Be me3

>be me3
>stoned as fuck
ask me anything

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Hey man I just got super stoned, too. What are you smokin?

im somking with the guy who got it, and he says he doesnt know, but hes also high as fuck so /shrug

No I mean you on a weed or a coke or something? I'm a weed guy myself.

What is it like being stoned?

The good ol' marijuana my man

gotta ask a more specific question, theres a lot to process

yeah man, anything

Fucken underage faggot

Hell yeah man! I've got three different kinds myself. White Rhino (Indica), El Dorodo (Indica) and Raider Kush (Hybrid). The names of these are so fun

sounds dope as hell man. hope you have a good time.

I mean like what does it feel like

Ayy thanks man, you too!

of all the threads i make, this i the one to diie

How stoned are you?

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6 on a scale from one to ten, but im also drunk now so its a whole new experience

I could Hey man get far out then so can what then go

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lol what the fuck?

Wait. How do you know I was stoned

fuck, i didnt. what strand are you on user? being inside the music. Travelling in it. Feeling it. Not in an acid kind of way.

S'good, man. Relaxing.

And my anxiety is less when I smoke

Edibles this evening. An indica

Never found the appeal in smoking. I can relax perfectly fine on my own. Am I missing out on anything?

You won't know unless you find out in your own.

I think it's a wonder drug personally...and I'm kinda annoyed Nancy Reagan lied to me

I did a knockout myself.

>chug beer
>take hit
>swallow rest of beer

nice. whats the best thing you have eaten so far?

op here
honestly the best way to describe it is that everything is fuller than before.
its like explaining how being drunk is to a person who hasn't gotten drunk before, and like explaining sight to a blind person. its one of the only drugs i would reccommend to everyone. never met someone with a bad experience with it. people who say it makes them anxious are government plugs and degen trolls.

drink some more pussy,
or smoke some more.
i fucking dare you

Have you tried VR porn

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yes. lots of times.
what do you wanna know avout it

Could God get so stoned that he wouldn't be able to eat a burrito?

god no exist

Do burrito exist?

Will you fuck me for nickels?

yes. i know taco bell exist so burrito exist.

girlbutt or boybutt?
either way it doesnt matter honestly but post it and ill consider it

Are you near a dog that you can pet?

no. im a cat person anyways.