What should i do now? i'm the guy who posted about the girl i wanted to catch up with...

what should i do now? i'm the guy who posted about the girl i wanted to catch up with. remember how i asked about how her work was going? well now she's seen my message but haven't responded. should i double text or wait?

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You fucked up.
Move on to the next thot

yep. if she were interested she would have replied

really? fug. all i said was,
>how's work been, hopefully not too busy haha
damn i wonder if i fucked up or if i was doomed to fail from the beginning

pls respond

more or less me at the moment

1 basic ass msg girls get that all the time
2 most likely wasnt interested to begin with

don't ever text girls empty small talk like this

doomed to fail from the beginning. you sent a needy text for no reason, the content was irrelevant. you friendzoned yourself. move on

fug. well that's was my last attempt. i honestly don't even know why i try anymore

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dude, you shouldn't be trying to chase girls at all. you should be building yourself into a man that attracts them like flies to shit. you win women by making yourself into someone they want to be with

how was it needy? genuinely curious

the problem is that most of the girls that are out there i can't stand in terms of personality

so you're basically saying that women care about what you are but not who you are? yeah i guess i already knew that

so what should i say then?

it was the kind of text that a guy sends a girl he likes but doesn't have the balls to tell her. women are extremely attuned to this -- it was the act and the medium, not the message itself

don't settle. MGTOW and be satisfied with a lifetime of being single unless you meet a girl that clicks like no other. and then take a chance, if you feel like you'll regret not doing it
correct. more precisely, it's how you make them feel

if you like her, you ask her to hang out. if she says no, you know she's not interested and move on. forward momentum, don't stall

"Hey, I think you're beautiful and want to get to know you better, want to go out for coffee?"

Rinse and repeat down your phonebook

Works about 25% of the time for me. Maybe 40% if it's in person

so is there any chance of salvaging this or am i fucked? i mean it's not like she's the most attractive girl (maybe a 5 or so) but i don't know if i should ask her out or just leave it. in my defense though she was the one who bung up work

i dunno why people say to go after the nerdy girls or the less attractive ones. they like to say
>your standards are too high
but those girls are just as bad as the attractive ones

id say something like.. didnt mean to bother you i just thought we could go out for coffee sometimes its been a while since xxxxxx you get the idea

something to the point that makes your intentions clear

yeah that's the thing. i said that once before and was busy at the time and she apologized recently but yesterday she said other than work she's pretty free now so i dunno



>Posted on Cred Forums.
>Post backfires.
>Post again.

Cmon user you're really giving cocksucking idiots a bad name.