I'm going into the medical field, give me your best gore, Cred Forums

I'm going into the medical field, give me your best gore, Cred Forums.

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That's pretty much it.

I mean, if you open with a skinned head, I dont know how we're meant to top that, op

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wait, dont we get banned for gore?

Since when?

honestly, as the OP, I agree.
I started out pretty hardcore and I'm not sure what I was expecting. the sort of gore I'll be experiencing is probably pretty mild compared to this anyways.

so, I've guess I've passed the test, lads.

shut up, nigger faggot.

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I think it's a different experience, being right next to it with blood flying everywhere, than a static pic, op.

you bastard

I think I'm gonna be sick!!!

You have to cut open your own hand and experiment on yourself user. That's the only real way to test right now if you can handle the blood or not. I've thought about doing it

take it or leave it

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I'm gonna be sick

I think that's a bit too far

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look into burnt victims, gore that is actually still alive is the worst to swallow

all time classic

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If I recall correctly, dude tried to steal copper from a live electrical box (don't know what they actually are). The only thing that's odd is that he isn't rigid, so maybe it cauterized the blood in his arm before he died and it just started cooking him.

i nutted to that skinned head

Oh shit, thanks.

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What kind of sick psychopath posts this kind of shit in any thread, gore or not? People like you should be locked the fuck up. There's a special place in hell with your name on it pal.

You monster!

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Fuck you nigger

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