me, regex.
show me your filter list.

imagine being this much of a faggot

great filters anons! thanks for sharing

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unfortunately ur mom didnt abort u


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He's mad because whatever gay spam he is trying to make popular is blacklisted.

Attached: filter.png (254x962, 27K)


Attached: kys.jpg (768x449, 28K)


What is AAAA* for?

shit if i know.
probably a stale pasta thread.
like "hold your breath and type aaa"

Was not aware of this feature. Thanks OP! Not a faggot today.

kys nigger


So a filtered things that I don't want but threads of them still show up. How do I get rid of specific threads with keywords?

Are the words showing up in comment or subject? You may need to filter for both or use a wildcard

screenshot of your list

Attached: 1530158565988.jpg (780x782, 129K)

It's blocking the posts in threads, but not the threads themselves.


Attached: filt.png (428x218, 35K)

filters are separate for catalog, thread and normal boards.Cred Forums.org/b/

if you want THREADS in CATALOG to be filtered....go to catalog

if you want COMMENTS in a THREAD to be filtered then go to any thread and go to settings->filters->edit

if you want THREADS hidden in the main page of Cred Forums then go to the main page of Cred Forums and go to settings->filters->edit

basically don't create filters inside of a thread because you won't be creating filters to hide threads...you're creating filters to be used inside of a thread.

go to catalog or Cred Forums to create filters to hide threads.