Ausfag here, would you guys date a pack a day smoker

Ausfag here, would you guys date a pack a day smoker.

Girl I've been talking is smoked pretty much a pack a day every day since she was 14, she now 30. How fucked is she going to be? Would it be a deal breaker for you guys?

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give her treats like a dog when she unknowingly smokes less

100% dealbreaker.

>Probably won’t quit
>If you have kids, her shit health can fuck them up
>Bad taste when you kiss her
>Unhealthy addiction that can make her angry her easily irritated if something prevents her from smoking.

Dodge a bullet, go find a healthy girl.

Yea, if she smokes, she pokes.
I'm a heavy smoker anyway so it's all good, we could die together from clogged arteries

She will reek of nicotine.

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How long you been smoking for? starting to see any effects from it?

She'd have to be crazy hot or make up for it in some disproportionately huge way to compensate for her smelling like old man and tasting like ash tray.
Even then, it probably wouldn't go past dating. To be fair the only people still smoking are over 50's, people who have severe self control / self-absorbed (Heaps of fat chicks smoke), and drug users.

She actually pretty good looking and not fat at all.

Seems a little self absorbed though.

My motto is: “Make hay while the sun shines"
Have at it while the goings good.

then what, haha

Im nearly 35, been smoking since I was about 11. Used to smoke weed/hash in my teens from 14-22ish, gave up everything for a year at 21 to get fit.
Smoked like less that 10 cigarettes (mainly roll ups) a day until my late 20s where I became ill and started chain smoking while drinking booze heavily to medicate myself. Also taken nearly every mainstream drug under the sun at least once.
Not trying to give you my life story, just an abbreviation of how much I have smoked.

Of course, im unfit and my teeth are yellow more than they should be for someone my age. I feel that im close to a heart attack sometime soon and unless I give up unhealthy shit and exercise/get /fit/ that will be the way I go, soon. But really who gives a fuck. We all gotta go anyway, why do I want to long it out in a shit life im unhappy with anyway.
I wouldn't suggest to anyone to start smoking, it's a pointless thing to do, but it's not a deal breaker to a potential relationship either. Its no more of a shit trait than driving a car, having a mortgage or being in debt, which the majority of people in society do/are.

Personally the only deal breakers I watch out for in women is:
Coal burning, for obvious reasons
Wearing fake up like its just normal thing to do, because obviously that means they are vapid and lack independent thought.
Jewellery, expecially gold, as if they are retarded so much that shiny rocks please them.
Children, unless the father died. If they can't build and maintain a loving relationship to have children with, then that is an indication of what type or retarded cunt they are.

Fashion is something to look out for too, if they are into only "brand" clothing it shows you that they are superficial and materialistic.

You are retarded right?
Cant see life from anything but your retarded subjective limited perception

if she's just a fling by all means go for it, have fun and enjoy yourself.

relationship wise, wouldn't suggest it. constant cigarettes means less money and she has significantly less self control, even then give or take 10/15~ years she'll most likely have a while in her neck and severe lung issues

You sure like the word retarded, you must hear it a lot. Retard.

probably a ticking time bomb

Not the worst habit in the world, shes not a crackhead. They say if you quit before 30 your lungs can heal some. Change her life user, go on the journey together, help her quit!

think she might be too far gone tbh

Underated post.

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You can date her but she’ll just breathe her smoke all over you and give you lung cancer too, don’t risk it user

most women like jewellery user

cigs will always be a priority to her over you.

Yes. Considering the fact that your continent is also on fire, yes.

Fellow ausfag here, I say keep her. If she’s got the cash to fuel that habit with the considering the price of durries here then she can support your neet lifestyle

Most of them wear fake up, carry a bag full of trash around with them and wear shoes that try to make them look taller, while never asking themself "why do I do this dumb shit that most women do"
They are the ones to watch out for and dodge. Basically any normie girl who would easily suck a bag of nigger dicks for fun and cuck you for any guy driving a luxury car and wearing a brand named suit and watch.