Cred Forums how do I stop gambling...

Cred Forums how do I stop gambling? Just broke even on scratchers at $270 because I got lucky on a $5 scratcher and won $100. If not I wouldve been $100 in debt. Why do I play knowing I literally cant fucking win? How do I stop?

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just stop

Start playing games that aren't statistically impossible to win. Ditch the scratchers and hit up a blackjack, poker, or craps table.

It's so hard, the fact that theres a "chance" to win makes it so irresistible

I've thought about that. Work in a gas station tho so scratchers are always available. Why it's so hard to quit. I can easily just grab one

Set aside a gambling fund.
Preferably only use that to play.
If you must reup, do it as a part of your entertainment budget.
Realising there's an addiction is the first step.
Manage it, or quit.

Fair point. Think ima start that. Have 20 bucks rn. Once I lose it I'm done for a while

Five finger discount, all the gambling fun, no out of pocket cost.

Buying only 1 is a gamble in itself.
Unless you watched a customer loose a few in a row.... you're going to loose just like most of the schmucks you sell tickets to.

Last bit of advice comes from some random Gas station attendant on here.
He'd buy tickets when it's 'hot'.
Won a few larger tickets, but needed to have a friend claim the rewards so he wouldn't get fired.

We count all the tickets daily, and it's very noticeable when they go missing. Also it's a felony in my state so big no no there
That's usually how I play. Since I'm overnight I do the counting so I can see how many have been played and can choose which tickets are in the common rates. Used to win big but have been addicted to the gambling part which has made it hard.
Luckily I can cash out most my own tickets. Haveny won anything big enough for lottery office visits. Won 500 twice tho and just had walmart cash it

So, you're saying there's a chance!

Chance for what?

It's a quote from the movie, Dumb and Dumber

Oh duh

gamble with stock options instead

Stock options?

Yeah like, go to ameritrade or wells fargo or whatever site. One that has no fees preferably

Do a little bit of research, consulting or both. Follow the market a while. Make a gamble and buy a stock or two.
This is the important part: follow it over time. Read a financial paper. Follow the news
Decide if how you bought the first stock was a good idea. Revise your plan and buy some more stocks. Do this over a long period and bam, you have a habit that's better than gambling

The big thing is buying when the market is low and selling high. That sounds simple but it takes time and paying attention over a long period to make the right decisions. Buy things that are stable. You are basically guaranteed to do better than cash or a savings account because of inflation.
Index funds are safe, if unexciting, stable and decent choices for long term investing

Also anything fortune 500, oil stocks, disney, mcdonald's, walmart, amazon, starbucks are all pretty stable, long term growth companies.

The riskier choices can net you more but take more close attention to the market. And a bit of luck and finesse to do right. Same with short options

you can also gamble with foreign currencies, precious metals, cryptocurrency and real estate. Real estate is lucrative but it's kind of a bitch because you have to pay taxes and upkeep and generally takes some work and time, sometimes takes bringing in contractors or doing DIY fix it stuff on your own, but pays you really quite well for all that
precious metals is sort of a meme, it'll keep you safe from inflation but it's also like you have to store it somewhere, and that takes upkeep, and the value is kind of a slow creep that many stocks outperform anyway

Crypto I basically don't know much about, foreign currency either, but these are shorter term, riskier options, but any market you take time and dedicate yourself to following you can make work for you. Crypto is highly highly volatile but makes some people into millionaires overnight it seems. So that might fulfill your gambling addiction

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I know a guy on disability who spends half his check on scratch offs and gambling (if he gets a cash gift from family). He think that he is bound to win if he just plays all the time. Losing $400 a month on scratch offs and lottery tickets doesn't bother him except when his "month" lasts longer than his money. Then he bums $2 from me: $1 for a scratch off and $1 for a Black & Mild cigar every 2 or 3 days.

Pic is sort of what he looks like.....

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From a certain perspective, gambling preys on people's poor ability to do math and assess probability. SOMEONE wins they say, as they fully fuck their little income they have dreaming of millions. The truth is that lottery winners are often miserable. All that money and no respect for having earned it, so they blow it on stupid shit and are broke within a year. Or everyone around them starts treating them different, family members they haven't seen in decades come out of the woodwork asking for money. Friends who expect you to buy them shit all the time. Women who are very interested in you suddenly for no apparent reason.

But none of this addresses the real root issue: your reward pathways in your brain. When you gamble, the high is not from winning, the high is from the anticipation right before you find out if you won or lost. It's the potential that you might win. You get actually a similar dopamine release, even when you lose. So whatever justification that people make, that it's extra money they don't need or that they do win sometimes or that they often break even, none of that matters because they don't even acknowledge themselves that it's basically a lot like a drug. A lottery ticket gives you a short high, that's basically what you're paying for

i read an article about a lady who won like 6 lottery scratch cards in total for something like $14 million, this was over the course of 25 or so years.

search google and you can probably find it but from what i recall she figured out that the cards were pretty much rigged. they would hold back the bigger prizes until most of the cards had be sold so they could recoup their money then put the big prizes into circulation. Anyway she figured out where the big prizes would be sold and when and just bought a huge bunch of them at the right time.

She worked a professor at a university and had a phd in statistics.

In other words all these games are fucking rigged.

yeah sounds about right