Liberals being liberals thread

Liberals being liberals thread

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Are you talking about statistics?

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>sCiEnCe sAyS
0 proof provided
Not even liberal you’re just a faggot

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The right gets triggered as fuck when they realize Jews are the smartest.

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Again not science

Okay, but aren't conservatives notorious for simply ignoring science basically constantly. I don't think this really helps your cause, user.

Those are just geographic area not specific races, whites do live in Africa and black do live in America
>you’re still a faggot

You're making a statement that isn't even a hypothesis, backing it up with not so much as a dictionary definition, and you're lecturing him on science?

Not sure how dumb you have to be to believe that the national average for a country would be sub 70.

>whites are the only reason the average IQ isn't lower

>muh narrative
>muh conservatives are tarded

Yeah, that's the public perception according to the huffington post.

So you're saying that there's no correlation whatsoever between geography and ethnicity? Are you for real?

Then please provide proof for that or your still just a shill right wing faggot


IQ is not scientific or supported by science. Science does not say different races have different IQs because science does not say intelligence is objectively measurable or that IQ exists.

Stop getting all your information from shitty websites and actually go to school to learn things from experts and professionals, not some retard on reddit.

what's with these random ass sample sizes?

>IQ scores



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not him but
> damn he got me now.... I must reco...... YEEESSSS, HE MADE A GRAMMER MISTAKE!

ITT thread: plebbitors blown the FUCK out

>not him but
cope dilate and have sex

>not him but

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For the time being, not for long though.

this is a very 70 iq post

Hey man, just let people post random ass bullshit in the name of science in order for them to feel superior, alright? Working at walmart or a gas station in a flyover retard state really eats away at the soul. The enjoyment these retarded fucking faggots have from posting pseudoscience "facts" are the only thing they have. Let them be user, just let them be.

nice got any more?

That's what statistics says, not science. Also, the accuracy of an IQ test also depends on literacy and understanding of basic facts. Things like animals, oceans, etc. With differences in education and infrastructure, these disparities show themselves in statistics.

Also note that the modern statistics are generally based on the Stanford Binet 5 test. There are non-lingual IQ tests that just use shapes and shit, but comparing the results of two different tests is difficult hence why we don't use them very often.

Get your LOGIC, COMMON SENSE, and RATIONAL THINKING out of this fucking thread libtard.

This is a conservative echochamber thread, 100% emotional based. So if you're popping estrogen and angry at society and it's changes you're unable to adapt to because you're a retard, then you can be in this thread.


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IQ is not scientific in the slightest.
Science also says that there’s only one race, there’s no biological way to determin the difference between one “race” and another.
Then again, conservacucks will send me fake infographics or graphs that they misunderstood and then claim that modern science is scared of studying racial intelligence because da jooz.

Horny fag

For all the retards denying the importance of IQ:

It's sensationalist garbage like this that makes me hate the world.
Go outside, real people don't fucking act like that.
Fucking blanket statement using ass bitch.
Conservatives, liberals, it doesn't fucking matter bruh.
You sound like fucking CNN with your bias leaking through my fucking screen like a leper in a marathon.

The more you box yourself in, the more others can manipulate your bias. Just look at the 50 something genders, same diamond, different facet.

Anons, don't allow yourself to become like OP.
Make an effort to diversify that which you are exposed to.
Seek the whole truth.

You could have stopped at the second line.

This kind of "science" reminds me of the 50+ year olds on facebook sharing their political memes.

Ashkenazi jews are the smartest. Sephardic jews are dumb as rocks.

//t. masterrace jew

Why black people have trouble grasping absract ideas.

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but ashkenazis are an inbred secluded european tribe with bits of mizrahi jews just to make some appear middle eastern, and sephardic juz are more related to the original hebrews... so im confuzed. r the juz the still the chosen people?

>IQ is not scientific
>there’s only one race
Things 85s with BAs believe: the post.

It’s okay user, I’m happy that at least people on this site accept you because you echo their ideas to fit in.
But this is not healthy, look outside of Cred Forums, you don’t want to be with this crowd

So you're telling me... in africa, which is 90% niggers, the average white dude is sitting at negative IQ points and all the blacks have perfectly average IQ? Is this what you're trying to say?

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Why do plebbitors come here? They know damn well their kind (trannies, fags, liberals, nu males) isn't liked here. Do they just come here to engage in arguments with people who post something that triggers them? What a sad bunch, really

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the iq tests are skewed, so basically everyone with western education and western identity has the tools and confidence to score high. i.e. whites with iq

>look outside of Cred Forums
That's exactly why I hate people.

You know actually there’s no such thing
as race, we’re all the same race but
divided into ethnicities that are created
by different environments and cultures.
walk the dinosaur do reading this cuck

>m-m-muh white man be keepon' me down
how do you justify western niggers having literal ape iq then?

they do not identify as their white captors

>we’re all the same race but divided into ethnicities that are created

Literal brainwashed retard

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Did you walk the dinosaur tho?

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nothing to do with liberals, this is utter insanity

You really dont understand where the 1% begins huh?

You are not in the 1%, no one you personally know is either.

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>sage in all fields faggots

>no one you personally know is either
You know nothing about me, kid.

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I don't give a shit about liberals or right wingers tbh, politics are lame. I do admit liberals are the lamest of the two, but political parties are like a "do you want to die by the sword or by getting shot in the head" kind of choice, you never win. All of them come from rich and priviliged families so wtf do they know about MY needs? to hell with voting.

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One is painless and instant, by your logic
which will you choose?

They only like the zaney fun facts they learn from reddit or whatever "science" channel they watch on youtube.
That's why redditors can only talk about waterbears, honey badgers or mantis shrimps when the topic of weird animals come up. it's the only "weird" animal they know.

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Lol says who, cause they buy iphone, nikes, watch nba and eat popeyes, if they wanted to disassociate shouldnt there be black owned phones, shoe brands, sports leagues and food chains?

dat ass

Holy shit, this is dumb.

It is well established that IQ is strongly correlated to genetics.

Is math related to science? Holy fuck, you're dumb.

One race? Hey dumb fuck, I think you mean, one species.

Not him but decapitation by sword is also painless and instant. You die in both cases no matter what and i think that's the point he's trying to make

Okay 85er

Fuck no it's not, do you know how bones work? do you know how fucking sharp a sword would need to be? plus even after decapitation you're still "alive" for a few moments

still deep hostility between the races, the items you mentoined are a product of the commerce network which is not tied to a single race and should be accesible to everyone. and is unrelated since were talking about the current state of things in which the dominant forces lean toward their kind, which answers why:

>It is well established that IQ is strongly correlated to genetics.

not really well established but isnt surprising if it is.


Don't try to argue with facts and logic against liberals, they have a "feelings" wall on their brains to block logic

It's extremely well established to genetics. After that, nutrition.

Malnutrition in adolescence causes severe development issues that affects IQ.


that it is tied to genetics does not disprove that the tests are swkewed. it only amplifies this point: they were designed by a paticular homogenous society.

damn op, your convinced me. Thanks for posting the raw data. I'm officially joining the great race war.

but if you are talking about links within groups... well im not sure they found anything. if you can find some source it would be nice.

its not about liberal but about slaves and masters.
Masters want cheapest slaves to wash their cars.

That whole tests are skewed thing is a very old problem. Jews, northern Europeans and Asians have the highest average IQs in the world... those are all very different cultures.

Sam Harris is a good place to start

because they accept the dominant culture. plus the latter two were not under oppressive regime, and the former were encouraged to excel.

kek anything scientific paper perhaps?

That has nothing to do with the test being skewed. Their cultures are very different from one another.

they accept, absorb and confirm to the western ideals

The Global Bell Curve: Race, IQ and Inequality Worldwide, R. Lynn.

Read a book, written by professor who studies the topic

Lol that's pretty ignorant. I can assure you, China does not *conform to western ideals. Got damn you're ignorant.

Spoken like the 99%. Stay jelly.

china will eat us

We need harsher import taxes

i asked for a paper bc it is peer reviwed and offer a more legit assesment far from enturely though. in contrast id suggestyou read the work of prof jonathan kahn for instance, or the more controversial david reich (the latter should be taken with heavy dose of salt not only due to the self righous tone but yea). current understanding in the field is that there arent global, unique, one-to-one gene-iq links that are strongly correlated more than by chance.

correct, conform, im not native english speaker so thanks. china is and does conform to western standrads where they can, where they can't - the west standardize according to them.

Incorrect. Libtards assume the right would get triggered because they can not understand the way the right thinks. To a libtard everything is tribal. You always have to argue for your tribe and anything that disparages your tribe is a personal insult to you. The right just doesn't think that way. It is perfectly reasonable for someone on the right to hate Jews for all the nasty shit they do, and still acknowledge that they are intelligent. This is beyond the reasoning ability of the left.

No, trying to doesn't. My family emigrated from China. Chinese culture is totally different. Don't be an absolute moron.

Professors write books about the research that they've done which is peer reviewed. That's how it works. They do research, it gets peer-reviewed, then they write a book about it. The book helps people understand it better. You really are a moron. You don't know how anything Works do you


>Higher education
>far more intelligent
>Provide more money to welfare than they take
>Less religious
>far more capable of empathy
>Nearly 100% of professors, scholars, teachers and university graduates
>very few imbecilic trivial prejudices
>elect smart people
>nowhere near as many criminals

Amidoinit right?

>the way the right thinks
These days it's EXTREMELY apparent that they don't.

you seem a bit angry - hard to live detached in a white dominant society, i understand you.

i made a quick search in the literature dbs - the guy is a fucking psychologist. it isn't even science yet you call me a moron... hahaha!

This is correct. This is because they operate on two moral channels ( fairness,
pain ) instead of five moral channels like conservatives.

Dumbass IQ tests were historically designed to intentionally bolster white supremacy and colonialism by ignoring culture differences. SCIENCE says that too.

This has been the historic narrative based on religious beliefs. But the left has far outdone the religious science denial with SJW science denial. Twin studies show that homosexuality is a learned behavior, this is denied. Transgenderism is a mental disorder, that is denied. Obviously IQ, but also the link between criminality, aggression, behavior and genetics is denied.

"Blacks" haha nice try

... yeah... 99% of criminals in jail are definitely conservative...


Wow, these retards will literally deny the existence of science.

you're doinitwrong

reminder that every person in this thread doesn't consider themselves as a social justice warrior

... okie dokie brainwashed fucktard


Why even bother to reply with that retarded shit? Do you really think childish insults make you look good? You are literally making my point that you are dumb as fuck.

Let me explain how stupid Liberals are...

They're totally okay to admit every part of your body, every part of your body, including medical conditions passed down, but for some reason they think the brain is off-limits to genetics...

What kind of superstitious bullshit is that?

The human brain is like the rest of the body, it develops based on the genetic code that it's given at conception. The end

>SJWs worse than Religiontards at denying science

Ehhhhh.....NO. Not even fucking close. We have literally been stunted in our progression as a society due entirely to the religious right subhumans.

>stem cell research
>cancer treatments using embryonic cellular tissue
>cloning has been halted
>toxic chemicals that destroy ecosystems approved
>who cares about global warming cuz we's gonna be RAPTURED soon when da JEEBUZ comes back!
>LGBTQA rights stonewalled (no pun intended)
>schools being meddled with and textbooks changed to have FALSE DATA
>forcing religion on absolutely everyone they can

SJWs are annoying, sure, but not a single one can hold a candle to ANY christfaggot clergyman.

>elect smart people
>AOC "12 years till the world ends"
>far more intelligent
>made this retarded list

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divisive mentality implies lower iq.

There's more brainwashed bullshit. Good job loser.

If the modern right was capable of thinking, they wouldn't be the modern right.

If you're intelligent by ANY capacity, then seeing Trump and his criminal cronies saying the dumbest fucking lies and speaking like third grade idiots would mortify you to your very core. You would be so fucking embarrassed by his mere existence that you would bow out in shame and excuse yourselves from debate. As you have not, I can only conclude you support that retarded jackass and the tens of felonies he's committed plus the despicable way that your entire party is breaking the law and desecrating the legal system to hide him from prosecution.

So, no. FUCK YOU ALL. You aren't capable of human-level thought.

Actually no doesn't. Asperger's is a very well understood condition in which divisiveness is common, but they're highly intelligent.

"Trump is a criminal" More superstition. Good job.

>LGBTQA rights stonewalled
Boo fucking hoo, your mental illness can't be recognized as not one

smart aspies are those who can classify, in contrast to divide. and... that the aspies are intelligent is a myth... these distinction border on hallucinations


They are so mentally ill that Q stands for queer. And the current definition of queer means, umbrella term for all forms of the community. They are so mentally ill, they could just use queer instead of the giant acronym.

>ATM machine

Myth? Are you retarded? Autism at work is a real program in the tech industry trying to recruit people on the spectrum. They are highly intelligent and very proficient workers who can't speak up for themselves either. It's definitely not a mess and there's nearly 10 years of corporate research to back this up.

This is imbecilic.

Homosexuality and role switching is apparent and occurs in nature throughout phylum Chordata and various others. Usually it has to do with population/habitat resource management and social structure formation.

These days, there is quite a bit of evidence that heavy pollution and chemicals contribute to some aspects of sexuality/attraction and development as well.

Besides, you, like nearly all conservatives, have the obvious failing that is the symbol of your people circa 1978~present: you can't just FUCK OFF when it comes to people's PRIVATE matters.

We know that males that live as and dress as females are "outside the common norms". We realize using that magical empathy we have that it doesn't affect us, so we basically just shrug and default to a stance of "he's not hurting anybody and he's free to do what he wants. I'm not all hot and bothered by it" and then I go about my day. I REALLY wish the Right could learn to do that as well one of these days.

>I can't comprehend basic human rights cuz i thinks gays is icky

Kill yourself you worthless retard.

We are talking about IQ you fucking retard

Something occuring in nature does not mean it doesn't come without a reason or that it's natural, stop playing that bullshit.
>buhhhh nature means natural
No, deformities and oddities occur in nature too
You stupid nigger i'm bisexual and i think the concept of LGBBQWTF rights is retarded, off yourself with a tire iron in your throat.

"Autism at work" means equally intelligent at most. they avg perhaps only slightly lower than the global avg, but have many outliers, most notably on the higher end of the scale.

Then, just as I said, you are a RETARD who can't think for himself. Nice to know. Here is a list I compiled of all the crimes Trump has committed that are "open and shut", meaning he committed them in broad daylight and the evidence is public.

1) Direct violation of Emoluments requirements of the presidency. [Title of Nobility Clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution]

2) Felony Witness intimidation of a civilian - Sally Yates just hours prior to her Senate hearing. [18 U.S. Code § 1512]

3) Potential retaliation against a whistleblower - Same. [Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989]

4) Blackmailing a private citizen - Tweeted threat to Comey after he was fired. [18 U.S. Code § 873]

5) Felony Witness intimidation - Tweeted threat to Comey. [18 U.S. Code § 1512]

6) Obstruction of justice - Asking for loyalty pledge (multiple times). [18 U.S. Code §1503]

7) Conspiracy to commit Obstruction of Justice - multiply by the number of people who have ACCEPTED the alleged Trump loyalty pledge. [18 U.S Code §1503]

8) Obstruction of Justice - Lying about there being no Russia investigation. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

9) Obstruction of Justice/Conspiracy - Trump asking Sessions and Rosenstein (deputy AG) to create and give him the document he later cited as his principle reason for firing Comey. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

10) Obstruction of Justice - Firing James Comey while he was actively investigating Trump Russia ties. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

11) Encouraging ESPN to fire contributor who criticized him. [18 U.S. Code § 227]

12) Encouraging the NFL to fire players for exercising their twice-affirmed First Amendment right to protest. [18 U.S. Code § 227]

13) Insider Trading - Tipping off Icahn about plans for US steel [FEC rule 10b5-1]

14) Sending his personal lawyer to a classified meeting about the Russia probe [EO 12968, 18 U.S. Code § 1924]

(1 of 3)

15) Obstruction of Justice - Appointing Matt Whitaker Attorney General after giving no qualifications other than a Fox interview boasting how he would try to internally cripple the Mueller investigation. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

16) Obstruction of Justice/Conspiracy - Asked Whitaker to try to put a Trump appointed judge in front line for trial judge of the Cohen investigation in the Southern district of New York. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

17) Obstruction of Justice/Subornation of Perjury - Instructed Cohen to lie to Congress specifically to downplay his plans for Moscow-based building projects. [18 U.S. Code §1503, 18 § U.S. Code 1622]

18) Knowingly falsifying weather broadcast data [18 U.S. Code § 2074]

19) Encouraging NBC to fire Debra Messing for criticizing him [18 U.S. Code § 227]

20) Inciting insurrection against the authority of the United States calling for and vicariously supporting the notion of a civil war (18 U.S. Code§ 2383) — By the way, this one bars the offender from ever holding office in the US again.

21) Asking foreign countries to assist with meddling in the US election [U.S.Code, 18 USC §371, U.S. Code 52§30121]

22) Felony Witness intimidation - Tweeted threat/rant to Ambassador Marie Yovanovich. We recently learned that this was expanded on and he was threatening her life (Parnas testimony corroborating what was already know) [18 U.S. Code § 1512] With a possible [18 U.S. Code §1117]: conspiracy to commit murder.

23) Obstruction of Justice – Tweeting lies and attacks “in real time” during impeachment hearing [18 U.S. Code §1503]

24) Profiting off the presidency – using official White House social media account to advertise son’s book [Title of Nobility Clause, Article I of the US Constitution]

25) Commercial use of the Seal of the President of the United States on for-profit merchandise in his hotels, golf courses and website. [18 U.S. Code § 713]

(2 of 3)

Trans people have the same rights as everyone else. STFU

26) Appointing relatives of officials to the same agency – Ivanka, Jared Kushner and Barr’s son [18 U.S. Code § 3110]

27) Repeated attempts to destroy/remove from records of the Office of the Presidency by throwing away written statements from meetings and conferences. (They actually had to appoint pages to go around and collect his crumpled up writings from trash cans and floors despite the fact he’s been told not to throw them away REPEATEDLY). [44 U.S.C. §§ 2201~2209]

28) Using the US Classified Information Act to classify information for no reason other than that it would be damaging/embarrassing to his reputation. At NO TIME may information be classified for any reason other than in the interest of National Security. [403 U.S. Code § 713]

29) Bribery - trying to withhold aid to Ukraine if they don't engage in quid pro quo to "investigate" his political opposition. Confirmed and corroborated by multiple witnesses and his own noted reminder. [18 U.S.C. § 201]

30) Obstruction of Justice - Lying and multiple attempts to cover up his bribery (#29) and blocking 12 witness testimonies in regards to his criminal activity for the same. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

(3 of 3)

>climate change denier
>implies I'M the retard


No, you were clueless as hell. These are engineer's. Autism@work it's about engineers, they're not average intelligence. They are much higher than average. You are an idiot

Once again you are demonstrating your retarded tribal logic where you work backwards from you position of attacking the right and invent "reasons" for your attack. While religious dogmas have historically stifled science it is obviously the left which is causing more hard today than the right.

Stem cell research was never stopped. What was stopped was public funding of private research on embryonic stem cell lines. Researchers preferred to test on them instead of adult stem cells because they simply imagined that it would result in more discoveries because the embryonic cells had more potential. It turns out that the embryonic cells always turn into cancer because they are so determined to turn into a baby and it is too damn hard to stop that. So all that research was a waste of time and money and thanks to the "religious nuts" the money that was wasted was private and not everyone's tax dollars.

So there would never be cancer treatment from embryonic cells because they cause cancer. It is not even a logical advancement to expect from that kind of research. This is some brainwashed bullshit you are vomiting. Testing on adult stem cells would much sooner lead to an understanding of cancer than testing on embryonic cells.

EPA approvals have fuck all to do with religion.

Global warming has fuck all to do with religion. This is another brainwashed lefist fucking argument. No one is denying science here. The left is not arguing science when they make wild alarmist claims about global warming. You have been wrong with every single prediction ever and only libtards are stupid enough to keep falling for the bullshit.

Faggots should be killed according to science. The problem is faggots have taken control of the social sciences and have started rewriting the books to their own favor. It is a mental disorder and the nut bags are claiming they are not nut bags. And only libtards are stupid enough to be tricked.

The left is in control of schools.

Attached: Climatechange2020.jpg (566x960, 89K)

You believe the world's going to end in 12 years because of CO2?

>basically a technician with a degree

your ignorance is insulting.

The threat to the world by Global Warming IS worse than that of terrorism.

Even the military knows that. Most military conflicts are about controlling resources and resources become scarcer as global warming destroys them. Storms and the damage they cause get exponentially worse the warmer the water is.

That's a cute list, but we have something called due process.

So, unfortunately, in this country, you are not a criminal until you go through due process and then be convicted by a panel of your own peers.

I'm aware everything you posted, and you're clearly a nut job. Those were not anywhere near crimes in your interpretation and the fact that you're collecting a list is pathetic.

No, it isn't going to "end", and no one believes that. There are key levels of co2 and other greenhouse gases (PPM) that equate to levels of severity and when one is reached, the ones prior have a danger of becoming permanent damage. In other words, let it get too bad without fixing shit and it WILL have a permanent effect on the planet and people.

So take your lame-ass hyperbole and shove it.

Oh, and for the record, you literally retared fake president says to "use mops and buckets on the floods, rake the forests and blow up the hurricanes with WMDs".

Trumps criminality is a fart in the wind compared to Clinton's. So if that is your metric you should have voted for Trump. The fact is the left is giving hormone blockers to preteens. This is the most heinous fucking humanity has ever done. Far worse than raping kids, Far worse than torture. The cure for preteen transgenderism is puberty as the vast majority of kids who go through puberty normally grow out of their confusion. The left is fucking with the kids head, then destroying their bodies. I don't give a fuck what Trump does because he has never ever done anything as absolutely fucking disgusting as that. It is you who should be mortified by how fucking nasty the left is.

I think that speaks for itself though. Look at what happened when Mbeki click-click kicked all the white farmers out

inb4 he goes
>but her emails!
yes her emails, she commited a crime, and had nasty shit on those emails, speaking like a gibbering retard does not excuse that.

Kys now, You're useless

Oh, so you subhumans actually suddenly know that Due Process exists when it comes to a criminal enemy pile of shit like Trump but forget about it when it comes to ICE illegally and often criminally attacking and deporting people, some of whom are citizens? And how's about that whole child concentration camp thing?

Nothing wrong with deporting somebody who shouldn't have been here in the first place
speaking of which, those who get rejected from sanctuary here in the US are getting sent to guatamala under a new trump law

Sorry, I, unlike you, have value to this planet. I won't deprive it of an intelligent person knowing that fucking MORONS like you are multiplying like rabbits all over the damn place. It wouldn't be fair.

Me: How many liberals does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Friend: I don’t know, how many?

Me: well apparently it’s not 30, because my basement is still dark.

Trump is the worst liar and biggest criminal and traitor in US political history.

Yeah. You are dismissed.

Actually, I didn't make up the twelve-year claim so check yourself moron.

And no, you could pump three times more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and it will have a negligible effect on the temperature. We know this because the effects of carbon dioxide are logarithmic, meaning the more you pump in the weaker it gets.

Did you know the carbon dioxide feeds plants, that's right, it feeds plants and they get bigger and greener

if you want people to stop breeding tell the blacks and the indians to tone it the fuck down, they're the ones with the largest breeding pools

>You came to the right place OP

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Is England in a deep Siberian freeze? Which cities have fallen beneath the seas?

>You came to the right place OP

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>You came to the right place OP

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That's because Republicans are vile worthless enemy scum to be wiped out of our government once and for all.

Due process is granted to, citizens. How dumb are you

I'd like to see you try against my nano

Liberals only hate this law because they’re all homosexual pedos

>someone was actually salty and stupid enough to make this.

It's time for population control.

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It was not one crime. I'll spell it out for you even though I doubt you have the capacity to understand. She corrupted every office she worked in. People in the state department were literally destroying evidence pertinent to the investigation during the investigation. That is how brazenly corrupt they were. Then the FBI gave them immunity for it. Not only did they decline to prosecute them for these crimes, which were easily proven, but they made it so no one could ever prosecute them for it in the future. With that Clinton demonstrated just how fucking corrupt she is. She has everyone at the highest places in our government sucking her dick. There has never been anyone who has ever demonstrated more corruption that that lady.

Meanwhile the deep state controlled media has been on a 24/7/365 smear campaign against Trump since he became a candidate.

Anyone who isn't a retard can see who is more corrupt.

Conservatives tend to ignore fake science and any alleged "science" that may consist of leftists taking data far out of context or twisting it to say "science" says something that it does not.
Who exactly is this "Science" person, anyway? Scientists quite often have different opinions from each other on many subjects.

Shut up Mohammad

>There "are" only two genders

Not sure why you're implying i'm a retard when i'm on your side.


Did you mean grammar?

I've fucked with lots of crazy in my life, but never chop my dick off and dress like a faggot crazy.

Hard pass on that, thanks

Precisely. Here let me help out the Liberals with "climate science."

Water vapor is overlaps nearly all of the same wavelengths as carbon dioxide regarding the greenhouse affect. That's important because that means moisture in the air is far larger contributor than CO2. CO2 affects are negligible.

Not only that, warming from carbon dioxide is a logarithmic, and not direct correlation. In other words, you'd have to increase more, and more carbon dioxide to get the same effect per degree. You get that, the effect of carbon dioxide gets weaker as you put in... so much more has to be put in.

Additonally, anthropogenicforcing is not a valid measurement, it is the conclusion that it's a valid measurement. It's a hypothesis, a guess, in which we have no idea if it's true until the extrapolated dates pass by.

The great irony of the greenhouse effect, we literally build greenhouses so that plants can thrive. Weird concept huh? We literally build greenhouses to make things, greener... this is a good thing.

It's almost like every school kid forgot about prehistoric ages.. like you... when the Earth was *significantly* warmer, and plants and animals were huge. What a weird phenomenon huh?

Or how everybody forgets climate, is dictated by the degree of tilt our Earth has... that's right kiddo, we have Seasons because the Earth has a tilt. And that tilt wobbles, like an unsteady top... so in another 30000 years, this whole planet is going to get really really cold, no matter how warm you think we can make it with CO2...

Go back to school kiddos, you need a refresher

Shut up tranny

He's not talking to you, duh


Obsessed Moron. Acute case of TDS

Yeah, because race is the only determining factor in those experiments. How dumb do you have to be to not understand how short sighted this meme is?

This looks more like an education map rather than an IQ map. You mean here, where we have free public schools, people test better than where there is no free education. Wow who'da thunk it?

Great what does that have to do with anything he said?

Are you really that dumb? Reread fucktard

Lol there are IQ differences in the US... pause and reflect on that champ

You and the climate models that are off by 30% are both retarded.

Transgenders Deserve Death!!!!!!


Cry. Fucking. Harder.

>Hillary witch-hunt:

Investigations: 8
Cost: hundreds of millions
Indictments: 0
convictions: 0
prison sentences: 0
Hours testified: 11
Subpoenas blocked: 0
Status: closed.

>Trump criminal investigation:

Investigations: 2
cost: tens of millions but over 45 million regained in seized assets
indictments: 76 (and counting)
convictions: 55 (and counting)
prison sentences: 15 (and counting)
hours testified: 0
subpoenas blocked: 71
Status: Just getting started

"Hoax" and "Witch-hunt" my fucking ASS. this motherfucker is a CRIMINAL trashheap.

>implying the us as a whole has the same education level and oppurtunities


homophobic retarded bigots first.

i dare you to try

Not him, but...

Attached: 1465866403448.jpg (1080x1920, 838K)

Liberal science is just science.

It's the conservatard "science' that is hilariously fake bullshit.

IQ tests are notoriously unreliable and anti-scientific

If it's bait, fair. But how does Trump getting accused and getting trials prove anything? If I investigated someone innocent 50 times, it doesn't change the fact he's innocent.

Sure, if you base him off as being criminal, he'll be a criminal in your eyes. But, all that has happened so far is tons of convictions with barely anything getting through.

>implying opportunities = IQ


I would like to see you try

Liberal science needs consensus...

Actual science needs results.


you need to dilate and chill, you look ridiculous

Remember, being accused IS guilty in the eyes of the liberal.

Drop the psychosis.

EVERYONE around him goes to prison.
He ILLEGALLY BLOCKS SUBPOENAS. That's not even a thing. and for the record, NO ONE, repeat, NO ONE stops a witness from testifying if they are innocent. NOT. ONE. PERSON.

Trump is a criminal. Nothing but a big, fat, stupid, worthless treasonous CRIMINAL.

You would make a bad lawyer.

no need to imply, it is straightforward

That's funny; because you look desperate as fuck.

Trump will get reelected, so no, we don't

It sounds like you are quoting some quasi-science social justice study that just asked people's opinions on race and IQ.

This guy wouldn't though, and he's SPOT ON.

He even has the code citations. Love how everyone ITT is just pretending this doesn't completely ANNIHILATE them.

Okay. Mind sharing when he did those kinds of stuff, and why he hasn't gotten kicked off yet based on the accusations given?

Attached: RCyX0U.gif (320x180, 611K)

Trump is being ERADICATED and put in prison.

> actually thinks opportunities = IQ

... because we all know the smartest people in the world had the best opportunities....

Wrong. The smartest people in the world, turn out to be average people who happened to be really smart.

And their art robes of people that have enormous opportunities and they turn out to be really stupid.

No matter how many opportunities you give a retard, they are still retarded.

Samefag. Stfu

Obviously you've never been given an official IQ test. They revolve around logic, reasoning, and deduction. It has nothing to do with education or opportunity.

okay, when?
you realize if he's corrupt then he can just bribe people/weasel his way out of being put in prison right?

That's easy enough: the Republican traitors are hiding him from prosecution and proper procedure. They are all in full dereliction of duty and are clearly criminals themselves.

Moscow Mitch McConnell and Leningrad Lindsey Graham are kompromat-ized as fuck and they're stuck defending the enemy Trump until we finish them all off.

You are conflating fluid and crystalized intelligence. Both can be tested, and the fluid IQ test does not require knowledge. Keep pretending if it makes you feel better, but the races of this world have different IQ averages and distribution.

for a few things he will. But the BIG SHIT is bribery proof. RICO laws will put him away for life alone.

Boring. Is this Cred Forums or MSNBC?

>Liberals being liberals

You mean USA liberals being USA liberals.

Quit projecting your country's fuckups on the rest of us.

Sounds like you scored poorly on a test and you are still bitter about it. Stupidity is a curse that one cannot self
diagnose, so let me help you...the test was right and you are at or below average IQ.

Nothing is bribery proof user, you are a fool if you think there's any true justice in this world.

Quit being so beta.

You can spout that they're criminals, but what is it based off of?
It's strange that (from your post, of course if you provide me with more info, I'll change my mind), that Mitch McConnel and Lindsey Graham are the only ones defending? Do they help Trump not get criminally prosecuted? Provide more info on your arguments, please.

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i'm talking about normal people of varied ethnicities, not retards.
it is a logic drilled and emphasized into the adolescent western brain through training and brainwashing. and guess what? the environment of the test is crucial to success.

im confirmed as iq=130, but im actually a litte >210

Attached: 1577533850589.jpg (500x500, 93K)

Oh? 130? What's your Standard Deviation then?


If retards exists then we KNOW it's not opportunity based.

Hmm... "western brain"

Have you forgotten about the Asians and Jews user?

Even the prominent social scientist Jonathan Haidt has criticised liberals as “IQ deniers”, who reject the truth of inherited IQ difference between groups due to nature.... and he's a liberal

There, there. At least you tried. Not well, but you tried.

Wrong. You're a liar. STFU simpleton

I've already pointed it out, but he's just too stupid to realize the point.

Lol, conservative retard's first meme isnt science at all but statistics that prove that education is poor quality for other races, yet proved himself to be inferior in education.

Good job, OP, for proving, one again, conservatives are morons and thats why they are stuck as heartless incels who are jealous of liberals and other races.

Attached: FB_IMG_1578343345909.jpg (658x960, 56K)

theres a cutoff. you are either a retard or you arent, m8

again, these

>x comes from a group that is against y. x supports y. therefore x is correct
failed logic in action

kek, the lowest was ~125, the highest 132, so yea i lied

>m confirmed as iq=130, but im actually a litte >210

> >


the point w/euro-jews and asians is thet they conform to the western standards. have already discussed it above.

Is math related to science? Deeerrrrrp

He actually tried, but no one, including the JCoS would listen to a word the retard said.

it was meant to be taken lightheartedly. you were smart enough to realize it but only partly

And yet despite all that they still lost to a literal meme.

No more on, it's not failed logic to point out that genetics has a significant influence on IQ. We know this because retards exist. They are genetically stupid. Just like you

>literal straw man

> Hurr derrr genetic can determine every organ but the brain

No they don't. Like I said, my family emigrated from China. It's extremely different culture.

I'm not sure if you realize this, but you're basically indirectly stating that African culture is inferior, by claiming that, when compared to western/jewish/asian culture they are basically failing at training basic levels of logic/reasoning/deduction. Slippery slope there bud, pretty soon you'll be a white supremacist.

It's BS anyway, they administer the test to gorillas. Some have outperformed subsaharan African countries' averages. Explain that with your tinfoil theory of it being cultural and not genetic.

Cool you refuted none of their core statement:
>science does not say intelligence is objectively measurable or that IQ exists

Even the prominent social scientist Jonathan Haidt has criticised liberals as “IQ deniers”, who reject the truth of inherited IQ difference between groups... and he's a liberal and a scientist

Logic, reasoning, and deduction are not "western standards," they are universal standards. I'm convinced you're an idiot.

You pointed to the wrong person.

Genetics is clearly connected to IQ.

Insufficient data points, the sub-sample sizes are grossly under representing the majority of the groups. Stop posting straight up propaganda you confirmation bias slut.

Wow, you are so beyond retarded it's funny.

The 1% never work a day in their lives. They inherit all their money and they pay people to play the market for them and stash away their money in overseas havens.

Now, what you're referring to DOES happen at the lower echelons but the ones who do so are generally part of the same brackets. Money management skills has nothing to do with overall income earned you simpleton.'

Oh and PROTIP: anyone who uses "99%" in their uncited argument is a fucking liar.

>refutes nothing while claiming nothing was refuted.

Well done. You're a retard.

Oops, sorry

there be a little more to that debate than your OP pic related implies

is the difference in IQ due to genetics, or social conditions?

You mean like, liberals? We are the 99%? I guess you're another retard. Welcome to the thread

where did i say that?

you are mixing too many ideas and false theories. first define a retard, retard

>pretty soon you'll be a white supremacist.
he has already cited Richard Lynn as a source of influence

if only iq tests were testing logic per se; it is encoded logic, like these letters you see instead of bits of 0 and 1. the iq test does not examine you basic logical thinking. in part it cannot because unbiased measurements are currently only experimental.

Both, of course... genetics, and nourishment. People have this weird idea that IQ can be increased through better opportunities.

We know this is not true, unless it's through nourishment. If the brain can develop properly then it should reach its potential, just as any other organ in the body that is properly nourished.

You clearly said that opportunities determine IQ. You're a moron and an obvious retard

That is completely different and you know it...unless you're a retard, anyway.

it greatly influences iq. whats your point?

>thinks IQ is based on opportunities
>doesn't realize highest IQ people come from ordinary opportunities
>won't accept that stupid people are just stupid no matter how much you "leave no child behind."
> lied about IQ, got called out for it by someone who's clearly smarter.

BS they use shapes and pictures

Genetics greatly influence IQ, not opportunity

* idiocracy is real folks.* retards in this thread

Correct. He's referencing criticism from over a hundred years ago

libtard spotted


didnt lie, sd is ~3, had to check these numbers are meaningless, dumber

review ages old twin studies. even w/o dna analysis it is clear

...and the genetics studies again only reflect how biased this test is. you realise the logical falacy here or am i the only one sober?

so the races are different. I love it when libtards disprove their own arguments

You're the only one retarded. First of all, you think standard deviation is meaningless and an IQ test? You're clearly an absolute idiot. Stop talking because you're an ignorant fuck.

You might have a standard deviation of 3, but that's only because you're closer to the average of 100. There's no way you would have a standard deviation at 130. You clearly don't know what you're talkin about. You are a average intelligence at best, and it's very clear by your responses.

> says genetics prove iq test is biased
> thinks that's logical

Different but not any reason to TREAT them differently. That's the part you fucking morons who don't have empathy never comprehend.

YES there are clear physiological differences between the races. Everyone knows that. Skin color, shape of facial features, colors of eyes, physique, in some regards, etc. Everyone can see those things.

iq test is meaningless, yea. you assume so much shit i wonder if u r programmed

do you imply that iq test is accurate to the point??? hahaha!

they reflect you shithead, reflect !=prove

first, lrn2english semantics is more crucial for you than logic at this point

Yes, along with everyone clearly being able to see niggers nigging out, whether in their natural habitat, or in western countries.
> don't treat them differently
Great advice, if you're retarded.

>mental gymnastics

You bigots don't wanna fuck this?

Attached: 1579213563398.jpg (1458x2592, 423K)

>statistics says hence why
oceans are smart

As comforting as it sounds to use my race as a source of pride based on cutting edge 1800s science, I think I'll just be honest and thank my well-off parents who kicked my ass for not getting A's. It's nice to be in a spot where I don't need to recycle memes to feel superior.

libtard owns itself again

The irony is you claim a logic when you think opportunity = IQ.

IQ is incredibly accurate, which is why you get a standard deviation with a properly given test. That's how it works.

You obviously have no understanding about the very thing you're criticizing. Arguing semantics, or arguing logic is absolutely irrelevant when you don't even understand the topic you're arguing about.

if what i say sound unrelated to you you are obvsly a stupid puppet on insult mode. my line of defense is clear and its logic is sound.

watch the liberal own itself time and time again

IQ of 100, I'm sure.

> admits to seeing themselves as superior

user, you're just a hop and skip away from being a nazi

KYS Faggot

> I so smart. I lied about my IQ. I is a brain.
More gymnastics.

Interesting takeaway from my nurture over nature comment.

We are not all the same race. We are all in the same family of homosapien-but the differences than can objectively be measured are what our races are. Just like a pit bull and a dachshund are both canines, both dogs, they are 2 different breeds-or races. Same as humans.

reminder this board is only good for porn, everything else is disinformation

Typical liberal

>The irony is you claim a logic when you think opportunity = IQ.

again, bitch:

oppurtunity *influences* iq
iq tests' results *reflect* genetic bias and vice versa - the cutural (in your words, genetical) difference reflects iq

can you prove i lied? would you like proves that i didn't?

No no no. What you've been saying is clearly mental gymnastics, but it's ok because you're not very smart.

> I didnt have the opportunity user
Hahaha no son, you didn't have the genetic predisposition towards expressing a higher intellect. Now go back, plebbit beckons you.

Nice sample, bro

I think you're right


"I'm a member of the superior race" Sound logic.

"I think it's all about upbringing" OMG ELITIST!

> admits lie
> demands proof of lie
> claims superior logic

Yep, you're an 85er

Wow, just, wow....

Hey idc what you blame your "superiority" on. I'm just happy to point out the fact that you see yourself that way.

the fact that you categorize my style, rather than content, as mental gymnastic or whatever rather by logic, only flaunts this word like the retard you are is of little value to our discussion.


Now that we've backpedaled past me being a Nazi, I'm fine leaving it here.

> doesn't realize style is content
> claims intellectual superiority

One of my uncles was a founder of one of the biggest defense contractors in the US. He and his wife/kids are 1%ers and look down on the rest of our family-even though both of their sons are basically failures multiple times over-always trying to start a new business, and just failing within a year or 2.
One of my great uncles invented a helicopter design used by the US military for a few years back in the 40s and 50s, until they eventually got bought out by Boeing in the 70s. Other side of the family than my uncle. Never really knew him either, just my grandmas brother.

I hope you are not serious with this?

style is content? then my style is waaay beyond your mental capacity, puppet.

>muh genologhy

This would exclude oil and minerals? Basically anything that is buried and therefore not affected.
So name a conflict for resource grabbig

Of course they're serious. Liberals are extremists that would kill us all to get their socialist utopia.

Why can't the left take a joke? Lmao

> I'm superior bc race
> I'm superior bc class
> I'm superior bc
> I'm superior
> superior
honestly I love it when lefties accidentally admit that they see themselves this way, in fact if you watch for the window to open, they often will indirectly admit that they see niggers as inferior to white ppl.

Take for instance the voter id shit. They said it was racist because niggers can't figure don't have licenses, transportation, or access to pertinent information. These are all things easily accessible to everyone in America. Right then and there they accidentally admitted that they think niggers are so inferior that these simple resources would be unattainable to them.

> still doesn't realize style is content
> still claims intellectual superiority

Because it's unfair when they're losing


Well no, the idea is not to make it impossible. It's just another hoop to jump through that will result in fewer people doing it.

Why not have a test for owning a gun like we do for driving? Surely you badasses will pass it easily. Oh right, because even if it's easy, it's a hoop to jump through to exercise your rights.

I analyze and make observations. Two of the observations I've determined are that you are an idiot, and that you are doing mental gymnastics in order to defend your repeatedly refuted argument. Now, back to plebbit, you don't belong here.

im of the few who tend to see style at its higher purity as related to content, but it is pseudo science for the retard to claim that a)it is common for it to coincide b)you can even have a sense of style/logic judging by your posts

the only analysis you do is anal... one that you can shove. and this is what you do - shove your observation without any *deep* logical basis, only superficial, like your damn culture

You're assuming that niggers don't have licences, modes of transportation, and access to the internet because you see them as inferior citizens. You want to blame that on me so that you're not the bad guy, but you are.

That's absolutely retarded. Blacks get driver's licenses... they can bring it to the voting booth.


> conflates style and logic
> still claims intellectual superiority

Your English is unintelligible. Your style is garbage, much like your brain.

*sigh* Yes, I realize that most people have IDs. I happen to care about people in unusual situations. If the number of confirmed cases of voter fraud in this century ever approaches .001 percent of the vote, maybe we can justify giving them that extra hoop. In the same way that maybe more accidental shootings might justify a test for gun ownership.

This is obviously and provably false.

Do you believe the shit you're spewing?

style is indeed ingrained in logic, as everything is. see logical semantics. form and matter do relate deeply. but you woudnt grasp, thus i said "in its highest purity", and argued vs it occuring in daily life.

you retreat to ad hominem, as usual.
like a bot. a servant. did you read this? the only words you need. and some commands from your master. im beyond you, 8 m8.

Well that was a stretch, do you often envision straight white males analyzing anuses?

last I checked, it was YOU retards who bring up civil war and genocide whenever you lose an argument.

>get raped in debate by liberal

This is some ESL right here... what's your first language?

Let me get ahead of this one. There should be a couple more zeroes in that .001 marker. The point was that it's an arbitrarily small number right now.

Your word salad needs ranch.

That doesn't make sense. Holy shit. You think it's harder to vote than it is to get a gun... you're a fucking retard. You need a test for a car because you use it in public every fucking day.

Are you brain dead?

im not a racist and wouldn't deduce from one person about his group

not english

your brain needs an add on.

> writes garbage
> claims intellectual superiority

There's already a lot going on in that department. Can't get handgun without background check. Can't get CCP without taking class. Can't get fully automatic without difficult to obtain license. Cant have any guns with felony record. Cant open carry in many states, which in turn would force you to obtain CCP in turn requiring background check. I'm all for gun safety and tests though.

Gulags says what?