Images that trigger incels

Images that trigger incels.

Attached: alexandria_ocasia_cortez.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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she looks like butterscotch dog shit with teeth

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she looks like el chupacabra

I think you're a little confused, user.

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hmmmm....lets check

nope. totally triggered.

Who do you think got her elected?

Attached: 1569788126455.jpg (917x1024, 162K)

she didnt get elected. the lizard people fixed the vote so that she'd win. you can see this clearly if you affix the tinfoil hat to your head properly

Nice deflection, faggot. Because this guy is definitely not a bona fide 3rd degree incel.

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lol this must be the master of freeloading those guys that arrived empty handed at the party

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triggered much, incel?

>arrive empty handed

Fucking Brit fag

Doesn't trigger anyone, just kinda creepy man.
She has the face of a loco ass fresa.

Attached: downy.jpg (320x290, 25K)

Only incels that never had a job before actually think this way

Attached: Socialists be like.jpg (397x600, 42K)

Yup success, A triggered incel

german and pole are bad pepel

Attached: 1566093750766.jpg (794x556, 48K)

ok incel

Another lonely Saturday night Billy?

ok incel

Instantly triggered

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> butterscotch dog shit

Attached: pocahantis.png (664x960, 587K)

Looks like every basic bitch single 35 year old wine aunt you'll see at family reunions and high school basketball games hitting on dudes half her age. Given that OPs unironically a virgin middle school incel posting a bait thread, can't hold his shot their taste against him.

There's much hotter Latinas and Cuban girls walking down the board walk here in Miami by the thousands on a daily basis. But watching up sorry out and get triggered to the point he's damaging his own thread is mildly amusing.

the literal final form of female

she is perfect in every way

Op you're pretty triggered.

Kek. True.

but you dont like Nazis

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it is even more amusing seeing you post that shit on a Saturday night that is being wasted on Cred Forums instead of getting out of your mom`s basement and getting some of that latins pussy

This. She has nice tits, but she's only 30 and already looks mid-40s. Not aging well at all.

the day aoc's nudes got leaked is gonna be the day i'm gonna jerk off to death.

"once upon a time, a man wore a shirt"

great argument kek


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Yeah op, stop worrying out like a frustrated 14 yo incel. Mommy will end up evicting you at this rate.

Sad but true. AOC has bad genetics. Most Latinas hold up well even in their 50s. But Cortez is aging like sour milk in the middle of Mexican summer.

Now do the one about Bernie being anti-Semitic!

Some age like fine wine and others like milk, what is your point other than the exclamation she is ugly? The make a light switch and bags for that problem, just in case you didn`t know.

Attached: 1561022342852.jpg (884x500, 86K)

Cry moar, frustrated underage virgin newfag.
This. Her tits are the only thing she's got going for her. Face is s going full butter quick..

Attached: 1572223085743.jpg (1024x1012, 108K)


Trips of truth. Nice rack, pity about her face.

no need

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OP got this in one.. By Jove you incels are a simple bunch.

She's triggering me so hard
She's about to trigger all the cum out of my balls

You got this in Jove incels like op are a simple bunch.

Kek! True.

Eh, her face would be decent for a mommcita in her late 40s. But AOCs only in her early 30s. Imagine the saggy state her face will be in 10 years from now.

Do you think she's hairy down there?

May I present our last american born first lady

Attached: michelle_obama_first_official_portrait_as_first_lady.jpg (1200x1200, 166K)

Granted, you have a point that her face would be pretty good for a middle age latina, Ocasio-Cortezs face will look like weathered wrinkly leather by 33-34 tops.

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Now that would be a definite improvement. Look like an aged Lex Luthor. Potus should def shave his head & grow out the beard after his re-election victory.

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Is she tryin to be sexy here? Dam this is sad.

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Diversity is our strength, faggot.

Attached: melania-trump-premiere-the-dark-knight-rises-01.jpg (667x1000, 142K)

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When the revolution comes, ad-men will be the first up against the wall.

please stop posting trannys on this site

What an ugly looking man

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i dont get this and shopping his body on a fit one, the guys a fat tub of lard with a wig

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>those tits bouncing

mmmmmmm diamond DICK

Maybe stop projecting, faggot.

i have a thing for this one, wish there were pictures of her


Attached: obama_03.jpg (550x722, 48K)

Yikes, Obama's mom was ugly as hell!
Mmmm, yummy!

Damn, first lady is sexy.

Attached: index.jpg (201x251, 6K)

Gotta admit she looks fine. Trumps old lady is extremely fuckable.

Attached: trump_loves_the_cock.jpg (684x1024, 99K)

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Is this Jared Leto?

>phones can only be made if the factory is privately owned

iq 70 takes

That's Obama's mother? Bitch looks greasy ugly.

Holy shit Trump is one lucky man. Would love to fuck Melania an grab them titties.

Somehow being beautiful and getting paid for it is some kind of fault to these socialist faggots. They revere ugliness and corruption.

I'll second that. Trump hit the jackpot hooking up with her. Looks great even in her 50s.

Yep, sure is. Not sure what she's doing posing nude for a photo, but then there are a lot of mysteries surrounding Saint Obama. After all, he spied on, arrested, persecuted, and jailed more journalists than all other presidents combined.

>Bitch looks greasy ugly.

Attached: ivanka.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Dick just turned into a diamond hard rod. God damn she has a nice body! Donald Trump is one lucky son of a bitch.

Attached: 357.jpg (612x408, 34K)

Yeah, all the Trump women are incredible looking. Melania, Ivanka, even Tiffany is smokin hot.

True. Kinda got a soft spot for Tiffany. Would live to plow her while suckling her melons.


citation needed.

also nobody is promoting pure socialism, you fucking retardate

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>when your life is a meme

Attached: libruls rWLE.jpg (1242x1207, 194K)

Legit want nothing more than to see a porn/hentai of Bernie Sanders fucking her in the ass

imagine thinking this constitutes a political argument of any sort

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they are turned on by the crazy goophole actually

t incel mgtow monk jesus

Attached: 82350.jpg (960x960, 138K)

lol you're stupid

You left off the most important factor on that comparison. % of White population.

you sure told him

moar AOC she's fuckin hot and knows what's what

Attached: derp_700239558309167876.jpg (480x466, 45K)

ye, cause the blacks are at fault for the US having no healthcare, pension or education system whatsoever

And slept with niggers.

Because the are lazy, violent, criminals yes.

I am trigger

Sauce/story plz?

Moar Melania, Ivanka & Tiffany Trump. Their fuckin smokin and know what's what!

I second this.

ye gangbangers dictate national policy user. dumbass mutt

Yeah, enough ugly middle age Mexican leftists. Let's see some sexy Trump women.

aoc and greta both. I literally never would have known these girls existed if it werent for right wing incels constantly posting about them. Then i look them up and it's just some fucking nobody little girl and a brand new HOUSE senator. embarrassing.

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Looks 100% less like an idiot.

Still an idiot.

Attached: greta boomer.jpg (620x348, 89K)

Because we can't afford free shit for all the lazy fucks and illegals.

By the way. The prime Minister of Norway said in an interview that he wished all you leftist would quit saying that Norway has any kind of Socialism. They don't even claim Democratic Socialism.

This. I don't know why the Trump women trigger the incels that comprise the last remanents of the Democrat party. Reading the insane rants of these far left reactionary extremists, you'd think the First lady and the Trump sisters wee evil incarnate. Then doing a quick Google search, they're just hot, intelligent successful women that trigger the last remaining left wing cultists. Embarassing.

Yeah, dunno why obese middle age virgin incel left wingers that can't get a job would hate gorgeous women from rich families...kek!

ok juden

doing good for israel donnie

Fair point. But them, you only have to look at the women on Twitter that support the fringe left wing Democrat pres. candidates - all extremely obese, greasy neon colored dyed hair, look like they're 3 Twinkies away from a diabetic stroke. So being repulsively ugly is the norm for the left.


Why would a donkey trigger incels?

Lulz good point

norway $0 on military
uncle sam protects them

Can’t be true. He was in his youth a “blame the rich” for his cuckery. I thought most jews had a good work ethic. Underneath the cloud of cheap weed don’t millennials get it? Socialism won’t work. It is capitalism that initiates research and development and competition. He knows this and is so deluded that he thinks idiots will buy into it.

Tell that to Kyle Jurek and the other Bernie Campaign organisers who want gulags and re-education. You libtards have gone beyond insane at this point.

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Why does saying she looks a bit creepy mean I am triggered? Isn't she some politician lady or something? Looks like a crazy republican.

Since when was Norway socialist retard? They are capitalist.

They trigger my boner

How I imagine she looks on Air Force One when the cameras aren't around.

She's Latina. She'll age just fine.

this is cute is fuck :3

Plastic surgery, gold-digging, and softcore porn aren't American values.

Enough procedures can finally get past those shitty Trump genes. Even fucking only models can't do it alone.

OP seems like he can't stress enough that his wife is trans. He sounds like an obsessed chaser.

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What are you a Christian or some stupid shit?

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doesn't even match up retard

>waaaah you made vote for Hitler I didn't want to
yeah, as if you need a reason to vote for a fascist. you brainless cucks need a big strong man to tell you how to think and feel. you're literally too fucking moronic and cowardly to handle freedom

incels should be happy for her to be popular. she's enough to help you realize that women aren't worth it. there's no reason to want them. sex is overrated and if you're really an incel, you don't want to know what happens when you actually do it; it involves warping your mind/value system which is why you never stick your dick in crazy or fuck retards or people with nothing in common, conflicting taste, etc. you actually link your brain to them and it can actually ruin your enjoyment of things you used to love. this can happen without even TOUCHING so even spending time near the wrong bitch is bad. i'm not crazy. i'm experienced.

it's missing the hideous scar he had from his botched cosmetic surgery. Trump is literally a dumb bimbo lmao

They have compulsory military service for men and women in Norway, You fucking dimwitted jackass.

Can’t even spell his name right ....

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Yeah but his beard wouldn't look like that. The black hair. He'd have bleached out yellowing hair. He always had light hair. His beard would look dirty. Like most light haired losers.

She triggers my pecker. I'd shoot load after load of my hot conservative cum in her tight liberal pussy.

i don't think you understand incels. i'm pretty sure, if given the opportunity, they'd bang a retard.

I hope she gets raped. Oh wait she did, by that Trump guy you yanks have.

I voted for Trump, but Melania is pretty fake looking. She's like a boring fuck. No wonder he went and fucked stormy Daniels for $100k.

His dick is under a bunch of fat belly. His dick is retracted into his lard.

Where did you see a non-capitalist factory innovate anything?

House Senator?
Plus, you are lying.


This kills the incel

Attached: 1571542798887.jpg (616x768, 74K)

She looks a lot less creepy in that pic.


AoC doesn’t trigger incels. You fucks have no idea what an incel is and you just think anyone conservative is one. Just like they think you’re all soyboys.

Incels don’t give a shit about her. She’s dumb and not worth paying attention to. She’s a puppet for Saikat Chakrabarti. She never wanted to be in politics until she was chosen by him and his group. You can look it up. It isn’t a conspiracy.

I’m an incel and I admit it. But I have no feelings about AoC because she’s just another tool getting used by others in power. She won’t become anything bigger than what she is either so the right just look retarded going after her.

Yep this does. AoC doesn’t.

Wow you should back the fuck up. Are you a leftist because that type of talk is not okay by leftists. Misogynistic prick you’d be better off with trump on his team with that kind of talk

Norway pays for all of it's lovely Social programs with oil money.

I'm an Incel
Why does she scare me so much?

I disagree with some of her political views but would totally bang the f'n democrat out of her. She's pretty hot. I like women off power

My greatest hope is that you must live in the world that you think you want.

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There are two kinds of Democrats: resentful nihilists with a pathological need to control others, and people who want free stuff.

She looks kinda gross and hot at the same time. She got big titties though so I'd smash and her mouth is big enough to suck my dick and balls at the same time

>Thread about Incels
>trump supporters instantly start commenting and arguing.


Flak heaviest above the target LMAO.

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