How different does acid feel compared to shrooms and which is better?

How different does acid feel compared to shrooms and which is better?

Attached: LSD-VS-SHROOMS-1.jpg (1920x1080, 343K)

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Acid is more potent. It feels purer and more electric. It comes on very quickly and smoothly.

Mushrooms are far less potent, hence why you have to take a gram of get high (vs 50 micrograms of lsd).

It ultimately is personal preference. I have done mushrooms 7 times and LSD 3 times. I enjoy LSD more. I enjoy LSD more because it feels more "electric" than mushrooms whereas mushrooms can be very "emotional"

Morning glory seeds (LSA) feel like a sedating combination of the two.

I haven't taken a psychedelic drug in ages and don't intend on it.

With these drugs you often don't really know what it is. At least with mushrooms you know what it is. This is also a benefit of mushrooms vs. LSD.

dude shrooms are lord of the rings and lsd is star wars lmao

I would say that shrooms is like going to the land of Oz and LSD is like going to candyland

Star wars sucks

The other way around
Shrooms are fantasy
Acid is sci-fi

I personaly prefer psilocybe semilanceata over psilocybe cubensis and lsd. Ive done shrooms a few times and semilanceata is much stronger than cubensis. On shrooms you only get one peak, but for me its more visual effects than lsd and more euphoric. But on shrooms its much harder to have a conversation than on lsd, its like my IQ drops like 50% on social but in mind it raises 50%. On Christmas i ate 10 grams of cubensis, but only because i ate 5 grams the Day before. On both lsd and shrooms the tolerance really kicks in really quick. The most ive eaten of semilanceata is 3 grams at once. Shrooms for me works like 3-5 hours and lsd works for like 8-11 hours. The most acid drops ive been taking for one night is 8 drops. i dont know the purity of the liquid but it was mindblowing. I also dont understand that people can have bad trips, because i have really tried to get one my self.

>Ive done shrooms a few times and semilanceata is much stronger than cubensis
No shit. Instead of experimenting the potency on yourself you could have just read how potent each species is.

I second this guy.
My own opinion is that mushrooms feel more natural where your eye visuals are just multiplying colours being created from matter, LSD feels as if it is just messing with your physical optics but the mind visuals are more intense.
Not taken a psych since last spring, don't intend to again.

Fuck DMT, that shit is too intense, but if you really think you are brave, try will literally be spewing from both ends after taking it though, so beware.

I've found mushroom to affect my emotions more than acid. Breaking through on mushrooms gave me peace with not knowing what I don't know. Breaking through on acid left me with confusion. Non-breakthrough doses of acid left me with better control of my mind. Mushrooms steered me towards thoughts of nature, fractals, and evolution. Acid usually led me to useful introspection.

Mushrooms in nature with the possibility of freaking out
Acid where you're comfortable with lower expectations.

I took shrooms like 4 times and lsd once. I already overdosed on shrooms but overdosing on lsd was pretty psychotic. I believed I was dead, then I saw myself as junkie 20 years later, I thinked I became crazy and police is in house, I thinked my seat team, a psychiatrist and my family is behind the corner. Fuck i never was scared more in my life. To be honest it was a bad set and it was stupid to take another 100mcg after first 100mcg. But I didn't expect this. Since then I never took hallucinogens again. I'm too scared I will loose my mind. I already took a lot of drugs. But that was the peak of my drug experiences. I know now how schizophrenic experience the world.

Lsd is Alice in Wonderland. You fall into the rabbit hole and find yourself into another world. Shrooms is like lord of the rings year. Everywhere is magic.

When I take mushroom my entire house looks like the natural history museum I used to visit when I was a little kid.

I recall looking at the front cover of "Descent of Man" by Charles Darwin and thinking it was a bible.

Magic is always everywhere. You may just have difficulty seeing it!

Be happy, I experienced bad trips. Once a friend was flirting with the girl I was in love in front of me while I was trippin on shrooms. Not nice. The second time a friend wrote me she wants to kill herself while I was taking the second blotter. That shit gave me hell of a trip.

In my experience LSD is more internal you get some visuals and distortion effects for sure but for me they were more mild. Most of my acid trips were very much mental and internal. Hard to explain but it's like the shit you sense and experience skips straight past whatever sensor (eyes, ears, hands, nose) and conjure straight from and into your brain.

With shrooms I always got more external crazy visuals in the tangible world and my sense felt directly connected to those things. Rather than bypass the sensors you experience things through them and are more present in the physical world. Shrooms also made me more euphoric and goofy feeling. While acid made me more mechanical and somber, but not in a bad way.

I recall feeling delusions and paranoia on mushrooms, but not on LSD. In fact I had more open-eye visuals on mushrooms than I ever did on LSD. However, LSD CEVs was a treat I am glad to have experienced. It was nice to know that that was inside me.

The last time I look LSA my friend had an STD scare, started screaming in anger and it destroyed my trip.

Yeahr you're right. I meant to describe the feeling. Shrooms feel earthy for me. You feel connected to the nature. It's shamanic for me. It's like witchcraft. Also the hallucinations are occult and magical. lsd feels for me more like everything is really sharp and detailed and clear. Also it was for me much more delusional.

>because i have really tried to get one my self.
I took to much at one point had a bad trip. I had to call the ambulance on myself just to get me in a safe place. They automatically assumed I tried to an hero, but I had to explain to them I just took too much.

To briefly explain it to you, I was slowly upping my doses of LSD over a period of years, every 2 or 3 months getting tripped up. No specific dates, just when I felt I wanted to trip. So I had a lot of different trips in my possession.
Anyway I had some "lower" aug trips and higher ones. IIRC, the lower ones were 230aug and the higher ones were 1000aug.
I was gonna take 2 of the lower ones but accidentally took 2 of the higher ones.
I was tripping balls too hard, my mind was literally trying to get me to die by having a heart attack and my soul leaving my body via my extremities. Heart was racing too high, only pure white light in my mind, no visuals, just inner voice trying to get me to die. This wasn't ego death either.
After I had kind of came down a bit I just had horrible visuals in my mind, of shit, grime, nigger dicks, gay sex stuff, condoms full of shit. Real horrible visuals. After a while I managed to control my mind I brought it to geometric and spiritual yoga/buddhist visuals and it eventually went to nicer visuals of insides of fruit and for some reason praying mantis.

It was a horrible experience, but I just took it as win some, lose some. I'm a bit disappointed that I had to call the ambulance on myself. I think really I just needed someone, like a spotter to reassure me, until I could control it and calm myself down.
Some milk and good grub would have helped too, or at least some benzos.

So yeah, if you want a bad trip, overstep your dose level by a large margin.

i prefer lucy because you dont feel anywhere near as much nausea

both are cool, smoke very gently while you come up and save some for after you start coming down, have some orange juice and you're in for a beautiful time

I really enjoyed watching this particular video while on LSD

good luck bro :)

that sounds awesome. staring at living plants and animal corpses on high doses of mushrooms will never leave me. if you ever get the chance, take a breakthrough dose in a forest. the surface area to volume ratio maintained by plant structures perfectly matched the fuel to oxidizer maintained by explosions. living fireworks.

For me it's exact the opposite. But with visuals you're right, there are more visuals on shrooms. I also always find a truth for myself, especially after a bad trip. But on shrooms I always found a solution for a problem of past while on lsd I found an thought for the future.

I wouldn't recommend smoking weed before peak at all. I talked with other and many people say it gives higher chances of bad trips and thought loops.

bit of a noobinsh thing to do to be tripping with others and not turning off your phone and fagbook shit.
Yeah it's best to have a spotter first time but after that you want to be on your own to explore and pshychonaught not deal with other peoples emotions. Which you are extremely susceptible to because you are high as fuck.

too many people worry about 'bad trips' you realise with LSD you guide your own trip with your own expectations? you are doing it for fun if you are chilling in bed with not too high of a dose, comfortable, expecting nothing but fun and vibes thats what will happen

the reason i smoke while i come up (on lsd, wouldnt really do it with shrooms because nausea) is because it jumpstarts the psychedellic feelings, the visuals, the sooner you start coming up the more you will experience on a smaller dose

basically if you want a bad trip you will have one, i only had bad times on shrooms ive had intense trips where it was just a high dose and i was anxious but thats why i keep the dose reasonable keep my expectations high with my excitement, only think positive stuff...

I think to myself 'for the next 5 hours im going to have a fucking wonderful time, lets see what happens'

lots of people who do drugs and trip are retards, dont be a retard and fall for the bad trip meme on LSD its literally not a thing if your expectations are only positive thats what you'll think about and trip about you are in FULL control of your own trip :)

Very different.

I don't think there are good trips or bad trips. Its all just trips and you doing their bad or good

Shrooms got some better visuals in my opinion

Different varieties of mushrooms give different visuals, but the active substance is one.

I had way harder hallucinations on shrooms. Not saying that was better, I never took them again. LSD on the other hand was more enjoyable to me, I did it a lot. Gotta take breaks though.

Mushrooms: Passenger seat

LSD: Driver's seat

When taking a higher dose of mushies, you'll want to stay put and lay day and learn the journey take you. On LSD, you need to stay active for a lot of it. It's fun to move around and be physical on it.

Excuse my horrible grammar. Operating on very little sleep.

I'd love for you to take LSD and me take mushrooms. The space between you thinking you're driving and you being a passenger would probably be be large enough to fit a lesson in.

Cid all day, no one likes to worry about their farts when tripping

lol ever tripped hard enough to not give a fuck if you shit your pants? i'm not saying it's a good thing, but it takes you to a place that sacred G can't.

I've been out there before but never went that hard in the paint

Shrooms definitely make my stomach turn/bubble and produce nasty ass farts

Only reason to eat shrooms back in the day was acid was dirty and made your back hurt, shit nowadays is so fucking clean it's a no brainer to choose L

ITT: A circle-jerk too unadventurous to try either mushrooms or LSD, too antisocial to be friends with anyone who has, too lazy to read any literature or experience report longer than a few lines.
Have fun in Sunday school, dear hearts

LSD is more "malleable" an experience. Aside from all the visuals and sensations, the trip itself seems to be steered by your every thought, and vice-versa. Fun as hell yes but it's a double edged sword as in it's more likely to fuck your shit right up. Once while on acid, just making eye contact with an old man at the park was enough to trigger me to feel shameful, which cascaded into an absolute nightmare trip.

Mushrooms are like guaranteed enjoyment. A good way I heard someone put it recently is,

Shrooms = riding the bus
LSD = driving the car.

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Mushrooms, lsd or moxy for sex ? What is your choice ?

I can't count the number of times i was on mushrooms babysitting people on acid. breakthrough on mushrooms and you will learn how to save an acid trip.

Acid has an upper limit as to how deep and far the Trip goes, after a certain amount the psychedelic effect makes out.

Shrooms have no such limit, or at least nobody still alive has found one as of yet.

Bad trips tend to happen if you're in a bad state of mind prior to taking the drugs or a trigger during the trip itself. It's hard to trigger a bad trip intentionally, it has to be caused by something out of your control.

I took LSD 3 times. First 2 trips were amazing, one of the best feelings in my life. Third trip I'd been suffering from depression but I gave in to a friend and took some. BIG mistake. Most bad trips only last 2-3 hours and they feel like eternity, but then, it gets better.

I agree with this

In a way, bad trips seem to be contagious, to spread like a virus. Dumbass A has a bad trip for whatever reason and goes around telling everyone on the world wide web about it in eloquent detail. Dumbass B, C and D read that monologue and it builds up their anxiety about trying acid because it sounds so complicatedl, so easy to royally fuck up. They overthink it and bad trips galore. Yay!

I wonder if "bad trips" have become increasingly widespread over time. Specifically with the rise of the internet and social media.

Having sex on shrooms or lsd is too trippy for me, mdma is for sure the best drug to have sex on for sure

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shrooms better

i remember getting a full body rub down by naked ex gf. my god, it was fucking amazing

acid is star wars
shrooms is lord of the rings

MDMA sure has a nice tactile effect. But I took too much and couldn't get hard

DMT is the best drug ever.

No they don't. You literally debunked your first statement with the second.

No, cheesin is.

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This fuckin guy knows

Nope. LSD is phenomenal to have sex on. There's a reason it's used in all the sex cults.

How good are the 'scene' changes on LSD though! LSD makes you some present in the moment that you forget what you were doing once the environment changes up.

So many times I've gone out to an event for a few hours, come back home, and it feels like you never even left the house.

Slow sex on acid while listening to the dark side of the moon was pretty amazing.

I prefer acid because of the potency and duration. I prefer taking bigger doses, the most ive taken at once is 5 tabs of strong acid (im guessing atleast 500 ug in total). The lower doses are fun and all, but i think you can get a lot more out in regards to fixing behavioral patterns and cleansing your mind of clutter from 300ug and up.

Also, boundary dissolution.

Acid you are God, puppeteer, one with the universe. It makes for a better party time. Visuals are melty and vibrant.

Shrooms you are a creature sneaking through the forest, full of emotions adrenaline and oxytocin. It makes a better introspective rehaul-your-life experience. Visuals are fractally and cartoonish.

Check erowid. People have spent their lives writing books on this.